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         Dase Zacharias:     more detail
  1. Tafel Der Natürlichen Logarithmen Der Zahlen: In Der Form Und Ausdehnung Wie D.D. Gewöhnlichen Oder Brig'schen Logarithmen Berechnet (German Edition) by Zacharias Dase, 2010-04-08

21. Precomputer History Of Pi
In 1844, Johann dase (aka, zacharias Dahse), a calculating prodigy (or idiotsavant ) hired by the Hamburg Academy of Sciences on Gauss's recommendation
The Precomputer History of
That the ratio of circumference to diameter is the same (and roughly equal to 3) for all circles has been accepted as "fact" for centuries; at least 4000 years, as far as I can determine. (But knowing why this is true, as well as knowing the exact value of this ratio, is another story.) The "easy" history of concerns the ongoing story of our attempts to improve upon our estimates of . This page offers a brief survey of a few of the more famous early approximations to The value of given in the Rhynd Papyrus (c. 2000 BC) is Various Babylonian and Egyptian writings suggest that each of the values were used (in different circumstances, of course). The Bible (c. 950 BC, 1 Kings 7:23) and the Talmud both (implicitly) give the value simply as 3. Archimedes of Syracuse (240 BC), using a 96-sided polygon and his method of exhaustion, showed that and so his error was no more than The important feature of Archimedes' accomplishment is not that he was able to give such an accurate estimate, but rather that his methods could be used to obtain any number of digits of . In fact

22. Ludolfina
Johann zacharias dase i LK Strasznicky, 1844, 200 cyfr po przecinku, suma trzechskladników typu arc tg, dase potrafil w pamieci mnozyc liczby 100cyfrowe.
L niewymierna i przestêpna
Autor Czas i miejsce Metoda, komentarz Babiloñczycy i inne ludy staro¿ytne warto¶æ najpowszechniej stosowana w staro¿ytno¶ci do celów praktycznych (ocena obwodu lub pola ko³a, np. w Biblii: 1 Król. 7:23) Egipcjanie pocz. II tys. p.n.e. przybli¿enie otrzymane przy próbie oceny pola ko³a przez pole o¶miok±ta foremnego Archimedes Syrakuzy, III w. p.n.e. metoda wprowadzona przez Archimedesa i zastosowana do 96-k±ta foremnego Ptolemeusz Aleksandria, ok. 150 n.e. wynik otrzymany po rozwa¿eniu 360-k±ta (metoda nieco inna ni¿ Archimedesa) ró¿ni autorzy ¶redniowieczni ocena powszechnie przyjmowana w nauce przez ponad 1000 lat (np. Czung Hing ok. 250 n.e., Brahmagupta, ok. 640, Al-Chwarizmi, ok. 800) Liu Hui Chiny, III w. n.e. metoda Archimedesa dla 3072-k±ta Ariabhata Indie, ok. 500 n.e. metoda Archimedesa
Zu Chongzi Chiny, 430-501 Fibonacci W³ochy, ok. 1220 pierwszy warto¶ciowy wynik otrzymany w Europie, zaokr±glenie wyniku dla 96-k±ta D¿emszid al-Kaszi Samarkanda, 1424 16 cyfr po przecinku ulepszona metoda Archimedesa dla -k±ta, wynik podany jako u³amek dziesiêtny

