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         Dirac Paul:     more books (64)
  1. The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom by Graham Farmelo, 2009-08-25
  2. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics by Paul A. M. Dirac, 2001-03-22
  3. Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work by Abraham Pais, Maurice Jacob, et all 2005-09-08
  4. From a Life of Physics by Dirac P. A. M., W. Heisenberg, et all 1989-05-01
  5. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics: Fourth edition by Paul A. M. Dirac, 1962-01-01
  6. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac: Reminiscences about a Great Physicist
  7. Tributes to Paul Dirac,
  8. Quantum Space and Time - The Quest Continues: Studies and Essays in Honour of Louis de Broglie, Paul Dirac and Eugene Wigner (Cambridge Monographs on Physics)
  9. Spinors in Hilbert Space by Paul Dirac, 1974-12-01
  10. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics Fourth Edition [ 4th Edition ] by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, 1958
  11. Mathématicien Britannique: Andrew Wiles, Paul Dirac, Alan Turing, John Maynard Keynes, Oliver Heaviside, Roger Penrose, George Boole (French Edition)
  12. University of Miami Faculty: Paul Dirac, Jaco Pastorius, Georgios Papanikolaou, Cesare Emiliani, Jaime Correa, Donna Shalala, Colin Mcginn
  13. Physicien Britannique: Paul Dirac, Ernest Rutherford, John William Strutt Rayleigh, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Robert Hooke (French Edition)
  14. British People of Swiss Descent: Paul Dirac, Alfred Jules Ayer, Peter Mark Roget, Sir John Brunner, 1st Baronet, George Prévost

1. Paul A. M. Dirac - Biography
Paul Dirac 1902 a 1984 kvantová elektrodynamika Úvod
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on 8th August, 1902, at Bristol, England, his father being Swiss and his mother English. He was educated at the Merchant Venturer's Secondary School, Bristol, then went on to Bristol University . Here, he studied electrical engineering, obtaining the B.Sc. (Engineering) degree in 1921. He then studied mathematics for two years at Bristol University, later going on to St.John's College, Cambridge , as a research student in mathematics. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1926. The following year he became a Fellow of St.John's College and, in 1932, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge.
Dirac's work has been concerned with the mathematical and theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics. He began work on the new quantum mechanics as soon as it was introduced by Heisenberg in 1928 - independently producing a mathematical equivalent which consisted essentially of a noncommutative algebra for calculating atomic properties - and wrote a series of papers on the subject, published mainly in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, leading up to his relativistic

2. Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. Born Paul Dirac's father was Charles AdrienLadislas Dirac and his mother was Florence Hannah Holten. Charles
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Born: 8 Aug 1902 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Died: 20 Oct 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA
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Paul Dirac 's father was Charles Adrien Ladislas Dirac and his mother was Florence Hannah Holten. Charles Dirac was a Swiss citizen born in Monthey, Valais while his mother came from Cornwall in England. Charles had been educated at the University of Geneva, then came to England in around 1888 and taught French in Bristol. There he met Florence, whose father had moved to Bristol as Master Mariner on a Bristol ship, when she was working in the library there. Charles and Florence married in 1899 and they moved into a house in Bishopston, Bristol which they named Monthey after the town of Charles's birth. By this time Charles was teaching French at the secondary school attached to the Merchant Venturers Technical College in Bristol. Paul was one of three children, his older brother being Reginald Charles Felix Dirac and his younger sister being Beatrice Isabelle Marguerite Walla Dirac. Paul had a very strict family upbringing. His father insisted that only French be spoken at the dinner table and, as a result, Paul was the only one to eat with his father in the dining room. Paul's father was so strict with his sons that both were alienated and Paul was brought up in a somewhat unhappy home.

