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         Cassini Giovanni:     more detail
  1. Giovanni Domenico Cassini: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  2. Cassini, Giovanni Domenico: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Space Sciences</i> by Stephen J. Edberg, 2002
  3. Selenographers: Gerard Kuiper, Selenography, Johannes Hevelius, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Edmund Neville Nevill, Johann Heinrich Von Mädler
  4. French Astrologers: Gersonides, Pierre Gassendi, Dane Rudhyar, Michel Gauquelin, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere
  5. People From the Province of Imperia: Luciano Berio, Carlo Amoretti, Mario Bava, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Pasquale Anfossi, Claudio Scajola
  6. Discoverers of Moons: Galileo Galilei, Christiaan Huygens, Gerard Kuiper, William Herschel, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Edward Emerson Barnard
  7. Jean Domenique Cassini and his world map of 1696, by Lloyd Arnold Brown, 1941
  8. Cassini?Huygens: NASA, European Space Agency, Italian Space Agency, Robotic spacecraft, Saturn, Moons of Saturn, Spacecraft, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Huygens probe, Christiaan Huygens, Telemetry
  9. Traite De La Comete: Qui A Paru En Decembre 1743 (1744) (French Edition) by Jean Phillipe Loys De Cheseaux, Jacques Cassini, et all 2010-02-17
  10. Traite De La Comete: Qui A Paru En Decembre 1743 (1744) (French Edition) by Jean Phillipe Loys De Cheseaux, Jacques Cassini, et all 2010-09-10
  11. Traite De La Comete: Qui A Paru En Decembre 1743 (1744) (French Edition) by Jean Phillipe Loys De Cheseaux, Jacques Cassini, et all 2010-09-10
  12. MAPS AND THE IDEAS THEY EXPRESS.: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>New Dictionary of the History of Ideas</i> by Norman Thrower, 2005

61. C
Translate this page Caronte pode estar coberto por gelo de água e, provavelmente, nãotem atmosfera. cassini (giovanni Domenico cassini 1625-1712),
Caliban Urano descoberto em 1997 por Gladman, Nicholson, Burns e Kavelaars Calipso Saturno Telesto Tetis , o que faz com que elas sejam chamados de Tetis Troianos o o Calisto descoberto em 1610 independentemente por Galileu Simon Marius crateras de impacto ejecta kg. CalTech (California Institute of Technology) California Institute of Technology , mais conhecido pela sigla Caltech Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) , o Palomar Observatory , o W. M. Keck Observatory e o famoso Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) CANNON (Annie Jump Cannon 1863-1941) CARA (Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica) National Science Foundation Carme o e foi descoberto em 1938 por S. Nicholson kg. Caronte . Ele foi descoberto em 1978 por Jim W. Christy CASSINI (Giovanni Domenico Cassini 1625-1712) Observatoire de Paris Saturno , respectivamente Tetis Dione Iapetus Saturno ... Titan CAT (Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope) - situado em Cambridge e gerenciado pelo Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
Bonner Durchmusterung Katalog Henry Draper Catalogue (NGC) New General Catalogue Index Catalogue Bright Star Catalogue ESO-Strasbourg Catalogue of Planetary Nebulae SAO-Catalogue (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalogue) Kukarkin Cauda de um Cometa (ver COMETA CCCP (The Center for Cosmic Chemistry and Physics) CCD (Charge-coupled Device) CELT (California Extremely Large Telescope) Ceres (ver CfAO (Center for Adaptative Optics) National Science Foundation dos Estados Unidos.