23. Ìàãèÿ ×ÈÑÅË. Ðîáýð Òîêý. 1960
zacharias dase, born in Germany in 1824, distinguished himself from the majorityof lightning calculators by the fact that he placed his ability at the service
Among calculating prodigies who were otherwise backward or who had very little education, let us recall those who had the greatest renown in the past before examining present-day calculators in greater detail.
The Greek writer Julian mentions a certain Nikomachos, who lived at Gerasa in Palestine in the second century of our era, and who found solutions to difficult problems very rapidly.
Balthasar of Monconys, in an account of his third journey in Italy, records that in 1664 Mathieu le Coq, then aged eight and unable to read or write, had been performing advanced arithmetical operations, such as multiplications with five or six figures and extractions of square and cube roots, for some two years previously.
Thomas Fuller, nicknamed the Virginian Calculator, or the Negro Calculator, was almost totally ignorant. A slave in Virginia in the middle of the eighteenth century, he could neither read nor write and he died at the age of eighty without ever having learned to do so. Scripture records the following story about him in the American Journal of Psychology:
"When Fuller was about seventy years old, two gentlemen of Pennsylvania, William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates, both men worthy of confidence, heard of the calculator and had the curiosity to have him brought before them and put to him the following problems: First, how many seconds are there in a year and a half? Fuller replied in two minutes that there are 47,340,000 seconds. Secondly, how many seconds has a man lived who is aged seventy years, seventeen days and twelve hours? Fuller replied at the end of a minute and a half: 2,210,800,800. One of the gentlemen who examined him had taken the trouble to do the calculation on paper and told Fuller he was wrong and that the number of seconds was less. But Fuller pointed out promptly that this difference in the two results had to do with leap years."

24. Aitcen
factorizing composite numbers. In my brief introductory remarks I mentionedthat zacharias dase compiled factor tables. He would doubtless
Mnemonic Articles Monday November W. R. Howard, President in the Chair THE ART OF MENTAL CALCULATION; WITH DEMONSTRATIONS By Professor A. C. AITKEN, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Hon.F.S.E.
The President extended a hearty welcome to the guests who were present and expressed (he hope that they would have an enjoyable evening.
Professor Aitken, he said, needed little introduction. He was born and educated in New Zealand, but after war-time service with the New Zealand Forces in the 1914-18 War, where he was seriously wounded, he returned to New Zealand and eventually went to Edinburgh in 1923 for post-graduate study in mathematics. In 1925 he was appointed to a lectureship in Statistics and Mathematical Economics in Edinburgh University.
He had written textbooks on algebra and statistical mathematics, was joint author of a textbook on higher algebra, and likewise the author of some seventy memoirs and papers on mathematical subjects.
Notices of the meeting indicated a few of the honours which had been bestowed upon the lecturer, and when he himself visited Edinburgh in May of this year to attend the centenary celebrations of the Society, it was his privilege to hand to Professor Aitken the Diploma of Honorary Fellowship of the Society, which was the greatest honour the Society could bestow. PROFESSOR AITKEN
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers , vol. xv

25. Ancient Pi: Knowers Of The Universe
The concept of pi refers to the constant ratio of the diametercircumference of any circle; irrespective Category Science Math Recreations Specific Numbers Pi...... Nonetheless, in 1844, Johann Martin zacharias dase calculated to 200 decimalplaces, with the first zero appearing at the 32nd decimal place meaning
Science in Ancient Artwork
Extract No.26
Ancient Pi (
Knowers of the Universe
Charles William Johnson
)to hundreds or even thousands of decimal places.
If we realize that the measurement of the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle is entirely theoretical and speculative, then we may also realize that the result shall always represent an approximation. In fact, the very fact that pi is always expressed in terms of an unending fraction (with mathematicians searching it to the n th number of decimal places), should cause us to accept the idea that pi can only be an approximation. (As Lambert illustrated in 1767, " is not a rational number, i.e., it cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers"; Beckmann, p.100.)
Throughout history, the expression of pi has taken on many variations. Petr Beckmann (Cfr., A History of (pi) Golem , 1971), offers an exemplary analysis of the concept throughout history.