3. WIEM: Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice
dirac paul Adrien Maurice (19021993), wybitny angielski fizyk-teoretyk, wspótwórca mechaniki kwantowej, w szczególnoci jej ujcia dla napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Fizyka, Wielka Brytania
Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1993), wybitny angielski fizyk-teoretyk, wspó³twórca mechaniki kwantowej , w szczególno¶ci jej ujêcia dla elektronów równanie Diraca ), przewidzia³ istnienie pozytonu i wniós³ istotny wk³ad w rozwój elektrodynamiki kwantowej By³ profesorem uniwersytetów w Cambridge i Oksford i cz³onkiem Royal Society. W 1933 otrzyma³ (wraz z  E. Schrödingerem Nagrodê Nobla za rozwiniêcie mechaniki kwantowej. Zobacz równie¿ Antymateria Powi±zania Nobla Nagrody, 1931-1935 Fizyka Spin Monopol magnetyczny ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

4. WIEM: Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia D......dirac paul Adrien Maurice (19021993), wybitny angielski fizyk-teoretyk, wspóltwórcamechaniki kwantowej, w szczególnosci jej ujecia dla napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Fizyka, Wielka Brytania
Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1993), wybitny angielski fizyk-teoretyk, wspó³twórca mechaniki kwantowej , w szczególno¶ci jej ujêcia dla elektronów równanie Diraca ), przewidzia³ istnienie pozytonu i wniós³ istotny wk³ad w rozwój elektrodynamiki kwantowej By³ profesorem uniwersytetów w Cambridge i Oksford i cz³onkiem Royal Society. W 1933 otrzyma³ (wraz z  E. Schrödingerem Nagrodê Nobla za rozwiniêcie mechaniki kwantowej. Zobacz równie¿ Antymateria Powi±zania Nobla Nagrody, 1931-1935 Fizyka Spin Monopol magnetyczny ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

5. DIRAC Paul Adrien Maurice
Last updated 25.05.2001 143007. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac byl britskyteoreticky fyzik, zijici v letech 1902 1984. Je nositelem
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:30:07
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac byl britský teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1902 - 1984. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny (1933) spolu s E. Schrödinger em za vypracování obecných základù kvantové mechaniky. Jeho jménem bylo oznaèeno nìkolik odborných pojmù. Za jeho nejvìtší objev vypracovaný teoretickou cestou se považuje pøedpovìï antièástice. Pøedpovìï potvrdil v roce 1932 americký fyzik Carl David Anderson objevem pozitronu v kosmickém záøení. Obdržel za to spolu s rakouským fyzikem Victorem Francissem Hessem (1883 - 1964) v roce 1936 Nobelovu cenu Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

6. DIRAC Paul Adrien Maurice
Last updated 25.05.2001 143007. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac byl britskýteoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1902 1984. Je nositelem
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:30:07
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac byl britský teoretický fyzik, žijící v letech 1902 - 1984. Je nositelem Nobelovy ceny (1933) spolu s E. Schrödinger em za vypracování obecných základù kvantové mechaniky. Jeho jménem bylo oznaèeno nìkolik odborných pojmù. Za jeho nejvìtší objev vypracovaný teoretickou cestou se považuje pøedpovìï antièástice. Pøedpovìï potvrdil v roce 1932 americký fyzik Carl David Anderson objevem pozitronu v kosmickém záøení. Obdržel za to spolu s rakouským fyzikem Victorem Francissem Hessem (1883 - 1964) v roce 1936 Nobelovu cenu Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

7. Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Dirac. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (August 8 1902 October 201984) physicist and a founder of the field of quantum physics.
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Paul Dirac
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac August 8 October 20 ) was a physicist and a founder of the field of quantum physics He was born in Bristol Gloucestershire England In 1926 he developed a version of quantum mechanics, which included “Matrix Mechanics” and “Wave Mechanics” as special cases. In 1928, building on Pauli's work on nonrelativistic spin systems, he derived the Dirac equation , a relativistic equation describing the electron. This allowed Dirac to predict the existence of the positron , the electron's anti-particle; the positron was subsequently observed by Anderson in 1932. Dirac explained the origin of quantum spin as a relativistic phenomenon.

