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61. Euthydemus PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE SOCRATES, who is the narrator; CRITO; CLEINIAS; EUTHYDEMUS;dionysodorus; CTESIPPUS. dionysodorus, who was the elder, spoke first. http://www.meta-religion.com/Philosophy/Biography/Plato/euthydemus.htm | |
62. Plinius Translate this page hic videtur instituisse, ut omnes musicae artis hac quoque ostenlatione censerentur,veluti dionysodorus, aequalis eius et aemulus, ut sic quoque non par http://clphx.btk.ppke.hu/~gabli/plinius.html |
63. Euthydemus Euthydemus. 380 BC translated by Benjamin Jowett PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE SOCRATES,who is the narrator; CRITO; CLEINIAS; EUTHYDEMUS; dionysodorus; CTESIPPUS. http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/p/p71/euthydemus.html | |
64. The San Antonio LitWeb Demosthenes Page Against Aristogiton 2 On Line Against Boeotus I On Line Against Callicles On LineAgainst Callippus On Line Against Conon On Line Against dionysodorus On Line http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/demosthe.htm | |
65. Euthydemus PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE SOCRATES, who is the narrator; CRITO; CLEINIAS;EUTHYDEMUS; dionysodorus; CTESIPPUS. SCENE The Lyceum. http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Txt/Cl/Plato/Dial/Euthydemus.htm | |
66. Plato - Dialogues Critias, Hermocrates, Timaeus, Socrates; Crito Socrates, Crito; Eythydemus - SOCRATES,who is the narrator; CRITO; CLEINIAS; EUTHYDEMUS; dionysodorus; CTESIPPUS http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Txt/Cl/Plato/Dial/Default.htm | |
67. Plutarch Texts: Life Of Aratus Who praise their father but the generous sons? But dionysodorus the Troezenianproves him to be wrong, and restores the true reading, which is this, . http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_text_plutarch_aratus.htm | |
68. 130 (240 BC 180 BC) Diocles, (1236-1312) Tibbon, (1473-1543) Copernicus.(250 BC - 190 BC) dionysodorus, (1238-1298) Yang, (1474-1559) Tunstall. http://www.sanalhoca.com/matematik/matematikci1.htm | |
69. Anciens D Translate this page Cf. TLG, p. 138, dionysodorus Chius, soph.. - Frère d'Euthydème.Voir DPhAII, s. v. Dionysodoros de Chios, et III, s. v. Euthydème de Chios, http://www.aph.cnrs.fr/RSPA/Anciens/Anciens_D.html | |
70. Untitled of Athenian Society in the Fourth Century BC A Historical Introduction to and Commentaryon the ParagrapheSpeeches and the Speech Against dionysodorus in the http://www.hist.uib.no/antikk/inst/dkodense.htm | |
71. History Of Astronomy: Persons (D) Hist. Math.). dionysodorus (c. 250 BC c. 190 BC) Short biographyand references (MacTutor Hist. Math.). Diophantus of Alexandria http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_d.html | |
72. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 04.02.09 as a man, whose namesake was slain by Achilles in the Trojan War (p. 66); a Thebancaptured at Damaskos by Parmenion, was called dionysodorus ('the gift of http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1993/04.02.09.html | |
73. DPhA M dionysodorus (FMS-). 13, MAERCIANUS, - MARCIANUS. 14, MAGES, 15, MAGNES, http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Instruments_travail/Dict_philosophes/DPhA_M.html | |
74. DPhA S dionysodorus (FL. MAEC.). 34, SECUNDUS (P. OCTAVIUS -), 35, SECUNDUS LE TACITURNE, http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Instruments_travail/Dict_philosophes/DPhA_S.html | |
75. Demosthenes At The Mad Cybrarian's Library Perseus); Against Conon (HTML at Perseus); Against Callicles (HTML atPerseus); Against dionysodorus (HTML at Perseus); Against Eubulides http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/demosthenes.htm | |
76. PHI/CLS 231-01: History Of Ancient Philosophy, W. J. Cummins 30305. Anonymous Iamblichi, pp. 306-11. Pseudo-Demosthenes, pp. 311-12. Euthydemusand dionysodorus, pp. 278-84. Double Arguments, pp. 287-98. Tu 10/1. Socrates http://web.grinnell.edu/courses/phi/f02/phi231-01/ | |
77. Prehistory Of Formal Logic, By Marek J. Minakowski (Jowett). What do you mean, dionysodorus? I said. Is not the honourable honourableand the base base? That, he said, is as I please. And do you please? http://ancientlogic.republika.pl/216/216_106.html | |
78. Greek And Hellenic Philosophy, Science And Humanities: Shaw's Outline Of Ancient of literature Protagoras Evenus of Paros Polymathic sophistry professed by Hippiasof Elis eristic sophistry Euthydemus and dionysodorus; sophistry of http://www.juyayay.com/outline/greece/culture02.html | |
79. Figures_Greek.html Protagoras; Gorgias; Prodicus; Hippias; Callicles; Thrasymachus; Antipho;Critias; Euthydemus et dionysodorus; Socrates; Plato; Aristoteles; http://home.riise.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~akyah59/Figures_Greek.html | |
80. Digital Projects dionysodorus is not unjust, but arranged that the guards with you keep guardand give heed that it may not happen to us to be View 200 dpi. http://www.cwru.edu/UL/SpecColl/Papyrus/Hibeh147.html | |
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