26. História Do Pi
Translate this page 66. 2.46 zacharias dase (1844) .66.
História do Pi Aline de Sousa Alves p Pedro Barroso Magalhães Índice Pág. Introdução Evolução Cronológica do Pi Egipto (~2000 a.C.) Babilónia (~2000 a.C.) China (~1200 a.C.) Bíblia (~550 a.C.) Arquimedes (~250 a.C.) Apollonius de Pérgamo (Séc. III a.C. ) Heron de Alexandria (100 a.C.) Ptolomeu (150 a.C.) Liu Hui (263 d.C.) Tsu Ch’ung-chih (~480) Aryabhata (499) Men (575) Brahmagupta (~640) Mahavira (Séc. IX) Al-Khowarizmi (800) Bhaskara (1150) Fibonacci (1220) Ch'in Kiu-shao (Séc. XIII) Albertus da Saxónia (Séc. XIV) Al-Kashi (1429) Viète (1593) Tycho Brahe (1580) Simon Duchesne (1583) Adriaen Anthoniszoon (~1590) Adriaen van Roomen (1593) Ludolph van Ceulen (1610) Snell (1621) Grienberger (1630) William Oughtred (Séc. XVII) John Wallis (1655) Lorde Brouncker (1658) Isaac Newton (1665) James Gregory (1672) Abraham Sharp (1699) William Jones (1706) John Machin (1706) De Lagny (1719) Matsunaga (1720) Arima Raido (1769) Lambert (1770) Conde de Buffon (1777) Leonhard Euler (1779) Legendre (1794) Georg Vega (1789) William Rutherford (1841) Zacharias Dase (1844) Thomas Clausen (1847) William Rutherford (1853) Richter (1855) Gauss William Shanks (1873) Lindemann (1882) Srinivasa Ramanujan (1914) D. F. Fergunson (1946)

27. Le Collectif > Science [Esprit Et Cerveau]
Translate this page erreurs. Pour sa part, en 1861, Johann Martin zacharias dase multipliamentalement deux nombres de vingt chiffres en six minutes. Si
Science express
. Le nombre de connexions possibles dans le cerveau est donc 10
L'homme et l'animal
Division du cerveau
Le cerveau d'Einstein
  • Anatomie et physionomie humaines , Elaine N. Marieb, 1999, 2 e Edgar Morin, Le paradigme perdu , p. 131, Points no 109.
  • Le Collectif Archives Vol. 26, no 13 Accueil Archives Mission Historique ... Calendrier

    28. TaQ's Homepage
    Translate this page Esse era doido Joham Marin zacharias dase, filho de um agricultor analfabeto,que viveu entre 1824 e 1861, na Alemanha, multiplicava mentalmente dois
    sobre mim geek comics music ... links [taq@http/geek]
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    Criando disquetes de boot a partir de um arquivo ... volta ao topo Java Classes "Singleton" - uma instancia de objeto para cada VM Access 97 Quebra-Senha aqui volta ao topo PHP PHPReports - gerador de relatórios de minha autoria volta ao topo DOS / Windows Registro do Windows - problemas com o registro ? volta ao topo Web - falta de competencia ou conchavo com a m$ ? Tutorial básico de XML volta ao topo - Jim Sterne, Makron Books - Kernighan/Pike, Editora Campus Java Examples in a Nutshell - David Flanagan, O'Reilly Usando Linux - Bill Ball, Editora Campus MySQL - Paul DuBois, New Riders volta ao topo Curiosidades
    • Esse era doido : Joham Marin Zacharias Dase , filho de um agricultor analfabeto, que viveu entre 1824 e 1861, na Alemanha, multiplicava mentalmente
    • A palavra algoritmo , e a palavra vem do nome de uma obra sua escrita no ano de 825 d.C., "Kitab al jabr w'al-muqabala"
    volta ao topo Links geek se inscreva no php-especialistas

    29. Virtueller Stadtrundgang In Hamburg - Kulturgeschichte, Naturwissenschaft Und Te
    Daimlertwiete, Ottensen dase, Johann Martin zacharias (1824-1861) - geb.
    Fachbereich 11 - Mathematik
    HVV Tel.: +49 40 42838-2094
    D-20146 Hamburg Fax: +49 40 42838-5260
    Virtueller Stadtrundgang in Hamburg
    Kulturgeschichte Naturwissenschaften
    und Verkehr
    A B C ... Z
      Astronom, Astrophysiker
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      Chemiker (auch chem. Industrie)
      Biologe, Zoologe, Botaniker
      Mediziner, Arzt, Physikus, Apotheker
      Geowissenschaftler, Seismologe, Kartograph, Meteorologe, Polarforscher, Seewarte
      Ingenieur, Techniker, Erfinder, Konstrukteur, Industrieller
    Siehe auch:

    30. Einführung In Die Berechnung Von Pi: Die Geschichte Der Pi-Berechnung
    Translate this page 1706, John Machin, 100, 1719, De Lagny, 127, davon 112 korrekt. 1754-1802,Vega, 140, 1844, zacharias dase, 200, in 3 Monaten. 1853, William Rutherford,400,
    Die Geschichte der pi-Berechnung
    Durch handschriftliche Berechnung
    Datum Urheber Stellenzahl Kommentar 2000 v. Chr. Babylonier 287-212 v. Chr. Archimedes 150 v. Chr. Tsu Ch'ung Fibonacci Ludolph von Coelen mit Methode von Archimedes Abraham Sharp John Machin De Lagny davon 112 korrekt Vega Zacharias Dase in 3 Monaten William Rutherford William Shanks davon 527 korrekt; 92 Jahre blieb dieser Fehler unentdeckt US-Staat Indiana
    Mittels elektronischer Rechenanlagen
    Datum Urheber Stellenzahl Kommentar D. F. Ferguson John von Neumann et al. Machins Formel: G. E. Felton davon 7480 korrekt; auf Ferranti PEGASUS in 33 Stunden auf IBM 704 in 100 Minuten auf IBM 7090 in 9 Stunden Jean Guilloud auf CDC 6600 auf CDC 7600 in 24 Stunden in 30 Stunden William Gosper mit der Reihe von Srinivasa Ramanujan: konvergiert David H. Bailey auf CRAY-2-Supercomputer in 28 Stunden auf NEC SX-2-Supercomputer IBM 3090 HITAC S-820/80 IBM 3090 HITAC S-820/80 selbstgebauter Parallel-Computer (Details unbekannt) HITAC S-3800/480 (2 CPU) neuer selbstgebauter Parallel-Computer (Details unbekannt) Simon Plouffe auf HITAC S-3800/480 in 37 Stunden auf HITAC S-3800/480 (2 CPU) Fabrice Bellard die hexadezimale Stelle: 9Ch

    31. CITATION
    Translate this page effrayante monotonie, le seul nombre proportionnel pi, cette fraction désespéranteque le génie inférieur d'un calculateur nommé zacharias dase avait un
    manuscrit d' persiste sous la rature
    On trouvera sur cette page les citations du mois en 1997 et 1998 et sur cette autre page celles de 1999 et 2000
    Artaud Camus Hegel Kant ... Voltaire

    voir aussi:

    CITATION DU MOIS DE SEPTEMBRE 1997 Henry David Thoreau
    CITATION DU MOIS D'OCTOBRE 1997 Thomas Mann La Montagne magique La citation du mois de novembre 1997 (l'Amour selon Thomas Mann de Jan Patocka.
    Voir aussi cette autre citation
    Citation de juin 1998: Citation du mois de mai 1998: Voltaire Citation de juillet 1998: Charles Morgan, Sparkenbroke , roman platonicien. La Peste Citation de novembre 1998: la "mort" de l'écrivain, selon Thomas Mann dans PHILOSOPHIE, EDUCATION, CULTURE citations 1999-2000 auteurs sur l'absolu Pierre Cohen-Bacrie

    32. Weltrekorde Für Gedächtnis Und Kopfrechnen
    Translate this page Von dem bekannten Kopfrechner Johann Martin zacharias dase (Deutschland, 1824-1861)wurden im Jahre 1861 folgende Leistungen überliefert Multiplikation
    Sie haben Kommentare, Korrekturen oder neue Rekorde? Bitte schreiben an: Merken von Spielkarten ... die meisten Daten aus den Jahren 1600-2100 in einer Minute Links: MemoryXL deutsche und Weltrekorde Links zu interessanten englischsprachigen Seiten finden Sie auf der englischer Version dieser Seite. Wilfried Posin: Alles im Kopf