62. De Negen Planeten : Woordenlijst
cassini, giovanni Domenico 16251712 (ook gekend als Jean Dominique) Franse astronoomvan Italiaanse afkomst die de eerste directeur was van het Koninklijk
Verklarende woordenlijst
A B C D ... Z
Adams, John Couch
Engelse astronoom en wiskundige die op 24jarige leeftijd als eerste, op basis van de zwaartekrachtwetten van Newton, een planeet buiten de baan van Uranus voorspelde. Nadat Galle het bestaan van Neptunus bevestigde op basis van berekeningen van Le Verrier , ontstond er een zware discussie omtrent wie de ontdekker van Uranus was. ( 4k jpg
het percentage licht dat door een bepaald object weerkaatst wordt. Een wit lichaam straalt alle licht terug en heeft een albedo van 1,0 terwijl een zwart lichaam alle straling opslorpt en een albedo van 0,0 heeft.
albedo karakteristiek
Een donkere of lichtgevende plek op een lichaam dat niet van geologische of topografische oorsprong is.
antipode punt
De plaats die zich aan de oppositiezijde van de planeet bevindt.
de plaats waar een planeet tijdens zijn omloop zich het verst van de zon bevindt. Voor objecten (de maan of kunstsatellieten) die een omloop rond de aarde hebben noemt men dit punt het apogeum . Voor omlopen rond andere lichamen gebruikt men de term apoapsis . Het tegenovergestelde van het aphelium is het perihelium
asteroïde nummer
asteroïden krijgen een volgnummer wanneer ze ontdekt worden. De nummer heeft geen speciale betekenis en is gewoon oplopend. (zie

63. Research
Brahe, Tycho (12); cassini, giovanni (2); Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan(7); Copernicus, Nicolas (5); Galilei, Galileo (12); Herschel, William

64. Sosna:Geschichte Der Kartographie
Translate this page Archimedes(287-212 v.Chr.) Bernoulli, Jakob(1654-1705) Bonne, Rigobert(1727-1795)Bouguer, Pierre(1698-1758) cassini, giovanni Domenico(1625-1712) Castorius(um
Geschichte der Kartographie
von Lukas Bechmann
Wichtige Personen(nach Namen geordnet):
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius(63-12 v.Chr.)
Albers, Heinrich Christian(1773-1833)

Apianus, Peter(1495-1552)

Archimedes(287-212 v.Chr.)
Winkel, Oswald(1874-1953)
Wichtige Personen(nach Zeit geordnet):
ZEIT NAME Leistungen um 624-546 v. Chr. Thales von Millet
Mehr Informationen(de.)...
gnomischen Projektion um 560-480 v. Chr. um 429-348 v. Chr. Pythagoras
Mehr Informationen(engl.)...

Mehr Informationen(engl.)...
287-212 v. Chr. Archimedes
Mehr Informationen(engl.)...
um 276 bis um 195 v. Chr. Eratosthenes von Kyrene
Mehr Informationen(engl.)...
(Dieser weicht nur um 1,5% vom heute angenommenen Ergebnis ab) Ermittelte die geographische Breite mehrerer Orte mit Hilfe von Fixsternen um 190 bis um 125 v. Chr. Entdeckte die stereographischen Projektion 63-12 v. Chr. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Mehr Informationen(de.)... um 100 Marinos von Tyrus Entwarf eine der ersten quadratischen Plattkarten um 90 bis um 160 Mehr Informationen(engl.)...

65. Cassini-Huygens-News-Features-the Story Of Saturn
Christiaan Huygens, giovanni cassini. Confusion reigned until Christiaan Huygens,a Dutch astronomer, developed the concept of a planetary ring system in 1659.
@import url( "../../cassini-l2.css" ); Introduction Press Releases Features Mailing List Sign-up ... Science History of Discoveries Early Days The oldest written records documenting Saturn are attributed to the Assyrians. Around 700 B.C., they described the ringed planet as a sparkle in the night and named it "Star of Ninib." The Assyrians, who occupied what is now Iraq, prospered between 1400 and 620 B.C. They incorporated the culture of the Babylonians, a civilization with a keen eye for astronomy. Historians believe that as early as 3000 B.C. the Babylonians recognized major constellations and eventually developed a calendar of astronomical events. Artists of the Roman God, Saturn
A few centuries later, in 400 B.C. the ancient Greeks named what they thought was a wandering star in honor of Kronos, the god of agriculture. Kronos (sometimes spelled Cronos or Cronus) was the Titan ruler and the father of Jupiter. Then the Romans, who adapted much of their culture from the Greeks, changed the name of the ringed planet from Kronos to Saturnus, the root of Saturn's English name. Saturnus was the son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Zeus (Jupiter). Like the Greeks, in Roman mythology Saturn was also the god of agriculture. It was in his honor that in December the Saturnalia festival was celebrated, a seven-day affair that became ancient Rome's most popular festivity. Throughout the next millennium, our knowledge of Saturn didn't change much, and the planet was still considered to be a wandering star until the invention of the telescope. This new tool, invented in the early 17th century by a Dutch optician, quickly revolutionized astronomy.

