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41. I1511: James COX (24 Feb 1763 - 17 Apr 1842) _Mary RANKIN _ _ _ James cox (1763 1842 gertrude MEDEMA. http://vanderwielen.com/genealogy/d0001/g0000076.html | |
42. I0475: Andrea BRANDT (26 Jan 1980 - ____) _James cox _Margaret DAVIS _ (1763 1842) m 1782 (1736 - 1806) _Catherine cox (1791 - 1864 Geiske (gertrude) Pieters IJSKAMP. http://vanderwielen.com/genealogy/d0001/g0000054.html | |
43. I9116: Gertrude BALDWIN (30 Sep 1810 - ____) 1816) _Daniel BALDWIN _ (.. 1842) m 1801 _Elizabeth CROMWELL_ (1755 1831) gertrude BALDWIN (1810 David cox. - . http://rangerschool.esf.edu/bridgen/_private/main/d0008/g0000077.html | |
44. Uriah COX/Gertrude HIATT Don's Family History Husband Uriah cox Born 1821 at Married at Died1913 at Father Mother Other Spouses Wife gertrude HIATT http://www2.wcoil.com/~donny/GEDPAGE/html/fam/fam00107.html | |
45. Elmer Thornton COX/Gertrude QUESSENBERRY Married 3 JAN 1948 at ,,Floyd County,Virginia Died at FatherAlbert MontaqueCOX MotherChristie MONTGOMERY Other Spouses Wife gertrude QUESSENBERRY http://www.gendex.com/users/monty/fam00133.html | |
46. I2066: Mark Patrick BOHRER ( 6 Jul 1951 - 16 May 1980) _Benjamin cox _+ _John cox _ _Martha GARRETSON _+ Benjamin cox _Benjamin PIGGOTT _+ _Patience PICKETT _ _Mary HADLEY gertrude HELM. http://www.gendex.com/users/gnldad/Thornburg/d0003/g0000066.html | |
47. I4737 Gertrude ( - ) 1952. Father John William HOLLOWELL Mother Abby Ann JENNETTE Family 1 Mary EugeniaGertrude HOCKETT Father Joseph Gurney HOLLOWELL Mother Mary Eliza cox http://www.jinnette-digger.com/joseph/d0000/g0000034.html |
48. Gertrude Cooke, B: 1875 - Caspall, Mary ( 1748) Cooke, gertrude ( 1875 - 1950) cox, Charles Henry( 10 Oct 1899 - 23 Jan 1924) cox, William Thomas ( BEF. 1880 - ) http://www.shelvey.com/hugetree/ipc.htm | |
49. Ashley Patterson Cox/Gertrude Bell Todd Husband Ashley Patterson cox Born at Married 7 Sep 1920 at Diedat Father Mother Other Spouses Wife gertrude Bell Todd http://millennium.fortunecity.com/blossom/902/family/fam01827.htm | |
50. I9896: Emma Gertrude ADEN (16 Dec 1888 - ____) Emma gertrude ADEN INDEX. HOME HTML createdby GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/01/2002 052140 . Maurice cox. http://hostville.com/family/gen1/d0065/g0000082.html | |
51. I5113: Gertrude (____ - ____) gertrude INDEX. HOME HTML created by GED2HTMLv3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/01/2002 052140 . Mary JF cox. 9777 http://hostville.com/family/gen1/d0007/g0000081.html | |
52. My Family (2906) Children were Marygrace M. cox, Joyce M. cox, William F. cox, Joesph G.cox. William COYLE. He was married to Geraldine PRIDGEN . gertrude Craddock. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~lantman/d97.htm | |
53. Eschbach Genealogy Data Page 52 (Family Pages) cox, Annie b. 1894 Gender Female cox, Catherine cox, Joseph cox, Vincent b. 1904d. 1918 Gender Male cox, gertrude b. 1908 Gender Female cox, Claire cox http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~eschbach/f_33.htm | |
54. Gertrude Bell Letters Test Template So son of So and So son of So and So recounts that Lady cox, going into my lettersas I am in writing them to you, I am always your devoted daughter gertrude. http://www.gerty.ncl.ac.uk/letters/l1609.htm | |
55. Gertrude Bell DiariesDATEDATETHISTHISTHISTHISTHIS Test Template Welcomed the idea of the return of cox. They both prayed for the returnof cox whom the British officers here say that everyone applauds. http://www.gerty.ncl.ac.uk/diaries/d2126.htm | |
56. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tn/chester/cemeteries/palestine.txt Daniel B. 18611933 h/o Sophronia cox cox, Edward 31 Dec 1832- couldn'r read cox,Emily F. 1857-1885 cox, gertrude 21 Feb 1909-25 Sep 1916 w/o Ural H. cox cox http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tn/chester/cemeteries/palestine.txt | |
57. I163818: Gertrude ( - ) gertrude. Family 1 Wesley Frank KINGERY gertrude INDEX. Notes. !NAME JERRI MCCOY, GMCCOY@THURSTON.COM. Harvey Allen cox. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0086/g0000090.htm | |
58. I231121: Marsha Jane BITTINGER ( - ) Della Ora cox INDEX. Notes. HTML created byGED2HTML v3.1a (8/20/97) on Fri Jan 03 192842 2003. gertrude WILHELM. http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0044/g0000027.htm | |
59. Quaker Forum (Page 9) Re Quaker Roots in North East England Sylvia 3/10/99 cox, gertrude1800's in NC, OH, IN - Steve Tayor 2/26/99 Re cox, gertrude http://genforum.genealogy.com/quaker/page9.html | |
60. I1086: Dana Sue MICHAEL (22 JUL 1971 - ) GRAHAM INDEX Created by Sparrowhawk 1.0 (4/17/1996) on Fri Jun 7130300 2002. Zula cox. Family 1 0300 2002. gertrude Asille WEBB. http://www.qsl.net/n9fyv/Genealogy2/D0001/G0000095.html | |
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