    Ulrich Vogt: Esels Welt, Mnemotechnik zwischen Simonides und Harry Lorayne
    Rekord registriert von: Guinness Book of Records Ziffern Rekordhalter Jahr Pi-Links:

    Olles' Pi Page
    Hier findet man u.a. den 100er- und den 1000er-Klub, in dem nur Mitglied werden kann, wer die entsprechende Zahl von Stellen von Pi auswendig kennt.
    Pi Memorama Memorize the number pi to 1000 places
    4,200,000,000 decimal digits of Pi
    Pi Links
    umfangreiche Linkseite the Uselessness of Pi
    David Blatner: Pi - Magie einer Zahl
    Jean-Paul Delahaye: Pi - Die Story DETAILS / BESTELLEN Karl Helmut Schmidt: Pi - Geschichte und Algorithmen einer Zah l DETAILS / BESTELLEN Jorg Arndt, Christoph Haenel:

    33. Memory And Mental Calculation World Records
    These results from memory competitions show the possibilities of a trained memory.Category Reference Knowledge Management Memory Improvement...... Johann Martin zacharias dase (Germany, 18241861) multiplied two 20 digit numbersin 6 minutes, two 48 digit numbers in 40 minutes and two 100 digit numbers in
    Memory and Mental Calculation World Records
    Comments? Corrections? New Records? Please contact us at

    34. Dr. Peter Plichta
    Translate this page er sich, dass dem größten Mathematiker der Geschichte, Carl-Friedrich Gauß, inder Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts der junge zacharias dase vorgestellt wurde
    Getestet wurden folgende Browser: Windows-Betriebssystem:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer ab Version 4.01
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    Opera ab Version 5.0 Die Besten Ergebnisse wurden mit dem Microsoft Internet Explorer
    das der Internet-Explorer am kompatibelsten und
    eine Warnung angezeigt. Impressum
    Dr. Peter Plichta Webdesign:
    News Benzin aus Sand Primzahlcode Patente Info / Kontakt Artikel / Berichte Biographie Links Das Buch Artikel Die Bücher Artikel Einstufig ins All Benzin aus Sand Gottes geheime Formel Das Primzahlkreuz 1 Das Primzahlkreuz 2 Das Primzahlkreuz 3 Etwa mit 30 Jahren begann sein Zweifel am herkömmlichen physikalischen Weltbild, was zu weiteren umfangreichen Studien in Philosophie, Geschichte und Mathematik führte. Mit 41 Jahren zog er sich für 6 Jahre in die denkerische Isolation zurück, um dann mit dem Mathematiker Michael Felten (jetzt Dr. habil.) die Struktur und die Verteilung der Primzahlen zu entschlüsseln. Nach weiteren 5 Jahren war der Beweis gelungen, dass die mathematischen Konstanten (Euler-Zahl "e", Kreiszahl

    35. [ S E K O L A H . C O M ]
    Pada tahun 1844, Johann Martin zacharias dase mencongak p (pi) kepada 200 tempatperpuluhan, di mana sifar yang pertama berada pada tempat perpuluhan yang ke

    36. Probleme - π
    Translate this page Stellen als richtig. 1844 kam aber zacharias dase tatsächlich aufeine Genauigkeit von 200 Stellen. Das ließ Rutherford keine
    Startseite Zur Startseite Überblick 600 v. Chr. ... SCHLUSS Die drei klassischen Probleme der Antike
    [ Die Zahl Pi ]
    bzw. Aus und ergaben sich dann die angegebenen Schranken. Durch Archimedes wurde Pi also mit 3,14 auf zwei Dezimalen genau angegeben. Um 480 gelangte der Chinese Tsu Chung-Chih zum Wert als "ungenauen" Wert die Zahl Seiten Pi auf neun Dezimalen genau: -Eck. Kurz darauf, 1630, berechnete Grienberger Pi auf 39 Dezimalen genau. Er verwendete die von Snell verbesserte klassische Methode. im heutigen Sinn in allgemeinen Gebrauch. Dazu drei Beispiele: Wie o dies
    oder: Now I, even I, would celebrate
    In rhymes unapt, the great
    Immortal Syracusan, rivaled nevermore,
    Who in bis wondrous lore,
    Passed on before
    Left men bis guidance
    How to circles mensurate. oder: How I want a drink, alcoholic of course,
    after the heavy lectures involving
    quantum mechanics. habe. Jahre); Nach oben