8. AWVerlag  -  Services  -  References  -  D
dirac paul Adrien Maurice, The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorptionof Radiation , Proceedings of the London Royal Society A 114 (1927) 243265;
Back D
  • Dameron David, "Flux Leakage Tests for the Marinov Motor", Apeiron Das Gupta A. K., "Unipolar Maschines. Association of the Magnetic Field with the Field-Producing Magnet", American Journal of Physics Daw Harold A., „Coriolis lecture demonstration", American Journal of Physics /11 (November 1987) 1010-1014 Derbin A.V., S.V. Bakhlanov, A.I. Egorov, V.N. Muratova, "Comment on the paper ‘Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic processes’", Physics-Uspekhi Dickson L. E., „On Quaternions and their Generalization and the History of the Eight Square Theorem", Annals of Mathematics nd Series Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice, "The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorption of Radiation", Proceedings of the London Royal Society A Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice, "A Theory of Electrons and Protons", Proceedings of the London Royal Society A Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice, "Quantised Singularities in the Electromagnetic Field", Proceedings of the London Royal Society A Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice, "Classical theory of radiating electrons"
  • 9. P.A.M. Dirac
    Paul Dirac Relativistic Quantum Theory. Paul Dirac, a British mathematician,also developed a quantum theory in 1925, which were
    Paul Dirac
    Relativistic Quantum Theory
    Paul Dirac, a British mathematician, also developed a quantum theory in 1925, which were also based upon Hamilton's classical mechanics ideas. It was ultimately transformed into a very versatile system of quantum mechanics, but it was not as immediately obvious as was . So it suffered a similar fate to Heisenberg's Matrix Mechanics Lorentz -invariant and obeyed the requirements of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics provided explanations for the concept of spin and predicted the existence of positrons Author: Dan Thomas email:
    Last Updated: Friday, July 5, 1996

    10. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac. Paul Dirac (19021984), an English physicist, produced useful equationsto explain the mysterious magnetic and spin qualities of the electron.
    Paul Dirac
    The English physicist
    who predicted the existence
    of the "anti-particle"
    Paul Dirac (1902-1984), an English physicist, produced useful equations to explain the mysterious magnetic and "spin" qualities of the electron. Dirac's contribution to physics was honored with a Nobel Prize in 1933.
    Dirac rose to world fame with his prediction
    that the positron existed
    Dirac studied electrical engineering and mathematics at Bristol University, then moved to Cambridge University in 1923 to study projective geometry, which took him to such hallowed halls in the field of theoretical physics as the Copenhagen Research Laboratory and Gettingen University. There he met such renowned quantum physicist as Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.
    Dirac became at teacher at Cambridge in 1927. While there, he produced an equation that combined the theories of quantum mechanics and special relativity and allowed him to successfully forecast the existence of the positron, or an electron that contains a positive charge.
    Dirac produced numerous equations
    that helped in the development of quantum mechanics
    By 1933, the existence of the positron had been confirmed and Dirac was awarded a Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1939 he was awarded with a Royal Medal. He was also presented with the Oppenheimer Award in 1969. Two years later, he moved to Florida State University in the United States. Dirac contributed numerous, vital equations to the field of quantum mechanics. His studies in special relativity, quantum mechanics and wave mechanics and combinations of various theories make him one of the most prominent physicists of the 20th Century.

    11. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac. The English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, b. Aug.8, 1902, d. Oct. 22, 1984, made significant contributions to
    Paul Dirac
    The English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, b. Aug. 8, 1902, d. Oct. 22, 1984, made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics. In September 1925 he read an account of a lecture on quantum mechanics by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, and quickly devised a number of new mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics that have since proved to be of great importance. In his first publication, in November 1925, Dirac elaborated a method for deriving the equation of motion from quantum mechanics, and a few months later he clearly defined a number of concepts that were to play a major role in the field. Dirac was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge from 1932 to 1969 and professor of physics at Florida State University, from 1971 until his death. In 1933 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics with Erwin Schrodinger.

