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1. WIEM: Coulomb Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin de (17361806), fizyk francuski, oficer wojsk inynieryjnych, czonek Akademii Nauk. Badacz zjawisk magnetycznych http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/doc/dd2dea4d78ec034c052563aa0004f7d8 | |
2. Information On Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin de coulomb charles Augustin de Coulomb est lune des personnalités les plus importantes et marquantes de lhistoire des sciences et des techniques. http://www.wkonline.com/d/Charles_Augustin_de_Coulomb.html | |
3. Charles Auguste De Coulomb Charles Auguste de Coulomb. 1736 a 1806. elektrostatika. Vedouse stala nauka o elektrine teprve stanovením Coulombova zákona http://www.edunet.cz/fyzikove/Coulomb.html | |
4. Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb. (1736 1806) Charles Augustin de Coulbwas born in France, to a family with wealth and social postion http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/tan/lite/sci/tyler.html | |
5. Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736 1806). Back to Philosophers and Scientists.1736 Born 14 June at Angouleme, France Son of a government inspector. http://www2.umist.ac.uk/construction/intranet/teaching/ue365/lectures/ph_coulomb | |
6. Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb. (17361806). Charles Augustin Coulomb'sfather was Henry Coulomb and his mother was Catherine Bajet. http://www.thiel.edu/digitalelectronics/people/Coulomb/Charles de Coulomb.htm | |
7. Charles August De Coulomb Charles August de Coulomb. Charles August de Coulomb pochádzal zo zámonej francúzskejrodiny. Narodil sa 14. júna 1736 v Angouleme v junom Francúzsku. http://www.gymsnina.sk/minieduweb/fyza/zivotopisy/coulomb.htm |
8. Charles Augustin De Coulomb Charles Augustin De Coulomb. By Cody McDonald. Charles Augustin De Coulombwas born into a noble family in Angouleme on June 14, 1736. http://www.vf.k12.mo.us/atom/coloumb.htm | |
9. Coulomb, Charles coulomb, charles Augustin, * 1736 in Angoulême, + 1806 in Paris. Ab 1760 besuchte er die École du Génie in Mézières. Von da rührte seine lebenslange Freundschaft mit charles Borda. http://www.tu-bs.de/institute/geophysik/geschichte/coulomb.html | |
10. Coulomb charles Augustin de coulomb. Born 14 charles Augustin coulomb's fatherwas Henry coulomb and his mother was Catherine Bajet. Both his http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Coulomb.html | |
11. Coulomb Very brief biography of the scientist from this mathematics resource describes his work in math as well as his research into electricity. charles Augustin de coulomb. Born 14 June 1736 in Angoulême, France http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Coulomb.html | |
12. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries BIOGRAPHY coulomb, charles Augustin de coulomb, charles Augustin de (17361806),French physicist, pioneer in electrical theory, born in Angouleme. http://library.thinkquest.org/10170/voca/coulombb.htm | |
13. Coulomb, Charles (1736-1806) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra Brief biography describes coulomb's work with electricity and magnetism as well as coulomb's law of the inverse square of electricity. http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/Coulomb.html | |
14. Coulomb Language English, French charles Augustin de coulomb Born 14 June 1736 in Angoulême, France Died 23 Aug 1806 in Paris, France So it was with the French physicist charles de coulomb. During his youth an argument with his mother and the financial http://indykfi.atomki.hu/indyKFI/MT/0coulomb.htm |
15. Coulomb, Charles-Augustin De Translate this page coulomb, charles-Augustin de (1736-1806). Physicien français, néà Angoulême en 1736, mort à Paris en 1806. Il entra dans le http://www.bibliotheque.polytechnique.fr/patrimoine/collectionhomme/BioCoulomb.h | |
16. La Collection Scientifique De LEcole Polytechnique Translate this page Ferdinand (1824-1894) Chaulnes, Michel Ferdinand (duc de ) (1712-1777) Cornu, MarieAlfred (1841-1902) coulomb, charles-Augustin de (1736-1806) Curie, Pierre http://www.bibliotheque.polytechnique.fr/patrimoine/collectionhomme/Hommes.html | |
17. Adventures In CyberSound: Coulomb, Charles Augustin (de) ADVENTURES in CYBERSOUND. charles Augustin de coulomb 1736 1806. TheFrench physicist charles Augustin de coulomb, (b. June 14, 1736, d. Aug. http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/COULOMB_BIO.html | |
18. Charles Augustin De Coulomb Translate this page coulomb (charles Augustin de)». Axis L'encyclopédie Multimédia Hachette CD-ROM.Le Livre de Paris - Hachette, 1993. «coulomb, charles Augustin de». http://mendeleiev.cyberscol.qc.ca/chimisterie/2001-2002/brulottemm.html | |
19. Coulomb, Charles Augustin De. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Edition. 2001. coulomb, charles Augustin de. (k ´l m, k l m´, Fr. shärlgüst N´ d k lôN´) (KEY) , 17361806, French physicist. http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/Coulomb.html | |
20. Coulomb, Charles Augustin De. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English coulomb, charles Augustin de. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. coulomb, charles Augustin de. SYLLABICATION Cou·lomb. http://www.bartleby.com/61/20/C0682000.html | |
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