    37. Berlin Document Center Film Numbers
    1806236 I0142 Böhm, zacharias Böpple, Adam 1806237 I0143 1806331J0091 Dappert, Alma - dase, Waldemar 1806332 J0092
    Dave Obee's Family History Page
    Genealogy Unlimited Interlink Bookshop an e-mail to Dave
    Berlin Document Center Film Numbers
    The release of the Berlin Document Center microfilms has been a tremendous step forward in the research of the German colonies of Volhynia.
    The National Archives films include records of refugees who arrived in Poland from the east during the Second World War. They were anxious to prove their German ancestry, and therefore their right to remain on German soil.
    The paperwork that resulted includes a vast amount of information about the families, including birthdates and places, ancestry, places of residence, and the names of contacts in Germany. There are three basic sets of films covering the refugees. Two are in alphabetical order, and one is numeric, following the numbers assigned when the paperwork was done by the German authorities.
    The films are available through the U.S. National Archives and the Family History Centres.
    Roll List, EWZ E/G Kartei, Microfilm Publication A3342-EWZ57
    National Archives No. ... Names included ... FHL No.

    38. Musterungen 1623: 20. Peitz
    Translate this page Schuster, Bartel Merckisch, Georg Schillingk, Paul Ladisch, Hans Naticius, GregoriusNyprasch, Bartel dase, Merten Hoffmann, zacharias Hoffman, Augustinus Golse
    From: Gerd Schmerse
    20. Peitz document.write("["+document.lastModified+"]")

    39. Küstrin Chroniken 1801 Und 1849
    dase;;Handlungs-Commis;Berlin;Berlin Diewald;Mad.;;Küstrin;Königsberg/Nm. Klosse;zacharias;;Kietz;Königsberg/Nm.
    Verzeichnis der Subscribenten
    From: Gerd Schmerse Seyffert, Johann C.: , [Bibl: NLB Hannover/ZB, Sign: G-A 2120] Kutschbach, K. W.: document.write("["+document.lastModified+"]")

    40. O Número  é Um Número Fascinante Que Tem Atraído Os Matemáticos Ao
    Translate this page _. 11 - Johann Martin zacharias dase, famoso calculador alemãoque era um prodígio em cálculo mental. Sobre ele se diz
    Nos tempos mais remotos enquanto outros ou r quase-paralelogramo de base 2 r como mostra a figura 3. . Daqui vem (problema 5O) donde Desta forma Arquimedes chegou a ou seja
    6 - De cujo nome derivaram as palavras algoritmo e algarismo que hoje usamos. o valor 964/275 = 3,141818. n n 8 - [1] p.78. e Repetindo o processo k vezes viria k Tomando como ponto de partida um quadrado temos n=4 e =45º donde E Lord William Brouncker (1620-1684) a chegaram quase simultaneamente a onde, fazendo x = 1 vem ou seja pelo que donde Apesar de ser isto o que normalmente os livros dizem sobre a forma como Newton calculou Desta forma podemos obter x por Leonard Euler (1707-1783), apresentada em 1706 por John Machin (1680-1751). A segunda foi fornecida por Sitrassnitzky ao famoso calculador Dase que com ela calculou ir em 1844 com 200 decimais em menos de dois meses de trabalho. A terceira foi utilizada por William Shanks (1812-1882) em 1874 para calcular ir com 707 decimais donde mais tarde Laplace (1749-1827) obteve o que permite calcular A era dos computadores 15 - [1] p.l63.

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