66. Kant E La Cultura Italiana
Translate this page 140. Cardano, Girolamo, XXIV 217. cassini, giovanni Domenico (1625-1712),I 297, 300, 248. Cavalieri, Bonaventura (1598-1647), I 119. Colombo
Kant e la cultura italiana
I numeri romani indicano il volume, i numeri arabi la pagina dell'Edizione dell'Accademia.
    Algarotti, Francesco
II 230
XXV 1236 XXIV 331, 401
XXV 271, 1002
    Ariosto, Ludovico
II 360
VII 181
XV 806
XVI 239
    Baretti, Giuseppe
VII 222
VII 363
    Beccaria, Cesare Bonesano
VI 334
XIX 551, 586
    Beccaria, Giacomo Battista
VIII 69, 70, 72, 476
    Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso (1608-1679)
II 381 VIII 191, 192 XI 42, 43 XVI 4, 11 XX 390 XXIV 27, 311
    Buonarroti, Michelangelo (1475-1564)
XV 826 XVII 152 XXIV 331, 400 XXV 399, 1067, 1309, 1311
    Cagliostro, Alessandro (1743-1795)
XI 140
    Cardano, Girolamo
XXIV 217
    Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (1625-1712)

67. Les Astronomes
Translate this page de Mars. cassini, giovanni Domenico (1625-1712) astronome françaiset le premier directeur de l'Observatoire de Paris. Il découvrit © ® Adams, John Couch astronome et mathématicien anglais qui découvrit l'existence de Neptune indépendamment des travaux de le Verrier. Arago, Jean-François Dominique astronome et physicien français. Il devient membre de l'Académie des sciences et astronome de l'Observatoire de Paris. C'est lui qui découvrit le phénomène de production du magnétisme par rotation. d'Arrest, Heinrich Louis astronome danois qui assista Galle lorsqu'il observa Neptune pour la première fois. Barnard, Edward Emerson astronome américain qui a découvert une vingtaine de comètes et qui a également découvert un des satellites de Jupiter : Amalthée. Il a découver aussi l'étoile qui porte son nom : Barnard. Bode, Johann Elert (1747-1826) : astronome allemand, connu pour la fausse loi de "Titus-Bode" qui essaie d'expliquer la distance planète - Soleil. Bond, William Cranch (1789-1859) : il fut l'un des premiers astronomes américains. Il vaincu sa pauvreté et son manque d'éducation traditionnelle. Il fut le premier directeur du Harvard College Observatory ou il étudia Saturne et découvrit Hyperion, une de ses lunes. Brahé, Tycho

68. ESA Portal - Life In Space - Early European Astronomers Determined Easter Dates
Earth. Then, in 1651, giovanni cassini installed a pinhole camerain the roof of the San Petronio cathedral in Bologna in Italy.
ESA Life in Space Expanding Frontiers Improving Daily Life ... Benefits for Europe 29-Mar-2003 10:44:38 UT Services Subscribe Contact Us Search All ESA Home Advanced Search
Cassini's Sun calendar in the Basilica of San Petronio

