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         Dandelin Germinal:     more detail

1. Dandelin
Germinal Pierre Dandelin. Germinal Dandelin's father, who was an administrator,was French but his mother came from Hainaut, now in Belgium.
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Born: 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France
Died: 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium
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Germinal Dandelin 's father, who was an administrator, was French but his mother came from Hainaut, now in Belgium. Dandelin studied at Ghent, then in 1813 he entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. However his career was to be very much influenced by the political events of these turbulent times. In 1813 Dandelin had volunteered to fight the British. In March 1814 the Treaty of Chaumont united Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain in the aim of defeating Napoleon. When the allied armies arrived near Paris on 30 March 1814, Dandelin was in the opposing French army and was wounded on that day. Napoleon abdicated on 6 April, but in the following year he returned for the 100 days. During Napoleon's time back in control of France, Dandelin worked at the Ministry of the Interior under the command of Carnot . After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, Dandelin returned to Belgium. He became a citizen of the Netherlands in 1817.

2. Dandelin
Translate this page dandelin germinal Pierre belge, 1794-1847 D’origine française, polytechnicien,ingénieur. Il s’installa à Liège où il prit la nationalité belge.
DANDELIN Germinal Pierre
belge, 1794-1847
Apollonius paraboles Parabole : Pour en savoir plus :

  • sous la direction de Jacques-Louis LIONS - Ed. Didier, 1980.
    Librairie Hachette, Paris - 1946 - N.B. : l'illustration ci-dessus est extraite de ce livre.
Green Rodrigues

3. Dandelin
Germinal Pierre Dandelin. Born 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, FranceDied 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium. Show birthplace location
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Born: 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France
Died: 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Dandelin 's father, who was an administrator, was French but his mother came from Hainaut, now in Belgium. Dandelin studied at Ghent, then in 1813 he entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. However his career was to be very much influenced by the political events of these turbulent times. In 1813 Dandelin had volunteered to fight the British. In March 1814 the Treaty of Chaumont united Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain in the aim of defeating Napoleon. When the allied armies arrived near Paris on 30 March 1814, Dandelin was in the opposing French army and was wounded on that day. Napoleon abdicated on 6 April, but in the following year he returned for the 100 days. During Napoleon's time back in control of France, Dandelin worked at the Ministry of the Interior under the command of Carnot . After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, Dandelin returned to Belgium. He became a citizen of the Netherlands in 1817.

4. Bollen Van Dandelin
1. De stelling van dandelin germinal Pierre Dandelin (17941847, Le Bourget) werdgeboren in Frankrijk, maar wordt toch beschouwd als Belgisch wiskundige; hij
Bollen van Dandelin Dandelin Ellips Parabool Hyperbool ... Analytische meetkunde 1. De stelling van Dandelin
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
(1794-1847, Le Bourget) werd geboren in Frankrijk, maar wordt toch beschouwd als Belgisch wiskundige; hij bracht het grootste deel van zijn leven in België door (zijn moeder was Belgische), maar zeker ook omdat hij enige tijd mijnbouwkunde doceerde aan de universiteit van Luik.
Dandelin's eerste wiskundige belangstelling gold de meetkunde.
In 1822 ontdekte hij een belangrijke stelling, naar hem genoemd, over het verband tussen de doorsnede van een vlak en een kegel, en binnen die kegel beschreven bollen, de bollen van Dandelin
De stelling van Dandelin en de genoemde bollen worden behandeld in de paragraaf 2 (ellips), paragraaf 3 (parabool) en paragraaf 4 (hyperbool). figuur 1 In figuur 1 is een doorsnede getekend van een kegel met het vlak van tekening T (diagonaalvlak).
a is de as van de kegel en b is een beschrijvende.
a is de halve tophoek van de kegel.
c is de snijlijn van een vlak door O loodrecht op T. Dit vlak maakt met de as van de kegel een hoek

5. Virtual Encyclopedia Of Mathematics
giuseppe cunha josé anastácio da cunningham ebenezer curry haskell brooks cusanicholas d'alembert jean le rond dandelin germinal pierre danti egnatio
Super-Index of Biographies of Mathematicians
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6. ?2Math?
1.Bernhard Bolzano (17811848). 2.Ampere Ander-Marie (1775-1836).3.?dandelin germinal Pierre (1794-1847). .