    12. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac's influence on the background to EMR through his exposition ofquantum mechanics pervades all modern texts. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac.
    Paul Dirac's influence on the background to EMR through his exposition of quantum mechanics pervades all modern texts. By using a relativistic treatment for the wave equation he demonstrated the need for a fourth quantum number, spin, m s Nobel Prize for Physics, "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". The Nobel prize was for his work in quantum mechanics, his seminal book, "The Principles of Quantum Mechanics" was first published in May 1930, and it is still in print! Paul Dirac started his schooling at a Bishopston primary school, just a mile from where this web site is being written! Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac History Explanatory Theory ... Spectrometers

    13. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac. 1902 až 1984. kvantová elektrodynamika. Úvod.
    Paul Dirac 1902 až 1984 kvantová elektrodynamika Úvod

    14. Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Version imprimable. Identification Aide. Autres langues English Español. Paul Dirac. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
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    Autres langues: English Español
    Paul Dirac
    Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac est né le 8 août à Bristol (Gloucestershire, Angleterre ), et est décédé le 20 octobre à Tallahassee, en Floride Il est l'un des pères de la mécanique quantique En 1928, il déduit du travail de Pauli sur un système de spins non-relativiste une équation relativiste décrivant l' électron , et contenant en soi le spin. Cela permet à Dirac de prédire l'existence d'une particule appelée positron , l' anti-particule d'électron. Il faudra attendre 1932 pour qu' Anderson observe enfin cette particule. Dans Principles of Quantum Mechanics , publié en 1930, il utilise l'algèbre des opérateurs linéaires comme une généralisation des théories d' Heisenberg et de . Il introduit ainsi la notation Bra-Ket espace dual correspondant.

    15. Biographical Information For Paul A. M. Dirac
    Paul AM Dirac Professor Dirac's pioneer work in the quantum mechanicsof the atom won him the Nobel prize in 1933 at the age of 31.
    Paul A. M. Dirac Professor Dirac's pioneer work in the quantum mechanics of the atom won him the Nobel prize in 1933 at the age of 31. A giant in his field, Dirac has continued to make major contributions in many areas of modern theoretical physics. He is best known for the famous "Dirac equation," with which he reconciled Schroedinger's earlier quantum theory and Einstein's theory of relativity. With his quantum theory of the electron, Dirac replaced Schroedinger's wave equation with more general equations. As the equations are solved, various properties of the electron, such as its spin and magnetic moment, appear. The properties of the solutions to the equations mystified scientists for some time, until Dirac suggested that negative energy states might correspond to the existence of a positive electron or "anti-electron." The subsequent discovery of such anti-electrons and other anti-particles has led to current speculations that there may exist whole worlds of anti- matter in our universe yet to be discovered. Thus Dirac's work is one of the essential foundations of later developments in particle physics. A native of Bristol, England, Dirac received his Ph.D. at Cambridge in 1926. At the age of 30 he was appointed to Cambridge's most prestigious chair, the Lucasian Professorship, which was formerly held by Sir Isaac Newton. He has received countless honors from nations throughout the world. To name a few, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society and was awarded the Society's Royal Medal in 1939. He won the Copley Medal in 1952, was elected to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1961 and in 1973 the Queen of England bestowed upon him the Order of Merit, a special distinction for eminent men and women. He is also a member of the national academies in the U.S., U.S.S.R., and Hungary.

    16. University Of Cambridge Newsletter: December 1995 - Paul Dirac Commemorated
    Paul Dirac Commemorated. A plaque to commemorate Paul Dirac was unveiledin Westminster Abbey in November. This is the first equation
    University Newsletter December 1995 issues University Newsletter University Offices
    Paul Dirac Commemorated
    A plaque to commemorate Paul Dirac was unveiled in Westminster Abbey in November. This is the first equation to appear in the Abbey and celebrates Dirac's achievements as one of the founding fathers of quantum physics. The plaque was made in Cambridge by David Kindersley's Workshop. Photo: David Kindersley's Workshop.
    Information provided by Press and Information Office, 1995

    17. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac Aspects of his life and work. Mr. Maulik Patel. PaulAdrien Maurice Dirac was born on august 8 , 1902 as one of the

    18. Editions Jacques Gabay - Paul A.M. DIRAC
    Translate this page Paul AM DIRAC. Paul AM DIRAC. 1902 - 1984. Au catalogue des EditionsJacques Gabay DIRAC Les principes de la Mécanique quantique Paul A.M.