Early European astronomers determined Easter dates
27 March 2002
How do they know it’s Easter? Ever wondered how the exact dates of the Easter break are chosen? Easter Sunday can fall anytime between 22 March and 25 April and, thanks to European observations of the Sun that go back many centuries, the exact date can be predicted as far ahead as 4099 AD.
Back in 325 AD, it was declared that Easter should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full Moon following the vernal equinox (the Spring day in the northern hemisphere when the hours of daylight and darkness are equal). Over the next few centuries, theologians and scientists struggled with the problem of calculating these vital dates years in advance. Although they often studied the skies in some detail to help them work out future calendars, this was particularly difficult when working on the premise that the Sun moved around the Earth. Then, in 1651, Giovanni Cassini installed a pinhole camera in the roof of the San Petronio cathedral in Bologna in Italy.
Giovanni Domenico Cassini, 1625-1712

69. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
cassini, giovanni Born 6/8/1625 Died 9/11/1712, 1625 AD, 1665 AD,cassini, G. Planetary rotation Gian Domenico cassini. 1671 AD, cassini

70. Untitled1
Translate this page cassini de Thury, Jacques-Dominique 398. cassini, giovanni Domenico 389, 395.cassini, Jacques 393, 395. Celsius 396. Charle 615. Charmont 611. Chauchard 445.
Adam, Jean-Victor 489, 501, 502 Amrein, Kaspar Konstantin 430 Apianus, Petrus 378 Aristarch von Samos 456 Asselineau 492 Aubry, Charles 490, 491 Audiganne, Armand 478 Auger, D. 509 Aurach, Joseph Christian Auracher von 455 Auzout, Adrien 395 Bachofen 459, 460, 461 Bacler d'Albe, Louis Albert Ghislain 447 Balfour, Robert 382 Barillon, F. G. 551 Barnard, G. 494 Barrot, Odilon 552 Bassentin, Jacques 385 Bauernfeind, Carl Max von 470 Bavier, Simon 631 Beccaria, Giovanni Battista 418 Beckh, A. 636 Bel, Pierre 428, 663 Benedicti, Hieronymus 617 Bennewitz, Petrus 378 Bienewitz, Petrus 378 Binet 593 Bion, Nicolas 391, 407 Bodenehr, G. 614 Bole, M. 552 Bonne, Rigobert 422, 432 Bors, Johann Jakob 530 Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe 412, 416 Bouguer, Pierre 403 Bradel 434 Bressanini 459, 460, 461 Brion 627 Buache, Phil. 658 Camus 396 Cassini de Thury, Jacques-Dominique 398 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 389, 395 Cassini, Jacques 393, 395

71. Classified Adverts
cassini, giovanni Maria (Map of Southeastern USA) Gli Stati Uniti Dell' America .TerzoFoglio Parte Della Virginia E Della Carolina 1797 ; cassini, Rome
Classified Adverts Hemispheres
Phone: 603-446-7181
Fax: 603-446-2301
AF-244 Munster , 1544 or later, Africa Lybia Moreland….$800
AF-194 Munster, 1552 or later (French Ed.), Map of Africa on a page of Munster's Cosmographia. $165
AF-183 Ramusio 1554, Upside Down Africa: Prima Tavola, $1,500
AF-130 Mercator , 1628 or 1633, Africa ex magna orbis terre descriptione… $1,075
AF-260 Bonne , 1782, Afrique dressee Par M. Bonne… $125
AF-110 Pigafetta/Bry 1598, 2 sheet map of Africa: Tabulam hanc Aegypti… $2,900
AF-258 Ortelius 1570 (1st State), Africae Tabula Nova, $2,500 AF-228 Linschoten , c. 1596, Eastern side of Africa: Delineatio Orarum… $2,450 AF-240 Rome Ptolemy, (1478) 1508, Africa Tabula III (Egypt), $3,500 AF-187 Visscher , 1690, Africae Accurata Tabula, $850 AM-149 O rtelius , (1570) 1575 1st plate, 3rd state, Americae sive Novi Orbis… $8,000 AM-151 Mercator , 1628 or 1633, America siue India Nova… $6,500 AM-131 Munster, 1552 or 1555, America: La table des Isles neufes… $2,900 AM-156 Ogilby , c. 1671, Bermuda : Mappa Aestivarum… $1,500