7. Liste
Translate this page Clebsch Alfred Condorcet Antoine Caritat Coriolis Gaspard Gustave Cournot AntoineAugustin Cramer Gabriel Cremona Luigi dandelin germinal Pierre Dedekind
Abel Niels Henrik
Ibn Tofail
Al Chwarismi
Mohammed Ibn Musa
Jean le Rond d'
Abu Nasr Mohammed
von Tralles

Ibn Baddscha
Johann Jakob Banach Stefan Bernays Paul Bernoulli Jakob Bernoulli Johann Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm Bhaskara Bhaskara Atscharja Bolyai Bolzano Bernhard Boole George Borel Bouguer Pierre Bradwardine Thomas Brianchon Charles Julien Briggs Henry Brouwer Luitzen Egbertus Jan Bruns Heinrich Ernst Joost Cantor Georg Cantor Moritz Constantin Cardano Geronimo Cartan Elie Joseph Cassini Giovanni Domenico Cauchy Augustin Louis Cavalieri Francesco Bonaventura Cayley Arthur Ceva Giovanni Christoffel Elwin Bruno Clairault Alexis-Claude Clebsch Alfred Condorcet Antoine Caritat Coriolis Gaspard Gustave Cournot Antoine Augustin Cramer Gabriel Cremona Luigi Dandelin Germinal Pierre Dedekind Richard De Morgan Augustus Desargues Descartes Dirichlet Peter Gustav Lejeune Euklid Euler Leonhard Fagnano Giulio Cesare Fermat Pierre de Feuerbach Karl Fibonacci Leonardo Finsterwalder Sebastian Fourier Jean Baptiste Joseph Galilei Galileo Galois Gassendi Petrus Carl Friedrich Gegenbauer Leopold Girard Albert Kurt Green George Gregory James Grimaldi Francesco Maria Guldberg Cato Maximilian Guldin Paul Haas Wander Johannes de Haitham Ibn al-Haitham Hamilton Sir William Rowan Harriot Thomas Hawking Stephen William Hayashi Tsuruichi Hesse Ludwig Otto Hilbert David Husserl Edmund Huygens Christiaan Jacobi Carl Gustav Jakob Paul von Jeans Sir James Hopwood Jungius Joachim Kahn Hermann

8. Dandelin, Germinal-Pierre (1794-1847) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif
dandelin, germinalPierre (1794-1847), This entry contributed byMargherita Barile. Belgian mathematician and engineer who served

Branch of Science
Engineers Branch of Science Mathematicians ... Barile
Dandelin, Germinal-Pierre (1794-1847)

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile Belgian mathematician and engineer who served in the French and Belgian armies. In the Belgian army, he was in charge of building fortifications. He was only 20 years old when he was awarded the by Lazare Carnot , who at that time was Napoleon's Minister of the Interior. In 1816, Dandelin participated in the construction of two telescopes in Namur. He entered the Royal Academy of Brussels in 1822, thanks to a brilliant geometrical work on the parabolic focal curve, where he presented a new elegant proof of a theorem found by his friend Quetelet, which characterized the foci of conic sections with the points of tangency of what are nowadays known as the Dandelin spheres In a curious paper that he published in 1826, Dandelin transferred the same result to the plane sections of a hyperboloid of revolution, where he also re-demonstrated the theorems of Pascal and Brianchon In 1825, the University of Liège assigned him a professorship for a discipline called "exploitation of mines"; the research in this area took him to Germany and England. Later he taught physics at the University of Namur. His fields of interest ranged from projective geometry and algebra to astronomy and mechanics.

