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61. Matematikos Istorija McDuff (1945 ); Linda Rothschild (1945- ); sun-yung alice chang (1948-); Cheryl Praeger (1948- ); Fan Chung (1949- ). 1950-1959 Nancy http://www.emokykla.lt/mokymas/intermok/projektai/matematika/istorija.html | |
62. 980518Faculty P. Arnold, professor of physiological science and neurobiology and associate directorfor the Brain Research Institute; sunyung alice chang, professor of http://www.today.ucla.edu/html/980518faculty.html | |
63. Search Result For Paul J. Chang sunyung alice chang http//www.math.princeton.edu/~chang/ 121 Points (Preselect90)Source Lycos(18); MS Search(6) Lycos sun-yung A. chang, Matt Gursky and http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/c/Chang:Paul_J=.html |
64. Search Result For Paul CM Chang sunyung alice chang http//www.math.princeton.edu/~chang/ 143 Points (Preselect112)Source Alta Vista(9); Lycos(3); MS Search(1) Alta Vista sun-yung alice http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/c/Chang:Paul_C=_M=.html |
65. Preprint Stuart P. Hastings University of Pennsylvania. sun-yung alice chang - PrincetonUniversity. Suncica Canic - University of Houston. icms ? ?. http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/research_prof_papers_list?init=S |
66. Message url www.its.caltech.edu/~dannyc/. chang, sunyung alice Director ofGraduate Studies, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University. http://www.bioinformatics.vg/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Science/Math/Geometry/P |
67. Thirteen Ed Online - Women In Math A. sunyung alice chang 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Etta Falconer 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Doris Schattschneider1. 2. 3. 4. D. Ingrid Daubechies 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Lai-Sang Young 1. 2. 3 http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/lessons/womeninmath/orgb.html | |
68. OUR INSPIRATION: OUR INSPIRATION 4/2/99. Click here to start. Table of Contents. OUR INSPIRATIONPresented By sunyung alice chang. Grace Hopper. Sofia Kovalevskaya. Emmy Noether. | |
69. The Wavelet Digest :: View Topic - New Journal: The Journal Of Fourier Analysis Bonami, Universite' de ParisSud Gavin Brown, University of Adelaide, Australia PaulL. Butzer, RWTH Aachen, Germany sun-yung alice chang, U. of California at http://www.wavelet.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2468 |
70. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page (236*) chang, sun-yung alice (620*) Chaplygin, Sergi (366*) Chapman, Sydney (792*)Chasles, Michel (154*) Châtelet, Gabrielle du (154*) Chebotaryov, Nikolai http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
71. University Calendar 7TH KARL STROMBERG MEMORIAL LECTURE sunyung alice chang Princeton University 230PM Throckmorton 1018 Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations in Conformal http://www.ksu.edu/cgi-bin/eventview/master?2003,1,18 |
72. Camel the Satter Prize went first to Dusa McDuff later elected FRS (Fellow of the RoyalSociety) and then to LaiSang Young and to sun-yung alice chang, each a http://camel.math.ca/Women/BOOK/cora.txt | |
73. Pacific Journal Of Mathematics formats. Contact sunyung alice chang, Managing Editor, pacific@math.ucla.eduNewJour Home NewJour P Search Prev Next http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/p/msg02470.html | |
74. Sun- sunyung A. chang and Paul C. Yang, Princeton University, NJ, Karsten Grove The firstchapter (by alice chang and Paul Yang) introduces new classes of conformal http://www.yurinsha.com/350/p2.htm | |
75. Mathematical And Computer Sciences Library: New Books Received In October 2002 Riemannian and Lagrangian geometry the 2000 Barrett lectures / sunyung A. chang Gilmore, Robert, 1941- TITLE The topology of chaos alice in stretch http://library.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/newbooks/NBOct02.html | |
76. Women In Mathematics Dusa McDuff (1945 ). Linda Rothschild (1945- ). sun-yung alice chang (1948-). Cheryl Praeger (1948- ). Fan Chung (1949- ). Nancy Reid (1952- ). http://pirun.ku.ac.th/~ffistnt/womeninmath.html | |
77. Women In Math: Biographies C. Caldwell, Patricia A. Caporaso, Lucia chang, Rosemary E. chang, sunyung AliceChatelet, Emilie du (1706-1749) Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne (1923- ) Chung, Fan http://www.uoregon.edu/~vitulli/WomenInMath/People/Biographies/C.html | |
78. The Emil Grosswald Lectures Temple University Department of Mathematics. The Emil Grosswald LecturesSunYung alice chang. Princeton University. will speak on. http://www.math.temple.edu/events/grosswald/chang.html | |
79. Program For Women In Mathematics -2002 Participants State University Olguta Buse* Graduate/Research Assistant, SUNY Stony BrookSun-Yung alice chang - Faculty/Organizer, Princeton University Linda Chen http://www.math.ias.edu/womensprogram/2002/part_list.html | |
80. ETH - Z ETH ZÜRICH MATHEMATIK Nachdiplomvorlesung Sommersemester 2001 sun-yung AliceChang (Princeton University) Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal http://www.math.ethz.ch/~struwe/ND/chang.html | |
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