72. Lexikon A3
Translate this page leuchtende Komponenten. cassini, giovanni Domenico (1625–1712). Auchbekannt unter dem Namen Jean Dominique cassini. Ein italienisch
Canopus Alpha Carinae , der zweithellste Stern am Himmel mit einer scheinbaren Helligkeit von -0,72. Er ist 210mal größer als die Sonne und 1175 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. Capella Alpha Aurigae, der sechsthellste Stern am Nachthimmel. Capella ist ein Doppelstern und 45 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. Seine beiden Komponenten haben eine scheinbare Helligkeit von +0,85 und verfügen möglicherweise noch über zwei weitere schwach leuchtende Komponenten. Auch bekannt unter dem Namen Jean Dominique Cassini. Ein italienisch-französischer Astronom, der vier Saturnsatelliten und die nach ihm benannte Cassini-Teilung auf dem Ring des Saturns entdeckte sowie 1672 von der Marsparallaxe ausgehend den Umfang des Sonnensystems abschätzte. Cassiopeia In der Astronomie ein nördliches Zirkumpolarsternbild (siehe Zirkumpolarsterne ), dessen fünf Hauptsterne ein auffallendes "W" bilden. Castor Alpha Geminorum, zweithellster Stern im Sternbild Zwilling . Er ist ungefähr 47 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt und hat mindestens sechs Komponenten: einen Doppelstern, der einen Doppelstern umkreist, dessen beiden Komponenten wiederum Doppelsterne sind (siehe Doppelstern Celsius Temperatureinheit, die einem

73. The Nine Planets Glossary
cassini, giovanni Domenico 16251712 (aka Jean Dominique) Italian-born French astronomerand first director of the Royal Observatory in Paris; discoverer of
A B C D ... Z
Accumulation of dust and gas into larger bodies such as stars, planets and moons.
Adams, John Couch
English astronomer and mathematician who, at the age of 24, was the first person to predict the position of a planetary mass beyond Uranus . After Galle confirmed the existance of Neptune based on independent calculations done by Le Verrier , the two became embroiled in a dispute over priority. ( 4k jpg
the ratio of the amount of light reflected by an object and the amount of incident light; a measure of the reflectivity or intrinsic brightness of an object (a white, perfectly reflecting surface would have an albedo of 1.0; a black perfectly absorbing surface would have an albedo of 0.0).
albedo feature
A dark or light marking on the surface of an object that may not be a geological or topographical feature.
antipodal point
the point that is directly on the opposite side of the planet
the point in its orbit where a planet is farthest from the Sun; when refering to objects orbiting the Earth the term apogee is used; the term

74. Cassini
giovanni Domenico cassini. giovanni Domenico cassini, var ein astronom. Han vartfødd i Perinaldo (Nice, Italia) den 8. juni 1625. Han døydde i Paris 14.