9. Monsieur Dandelin
You might also want to preread the English translation of germinal dandelin's Hyperboloidsof Revolution and the Hexagons of Pascal and Brianchon in order
Monsieur Dandelin
and his 3D proof of Pascal's Theorem Welcome to my Monsieur Dandelin's page! ). You might also want to pre-read the English translation of Germinal Dandelin's "Hyperboloids of Revolution and the Hexagons of Pascal and Brianchon" in order to make any sense out of the illustrations I made. Short cuts:

10. Dandelin
germinal Pierre dandelin. Né au Bourget le 12 avril 1794,
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Né au Bourget le 12 avril 1794,
décédé à Bruxelles le 15 février 1847.
Le père de Dandelin, qui était administrateur, était français, mais sa mère était originaire du Hainaut. Dandelin étudia à Gand et, en 1813, il entra à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Paris. Toutefois sa carrière allait être influencée par les événements politiques de cette période troublée. En 1813 Dandelin se porta volontaire pour combattre les Anglais. En mars 1814, le Traité de Chaumont réunit l'Autriche, la Russie, la Prusse et la Grande Bretagne dans le but de battre Napoléon. Quand les forces alliées arrivèrent à proximité de Paris le 30 mars 1814, Dandelin, qui combattait dans l'armée française, fut blessé. Napoléon abdiqua le 6 avril, mais revint l'année suivante pendant la campagne des 100 jours. Pendant le retour de Napoléon en France, Dandelin travailla au ministère de l'Intérieur sous les ordres de Carnot. Après la défaite de Napoléon à Waterloo, Dandelin retourna en Belgique. Il devint citoyen néerlandais en 1817. De retour en Belgique, Dandelin continua sa carrière militaire comme ingénieur. A partir de 1825 il passa cinq ans comme professeur d'exploitation des mines à Liège. Ensuite, en 1830, il fut en plein coeur de la révolution. A partir de 1835, il fut en charge dans l'armée belge des fortifications à Namur, à Liège et plus tard à Bruxelles.

11. Dandelin
Biography of germinal P dandelin (17941847) germinal dandelin's father, who was an administrator, was French but his mother came from Hainaut, now in Belgium.
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Born: 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France
Died: 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium
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Germinal Dandelin 's father, who was an administrator, was French but his mother came from Hainaut, now in Belgium. Dandelin studied at Ghent, then in 1813 he entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. However his career was to be very much influenced by the political events of these turbulent times. In 1813 Dandelin had volunteered to fight the British. In March 1814 the Treaty of Chaumont united Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain in the aim of defeating Napoleon. When the allied armies arrived near Paris on 30 March 1814, Dandelin was in the opposing French army and was wounded on that day. Napoleon abdicated on 6 April, but in the following year he returned for the 100 days. During Napoleon's time back in control of France, Dandelin worked at the Ministry of the Interior under the command of Carnot . After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, Dandelin returned to Belgium. He became a citizen of the Netherlands in 1817.

12. References For Dandelin
References for germinal P dandelin. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Articles F Cajori, The
References for Germinal P Dandelin
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • A history of Mathematics (New York, 1938), 364.
  • Amer. Math. Monthly
  • A Quetelet, G P Dandelin, Biographie nationale XIV (Brussels,1873), 663-668.
  • Praxis der Gleichungen (Berlin-Leipzig, 1921), 136-158. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR February 1997 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 13. BiosWorld What's New
    May 2002. May 31, 2002. dandelin, germinalPierre (1794-1847) (NEW); Kovalevskaya,Sofia (1850-1891) (modified); Viète, Francois (1540-1603) (NEW). May 30, 2002.

