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41. Kalendarium Matematyczne 1360 Francuz nicole d'oresme (Mikolaj z Oresme) uogólnia teorie proporcji ThomasaBradwardine'a. Wprowadza potegi ulamkowe i podaje wiele regul dzialan http://gamma.im.uj.edu.pl/complex2001/imuj2002/files/ciekawostki/kalend/mat/khm4 | |
42. Safety Razors And Shaving Collectibles in science, nicole d'oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invoked the law ofeconomy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis of the http://www.geocities.com/safetyrazors/occam.htm | |
43. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 483*) Dodgson, Charles (266*) Domninus di Larissa (74) Doob, Joseph (136*) Doppelmayr,Johann (181) Doppler, Johann (81*) d'oresme, nicole (191*) Douglas http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
44. Berühmte Linkshänder - Wissenschaft, Literatur Und Kunst Translate this page Ben Finny, (Anthropologe). Hermann von Helmholtz, (Deutschland, Physiologe, Physiker).nicole d'oresme, (Mathematiker). Isaac Newton, (GB, Physiker, Mathematiker). http://www.maecky.com/privat2/link1.htm | |
45. D Index Translate this page d'Alembert, Jean (2501*) D'Arcy Thompson W (479*) d'oresme, nicole (191*) D'Ovidio,Enrico (414) da Vinci, Leonardo (704*) Dandelin, Germinal (392) Danti http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/D.html |
46. B12 Occam's Razor For example, nicole d'oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, and Galileo later,defended the Copernican heliocentric hypothesis (first impiously suggested in http://geowords.com/histbooknetscape/b12.htm | |
47. ... én Mégis Egy Könyvet írtam Az idézetek valójában sokkal korábbiak az egyik nicole d'oresme püspöktôlszármazik 1350 táján, tehát 300 évvel koráóbi http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/histchem/simonyi/galilei.html | |
48. A POLIFÓN ZENE ÉS A KLASSZIKUS FIZIKA, A NEWTONI IDÕFOGALOM EREDETE Ebben az irányban a legismertebb spekulációk nicole d'oresmetol származnak,aki a 14. század legfontosabb matematikusa és csillagásza volt. http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz9108/szg9108.html | |
49. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Query, Unsorted links (9 nicole d'oresme BnF Biographie de Nicolas Oresme Etudes sur Oresmeet Buridan (Du ciel et du monde) AltaVista Simple Query +oresme urlwww http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Query, unsorted&brand=metacrawler |
50. SC 365 Missing Reading In 1377, a French scientist and philosopher, nicole d'oresme, coined the term the clockwork universe. ' Oresme looked to the heavens and saw the same http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~rar/sc365/missing.html | |
51. ALEXANDER TZONIS nicole d'oresme, in his 14thcentury text Tractatus de latitudine formarum, hadalready seen the potential of more clear and easy examination of problems http://www.bk.tudelft.nl/dks/publications/online publications/1994-DBR-Power and | |
52. Die Ökonomen Translate this page TOP. Oresmius, Nikolaus Oresmius (auch nicole d'oresme, um 1320-1382). FranzösischerMathematiker, Physiker und Ökonom. Vorläufer der Monetaristen. http://www.schepart.ch/mho/Economy/Oekonomen/Oekonomen.htm | |
53. ICOM Conference 2002: Marta C. Lourenço The same happened in Paris, with nicole d'oresme, in 1350, and earlier with bothJohn Buridan, a professor of the Faculty of Arts, and Albert de Saxe (Leff 1996 http://www.lib.mq.edu.au/mcm/world/icom2001/2002conf/lourenco.html | |
54. STEFAN STENUDD - Varde Big Bang - KOSMOGONI URVERK TILL DATOR Den franske teologen och matematikern nicole d'oresme uttrycktenog ingen för tiden orimlig tanke, när han år 1377 skrev att universum är http://www.stenudd.com/akademi/bigbang4.htm | |
55. Oresme nicole d' Oresme. Born 1323 in Allemagne (near Caen), France Died 11 July1382 in Lisieux, France. Click the picture above to see a larger version http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Oresme.html | |
56. Oresme Portrait of nicole Oresme nicole Oresme. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Oresme.html | |
57. Nicole D' Oresme nicole d' Oresme 13231382 After studying theology in Paris, nicole Oresme wasbursar in the University of Paris, then canon and later dean of Rouen. http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/periodictable/html/Os.html | |
58. Oresme Translate this page latins, révèle que cette traduction fut luvre de nicole Oresme lui la rédactiondu texte français était postérieure à laccession dOresme à l http://phare.univ-paris1.fr/textes/Oresme/notice.html | |
59. Astrologie : Thèses Doctorales Par Patrice Guinard Patrice Guinard répertorie un siècle de thèses doctorales sur l'astrologie - thèses françaises, Category World Français Arts divinatoires Astrologie Livres...... d'oresme. http://cura.free.fr/01authd.html | |
60. Oresme Translate this page Galeria da Fama. nicole d' Oresme. 1323 DC em Allemagne, França. 11 Julho 1382DC em Lisieux, França. Demócrito. 460-370 AC. Eudoxo. 408-355 AC. Arquimedes. http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~calculo/ambientedeensino/modulos/history/oresme/oresm |
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