75. O N T E N I D O S
Translate this page tiene varias aberturas y la principal de esas aberturas es la División cassini,que separa los anillos Ay B. Fue giovanni cassini quien la descubrió en 1675.
Investigadores Trabajos publicados Noticias Becas ... Contáctenos
Lunas de Saturno, fecha de descubrimiento y descubridor
Pan 1990 Mark R. Showalter
Atlas 1980 R. Terrile
Prometeo 1980 S. Collins y otros
Pandora 1980 S. Collins y otros
Epimeteo 1980 R. Walker
Jano 1966 Audouin Dollfus
Mimas 1789 William Herschel
Tetis 1684 Giovanni Domenico Cassini
Telesto 1980 B. Smith y otros
Calipso 1980 B. Smith y otros
Dione 1684 Giovanni Domenico Cassini Helena 1980 P. Laques y J. Lecacheus Rea 1672 Giovanni Domenico Cassini Japeto 1671 Giovanni Domenico Cassini Febe 1898 William Henry Pickering
Pioneer 11 Voyager I La Voyager II Cassini/Huygens Mucha más información de Saturno en la página Vistas del Sistema Solar pregunta formulada en la web por: Jeronimo ( el Miércoles, Diciembre 11, 2002 a las 09:34:24 edad: 26 Pregunta : respecto a Saturno, he oido que se descubrieron nuevas lunas (12) 'irregulares' que son?, tambien lei que hay satélites que producen 'ondas' en los anillos...por favor si alguien me puede aclarar el tema... Los planetas gigantes poseen satélites (lunas) regulares y satélites (lunas) irregulares.

76. Chronology Of Solar System Discovery
1610 Galileo Galilei Ganymede 1610 Galileo Galilei Io 1610 Galileo Galilei Titan1655 Christiaan Huygens Iapetus 1671 giovanni Domenico cassini Rhea 1672

Chronology of Solar System Discovery
Prior to 1600
From the dawn of history until the beginning of the 17th century the known universe consisted of only 8 bodies: Sun Mercury Venus Earth ... Saturn plus the "fixed" stars. In Europe, the prevailing view was the Ptolemaic system with the Earth at the center and the other bodies revolving around it.
The 17th Century
In 1610 Galileo Galilei first turned a telescope on the heavens and the universe exploded. By the end of the 17th century, 9 new bodies had been discovered and Copernicus's heliocentric theory was widely accepted. The total number of known bodies had more than doubled to 17: Callisto Galileo Galilei Europa Galileo Galilei ... Giovanni Domenico Cassini
The 18th Century
Only 5 new bodies (not counting comets ) were discovered in the 18th century (all by William Herschel ) bringing the total to 22: Uranus William Herschel Oberon William Herschel ... William Herschel
The 19th Century
The number of bodies in the solar system increased dramatically in the 19th century with the discovery of the asteroids (464 of which were known at by 1899) but only 9 more "major" bodies were discovered. The number of major bodies rose to 31 (almost doubling the 17th century total):

77. Knoffs-kortin
Zatta, Antonio, L´Isola d´Islanda, Feneyjar, 1781, 31x40,4 sm. cassini,giovanni Maria, L´Isola d´Islanda, Róm, 1796, 34x47,2 sm. Mentelle
Knoffs-kortin Höfundur Titill Útg.staður Útgáfuár Stærð Horrebow, Niels Land-Kort over Island Kaupmannahöfn 30,2x38,5 sm Horrebow, Niels The Map of Iceland London 30,1x38 sm Horrebow, Niels Carte de l´Islande Amsterdam 30x38,3 sm Homanns-erfingjar Insvlae Islandiae delineatio Nürnberg 47,3x58,6 sm Brion de la Tour, Louis La Suéde et la Norwége avec l´Islande París 23,2x25,8 sm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Nyt Carte over Island Kaupmannahöfn 44,4x56,6 sm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Nouvelle carte d´Islande París 44x56,2 sm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Erichsens og Schönnings Charta öfwer Island Uppsalir 25,6x33,3 sm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning London 25,7x32,7 sm Jón Eiríksson/Ólafur Olavius Nyt Carte over Island Kaupmannahöfn 43,2x56 sm Bellin, Jacques Nicolas Carte de l´Islande París 15,8x21,3 sm Bellin, Jacques Nicolas Carte réduite de l´Islande et des Mers qui en sont voisines París 54,5x82,6 sm Zatta, Antonio L´Isola d´Islanda Feneyjar 31x40,4 sm Cassini, Giovanni Maria L´Isola d´Islanda Róm 34x47,2 sm Mentelle, Edme Royaume de Danemarck: Premiere carte, Danemarck, Norwege et Islande París 32,2x42,1 sm