    14. References For Dandelin
    References for the biography of germinal P dandelin References for germinal P dandelin. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990).
    References for Germinal P Dandelin
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • A history of Mathematics (New York, 1938), 364.
  • Amer. Math. Monthly
  • A Quetelet, G P Dandelin, Biographie nationale XIV (Brussels,1873), 663-668.
  • Praxis der Gleichungen (Berlin-Leipzig, 1921), 136-158. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR February 1997 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 15. Biography-center - Letter D
    Danbolt, Niels Christian Gauslaa; dandelin,germinal;
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    16. Dandelin Portrait
    germinal P dandelin. JOC/EFR August 2001
    Germinal P Dandelin
    JOC/EFR August 2001 The URL of this page is:

    17. KöMaL - Kós Rita: Kúpszeletek és Dandelin-gömbjeik
    egy pontban metszik egymást. germinal Pierre dandelin (17941847).Belgiumban élo francia mérnök volt. Tole származik az a

    Rendelje meg a KöMaL-t!
    A kúpszeletek kb. 2350 éves történelmében sok ismert névvel találkozhatunk. Róluk (is) olvashatunk a következõkben.
    Menaikhmosz (i.e. 350 körül)
    A híres matematikus, Eudoxosz (i.e. 400?-347?) volt a mestere. Testvére, Deinosztratosz a kör négyszögesítésével örökítette meg nevét. Menaikhmosz egy másik híres problémával foglalkozott: a kockakettõzéssel. Másodállásban Nagy Sándor egyik nevelõje volt. Proklosz szerint Menaikhmosz jelentõsen továbbfejlesztette a geometriát, munkái azonban nem maradtak fenn, így ,,csak'' a kúpszeletek felfedezését tudhatjuk övének. A forgáskúpokat nyílásszögük alapján három csoportra osztotta: tompaszögû, derékszögû és hegyesszögû kúpokra. Mindegyiket olyan síkkal metszette, ami merõleges valamelyik alkotóra. Így nyerte sorban a hiperbola, parabola, ellipszis síkmetszeteket. Ezeknek a nevét is a kúpok után hegyesszögû, derékszögû és tompaszögû kúp síkmetszetének nevezte. Ennek a három kúpszeletnek néhány tulajdonságát, sõt a szümptómáját, azaz ,,egyenletét'' is meghatározta.
    Eukleidesz (i.e. 365?-300?)

    18. KöMaL - Rita Kós: Conics And Dandelin Spheres
    His proof will be demonstrated below. germinal Pierre dandelin (17941847)was a French engineer, who lived in Belgium. In 1822, he
    Rita Kós:
    Conics and Dandelin spheres
    By intersecting a cone with a plane - not passing through the vertex of the cone -, curves of different types can be obtained, depending on the angle enclosed between the plane and the axis of the cone. If the angle is equal to the half of the apex angle of the cone, the intersection curve is a parabola ; if it is smaller than the half-angle, then the intersection is a hyperbola; if the angle is greater than the half-angle, then the curve is an ellipse ; and finally, if the plane is perpendicular to the axis, then the intersection is a circle The curves listed above can also be considered as the loci of points of certain properties. The parabola is the locus of those points in the plane that are equidistant from a fixed point, called the focus , and a fixed straight line, called the directrix. The ellipse is the locus of those points in the plane for which the sum of the distances from two given points - the so-called foci - is constant. The hyperbola is the locus of those points in the plane for which the difference between the distances from two given points - the so-called foci - is constant.

    19. Dandelin
    Translate this page Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien. dandelin, germinal Pierre, belgischerMathematiker * 12. 4. 1794 Le Bourget, † 15. 2. 1847 Ixelles.
    Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien Dandelin , Germinal Pierre, belgischer Mathematiker
    Arbeitsgebiete: Kegelschnitte Nach Dandelin sind die Dandelinschen Kugeln benannt: eine bzw. zwei Kugeln, die sämtlich Mantellinien eines geraden Kreiskegels und eine Schnittebene in den Brennpunkten des entstehenden Kegelschnitts berühren; die Dandelinschen Kugeln dienen der Herleitung der Eigenschaften von Kegelschnitten.

    20. Untitled
    dandelin, germinal Pierre. 12 Apr 1794 15 Feb 1847. Belgium, bornin France. He was wounded in action in both 1814 and 1815. He worked

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