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81. RatingsOnline Chanfreau, Guillaume F. chang, Frank chang, Helena R. chang, Jane PeiChen chang,Julia W. chang, Mei Ping chang, Potter C. chang, Sun Yung (alice) chang, Ting http://www.ratingsonline.com/pickprof.phtml?CID=1358&Srt=581 |
82. Gifted And Talented Student Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler. Sofia Kovalevskaya. Max Abraham. Archimedes. Aristotle.Albert Einstein. Sun Yung alice chang. Karen Skula Uhlenbeck. Dusa McDuff. http://cory-rawson.k12.oh.us/msgifted/hamilton.htm |
83. Untitled mathematicians to prove good theorems and to contribute to the profession.Sun Yung alice chang (1946) Professor of Mathematics, Berkley. http://facultystaff.vwc.edu/~trfanney/WOMATH.htm | |
84. Muzi.com | Gallery : Entertainment : Movies And Films : Actresses : Individuals chang, Sylvia (5), chang, Stella (3). chang, Yuan (12), Chen, Anqi (1). Pang,alice (10), Pang, Diana (71). Park, So Hyun (7), Park, Sun Yung (26). http://gallery.muzi.com/Entertainment/Movies_and_Films/Actresses/Individuals/ind | |
85. Beststar : Beststar Home Chan, Monica, Chan, Pauline, Chan, WingChi. chang, Josie, chang, Sylvia, chang,Yuan. Pang, alice, Pang, Diana, Park, Ju Mi. Park, Sang A, Park, So Hyun, Park, SunYung. http://beststar.com/ee/0/103,10064,1.shtml | |
86. Temple Mathematics April 1998 Alain Connes. April 1999 GianCarlo Rota. March 2000 sun-yung AliceChang. March 2001 Timothy Gowers. March 2002 Jeffrey Lagarias. Current Lectures. http://www.math.temple.edu/events/grosswald/past.html | |
87. Harmonic Analysis IHP Castilho Jose. Cazenave Thierry. Ceszkiel Radoslaw. Chandarana Sharad. ChangSunYung alice. Chanillo Sagun. Chemin Jean-Yves. Chen Jiecheng. Chihara Hiroyuki. http://www.harmonic-analysis.org/pratique/index.php?lettre=c |
88. Plenary Speakers Angel, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, USA chang, SunYungAlice, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, USA Donoho, David http://www.icm2002.org.cn/B/Plenary.htm | |
89. An Open Letter To Richard Riley MeiChu chang Professor of Mathematics University of California, Riverside. Sun-YungAlice chang Professor of Mathematics Princeton University and UCLA. http://www.mathematicallycorrect.com/riley.htm | |
90. Matt's Algebra II Mathematician Report Goldbach. 25.) Joseph Foureir, 26.) Emmy Noether, 27.) sunyung AliceChang. 28.) Paul Erdos, 29.) Rene Descartes, 30.) Leonhard Euler. http://eblue18jm.bravepages.com/mathematicians2.html | |
91. MetaEUREKA Metasearch http//www.its.caltech.edu/~dannyc/ Site info - Alexa info 5. chang, Sun-YungAlice Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mathematics, Princeton http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Science/Math/Geometry/People/ |
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