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Drinfeld Vladimir: more detail | ||||||
41. Agenda Organizers vladimir drinfeld University Chicago. Robert Langlands -Institute for Advanced Study. Peter Sarnak - IAS/Princeton University. http://www.math.ias.edu/automorph01agenda.html |
42. University Of Chicago Time Schedules -- Summer 2001 -- Mathematics CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. 350, 599, 07, READING/RESEARCH MATHEMATICS,100, drinfeld, vladimir, ARR, ARR, ARR, ARR, CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR.350, 599, http://registrar.uchicago.edu/timeschedules/summer2001/math.html | |
43. University Of Chicago Time Schedules -- Spring 2001 -- Mathematics M, E, 206, GRAD STATUS OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR. drinfeld, vladimir,05300750 PM, TH, E, 206, 350, 480, 01, TOPOLOGY OF VARIETIES, 100,NORI http://registrar.uchicago.edu/timeschedules/spring2001/math.html | |
44. Math Department Welcomes Team Of Stellar Recruits hired four new faculty members last year Sasha Beilinson, Nikolai Nadirashvili, RidgwayScott and 1990 Fields Medalist vladimir drinfeld, who arrived on campus http://physical-sciences.uchicago.edu/research/1999/recruits.html | |
45. Mathematics - Faculty Research Summaries vladimir drinfeld, Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor,Department of Mathematics and the College; vladimir drinfeld. http://physical-sciences.uchicago.edu/research/2002/mathematics_summaries.html | |
46. Addition Of Fields Medalist To Faculty Completes Historic Recruiting Year For Ma hired three new, worldrenowned faculty members at the beginning of the fall 1998quarter, and a fourth1990 Fields Medalist vladimir Drinfeldhas just http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/99/990112.drinfeld.shtml | |
47. Fields Medals 2002 For his demonstration, which he completed in 2000, Laurent Lafforgue built on thework of Ukrainian mathematician vladimir drinfeld (1990 Fields Medalist). http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/en/pres/compress/FieldsLafforgue.htm | |
48. IRMA Strasbourg Translate this page Christian Kassel, vladimir Turaev, (fichier Postscript compressé, 217 Ko) Chord ofan infinitesimal symmetric category and the drinfeld-Cartier integration http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/irma/publications/1995/resum1995.shtml | |
49. Séminaire Quantique 1999-2000 Translate this page Jeudi 7 octobre 1999 vladimir Turaev, Théorie homotopique des champs en dimension ducentre d'une algèbre enveloppante quantifiée de drinfeld et Jimbo. http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/~kassel/SemGQ9900.html | |
50. Letter From President Sonnenschein -- July 15, 1999 the list of new faculty is too long to explore in full, two recent additions John Brewer (Department of English) and vladimir drinfeld (Department of http://www.uchicago.edu/docs/education/sonnen-lett-990715.html | |
51. Fields Medal - Wikipedia Christophe Yoccoz; 1990 (Kyoto, Japan) vladimir drinfeld, Vaughan FrederickRandal Jones, Shigefumi Mori, Edward Witten; 1986 (Berkeley http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fields_Medal | |
52. List Of Mathematicians - Wikipedia Germany, 1805 1859) Simon Donaldson (Britain, 1957 - ) Adrien Douady (France,1935 - ) Jesse Douglas (USA, 1897 - 1965) vladimir drinfeld (Ukraine, 1954 http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians | |
53. Springer Press Releases - Company News His proof of the global Langlands' conjecture is a significant generalization ofresults for which vladimir G. drinfeld was honoured with the Fields Medal in http://www.springer.de/press/companynews/fieldsmedal.html | |
54. Springer Pressemitteilungen - Unternehmensnachrichten Translate this page Sein Beweis der globalen Langlands-Vermutung ist eine bedeutsame Verallgemeinerungvon Resultaten, für die vladimir G. drinfeld 1990 in Kyoto ebenfalls die http://www.springer.de/press-de/companynews/fields.html | |
55. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen Margulis, Gregori 1982 Connes, Alain 1982 Thurston, William 1986 Donaldson, Simon1986 Faltings, Gerd 1986 Freedman, Michael 1990 drinfeld, vladimir 1990 Jones http://w1.371.telia.com/~u37103753/Scientists/ | |
56. EuroIsrael2002 drinfeld, vladimir, Ph.D. University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics,USA. Droker, Barbara, Editor, University of Washington, Pathology, USA. http://euroisrael.huji.ac.il/htbin/euro/signs.cgi/3051/ | |
57. Medalo Fields - Vikipedio FALTINGS, Michael FREEDMAN; 1990 (Kioto, Japanio) vladimir drinfeld,Vaughan FR JONES, Shigefumi Mori, Edward WITTEN; 1994 (Zuriko http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medalo_Fields | |
58. Le Monde Interactif : Recherche Translate this page Avant lui, l'Ukrainien vladimir drinfeld (médaille Fields en 1990) avait effectué,à 20 ans, le même travail pour la valeur n = 2. Laurent Lafforgue étend http://www.lemonde.fr/article/0,5987,3244--287825-,00.html | |
59. 2002 Fields Medals And Nevanlinna Prize Awarded Article about the award of the Fields Medals to Laurent Lafforgue and vladimir Voevodsky, and the Category Science Math Reference Prizes...... Lafforgue proved the global Langlands correspondence for function fields, buildingon the work of vladimir drinfeld (also a Fields medalist, in 1990). http://www.maa.org/news/fields02.html | |
60. Mathematics Apropos, vladimir Gershonovich drinfeld is the unique Filds Prize laureatein Ukraine. This reward for mathematicians is analogous of Nobel Prize. http://kharkov.vbelous.net/english/mathemat.htm | |
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