78. The Knoffs Maps
Translate this page Zatta, Antonio, L´Isola d´Islanda, Venice, 1781, 31x40.4 cm. cassini,giovanni Maria, L´Isola d´Islanda, Rome, 1796, 34x47.2 cm. Mentelle
The Knoffs maps Author Title Place Year Size Horrebow, Niels Land-Kort over Island Copenhagen 30.2x38.5 cm Horrebow, Niels The Map of Iceland London 30.1x38 cm Horrebow, Niels Carte de l´Islande Amsterdam 30x38.3 cm Homanns-erfingjar Insvlae Islandiae delineatio Nürnberg 47.3x58.6 cm Brion de la Tour, Louis La Suéde et la Norwége avec l´Islande Paris 23.2x25.8 cm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Nyt Carte over Island Copenhagen 44.4x56.6 cm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Nouvelle carte d´Islande Paris 44x56.2 cm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning Erichsens og Schönnings Charta öfwer Island Uppsala 25.6x33.3 cm Jón Eiríksson/Gerhard Schøning London 25.7x32.7 cm Jón Eiríksson/Ólafur Olavius Nyt Carte over Island Copenhagen 43.2x56 cm Bellin, Jacques Nicolas Carte de l´Islande Paris 15.8x21.3 cm Bellin, Jacques Nicolas Carte réduite de l´Islande et des Mers qui en sont voisines Paris 54.5x82.6 cm Zatta, Antonio L´Isola d´Islanda Venice 31x40.4 cm Cassini, Giovanni Maria L´Isola d´Islanda Rome 34x47.2 cm Mentelle, Edme Royaume de Danemarck: Premiere carte, Danemarck, Norwege et Islande Paris 32.2x42.1 cm

79. Dic C
Translate this page plana. Denomina-se atlas celeste ao conjunto de cartas de várias regiõesdo céu. cassini, giovanni Domenico (1625-1712). Organizou

80. Fotos De Físicos
Translate this page C. CARNOT, Nicolas L. Sadi (1796 - 1832) cassini, giovanni Dominico (1625- 1712) CAVENDISH, Henry (1731 - 1810) CELSIUS, Anders (1701 - 1744).
(320 a.C. - 250 a.C.) (384 a.C. - 322 a.C.)
(287 a.C. - 212 a.C.) B BECQUEREL, Antoine Henri
BELL, Alexander Graham


BOHR, Niels Henrik David
BROGLIE, Louis de
C CARNOT, Nicolas L. Sadi
CASSINI, Giovanni Dominico


CURIE, Marie
D DOPPLER, Christian Johann E EDISON, Thomas Alva EINSTEIN, Albert F FAHRENHEIT, Gabriel Daniel FARADAY, Michael FERMI, Enrico FIZEAU, Armand Hyppolyte Louis ... FRANKLIN, Benjamin G GALILEI, Galileu GALVANI, Luigi GAUSS, Carl Friedrich GIBBS, Josiah Willard ... GUTENBERG, Johannes H HEISENBERG, Werner Karl HERTZ, Heinrich Rudolf HIPARCO (190 a.C. - 120 a.C.) HOOKE, Robert HUYGENS, Christiaan J, K JOULE, James Prescott KELVIN, Lord (William Thomson) KEPLER, Johann L LANDAU, Lev Davidovich LORENTZ, Hendrik Antoon M MARCONI, Guglielmo MAXWELL, James Clerk MICHELSON, Albert Abraham MILLIKAN, Robert Andrews ... MORSE, Samuel Finley Breese N, O NEWTON, Isaac NOBEL, Alfred Bernhard OERSTED, Hans Christian OHM, Georg Simon ... ONNES, Heike Kamerlingh P PASCAL, Blaise PAULI, Wolfgang Ernst (582 a.C. - 497 a.C.) PLANCK, Max K. E. Ludwig

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