    19. Paul Dirac
    Paul Dirac. Paul Dirac dog den 21 oktober år 1984 och har numera ett minnesmonumenti Westminister Abbey, London. Tillbaka till Kosmologikas hemsida.
    Födelseland: England Födelseår: 1902 Död år: 1984 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac föddes den 8 augusti år 1902 i England av en schweizisk far och en engelsk mor och skulle komma att bli en av 1900-talets största teoretiska fysiker . Han var mycket blyg och enligt Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar var han den näst intill perfekta människan; endast hans ovetskap om detta gjorde honom operfekt.
    Dirac studerade elektroteknik vid universitetet i Bristol och matematik i Cambridge . Snart upptäcktes hans enastående talanger som teoretisk fysiker. År 1926 kombinerade han Max Borns , Pascal Jordans och Werner Heisenbergs matrismekanik med Erwin Schrödingers vågmekanik till en enda kvantmekanisk teori . År 1928 tog han fram den relativistiska formen av teorin (en viktig bekräftelse av den speciella relativitetsteorin) genom att beskriva elektronens egenskaper och kunde därmed förklara begreppet elektronspinn, något som Schrödingers vågmekanik hade misslyckats med (Uhlenbeck och Gouldsmit hade upptäckt elektronspinnet år 1925). Ur den relativistiska teorin så slog han år 1930 fast att lösningar existerar där elektronen har negativ energi existerar. Denna partikel kallade han för positronen och antimaterien var upptäckt (Carl Anderson bekräftade positronens existens experimentellt år 1932). I och med publicerandet av det numera klassiska verket

    20. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. (8. srpna 1902 – 20. ríjna 1984). Nobelovu Anglickýfyzik Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac se narodil roku 1902. Studoval
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (8. srpna 1902 – 20. øíjna 1984) Nobelovu cenu získal v roce 1933 spoleènì s E. Schrödingerem za zavedení vlnových rovnic v kvantové mechanice. Anglický fyzik Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac se narodil roku 1902. Studoval elektrotechniku na univerzitì v Bristolu a od roku 1923 matematiku na univerzitì v Cambridgi, kde v roce 1926 získal doktorát. Pøednášel na rùzných svìtových univerzitách. Dirac byl jedním z tvùrcù kvantové mechaniky, kvantové elektrodynamiky a kvantové teorie pole. Po roce 1925, kdy Heisenberg pøišel se svou kvantovou mechanikou, publikoval Dirac celou øadu èlánkù a studií, které se týkaly aplikace Heisenbergovy teorie. Vypracoval základy kvantové teorie záøení a metodu druhého kvantování, která pomohla rozvoji kvantové elektrodynamiky. Dirac vybudoval zákony nové kvantové statistiky, které popisují chování volných elektronù v kovech a které pomohly vysvìtlit fakt, že volné elektrony nepøispívají k mìrnému teplu kovu. Roku 1928 Dirac sjednotil relativistickou teorii pohybu elektronu a kvantovou mechaniku, èímž vytvoøil základy nové teorie o elektronech, a jeho matematické závìry se staly základem pøedstav o magnetickém momentu a spinu elektronu. Nejvìtší Diracùv objev byl vypracován ryze teoretickou cestou a Dirac v nìm pøedpovìdìl existenci nové èástice s hmotností elektronu, ale s kladným nábojem (její existenci experimentálnì potvrdil Anderson v roce 1932 objevem pozitronu v kosmickém záøení).

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