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         Boyle Robert:     more books (100)
  1. The Sceptical Chymist: Or: Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical by Robert Boyle, 2008-02-02
  2. The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and his Alchemical Quest by Lawrence Principe, Lawrence M. Principe, 2000-11-15
  3. Boyle: Between God and Science by Prof. Michael Hunter, 2010-10-12
  4. Robert Boyle: A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) by Robert Boyle, 1996-11-13
  5. Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle by Robert Boyle, 1991-11
  6. Robert Kipniss: Paintings 1950 - 2005 by Richard Boyle, 2007-07-25
  7. Robert Boyle and Seventeenth Century Chemistry by Marie Boas, 1958
  8. Skeptical Chemist: The Story of Robert Boyle (Profiles in Science) by Roberta Baxter, 2006-11-30
  9. Dapping: The Exciting Way Of Fishing Flies That Fly, Quiver, And Jump by Robert H. Boyle, 2006-12-30
  10. The Sceptical Chymist by Robert Boyle, 2010-09-10
  11. Robert Boyle (Giants of Science (Blackbirch)) by John Allen, 2005-09-02
  12. Robert Boyle and the Limits of Reason by Jan W. Wojcik, 2002-07-18
  13. The Works of Robert Boyle (Pickering Masters) by Robert Boyle, Michael Cyril William Hunter, et all 2000-11
  14. Robert Boyle Reconsidered

1. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle's Account of a Degredation of Gold This is an interesting piece by Robert Boyle in the form of allegorical discourse about the possibility of alchemical transmutation.
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Robert Boyle
exactly Boyle was a corpuscularian, a term he employed to paper over the differences between believers in a vacuum, and believers in a plenum, given that both of them agreed that the explanation of natural occurrences should be solely in terms of particles of matter, their motion and interaction. Boyle consistently refused to pronounce on the question of whether these minima naturalia should be considered atoms , in the strict sense of that term, or not. Even a metaphysical non-corpuscularian such as Leibniz agreed with Boyle in practical terms. "However much I agree with the Scholastics in this general and, so to speak, metaphysical explanation of the principles of bodies," he wrote to Arnauld in July 1686, "I am as corpuscular as one can be in the explanation of particular phenomena, and it is saying nothing to allege that they have forms or qualities" (Gerhardt 1875, 2:58, trans. Mason 1967). Boyle's scientific range was wide. Besides his well known work in mechanics, medicine, hydrodynamics and a wide variety of experiments with his vacuum pump, he was interested both theoretically and practically in alchemy (see Principe 1998), where his interest seems to have been fueled more by his constant desire to acquire knowledge of God and the world than by any desire for riches. He "cultivated Chymistry with a disinterested mind," seeking the improvement of his own knowledge, "

2. Boyle
Biography from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Boyle, Robert......Robert Boyle. Born 25 Jan 1627 in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland Died 30Dec 1691 in London, England. Robert Boyle was born into a Protestant family.
Robert Boyle
Born: 25 Jan 1627 in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland
Died: 30 Dec 1691 in London, England
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Robert Boyle was born into a Protestant family. His father was Richard Boyle, Earl of Cork, who had left England in 1588 at the age of 22 and gone to Ireland. Appointed clerk of the council of Munster by Elizabeth I in 1600, he bought Sir Walter Raleigh's estates in the counties of Cork, Waterford, and Tipperary two years later. Robert's mother, Catherine Fenton, was Richard Boyle's second wife, his first having died within a year of the birth of their first child. Robert was the seventh son (and fourteenth child) of his parents fifteen children (twelve of the fifteen survived childhood). Richard Boyle was in his 60s and Catherine Boyle in her 40s when Robert was born. Of his father Robert would later write [12]:- He, by God's blessing on his prosperous industry, from very inconsiderable beginnings, built so plentiful and so eminent a fortune, that his prosperity has found many admirers, but few parallels. Indeed, Robert was fortunate to have the richest man in Great Britain for a father although, one would have to say, the Earl of Cork had acquired his fortune by somewhat dubious means. He was imprisoned in England on charges of embezzlement at one stage and later was fined heavily for possessing defective titles to some of his estates.

3. Biographies Info Science Boyle Robert
Né à Lismore en Irlande, Robert Boyle est le quatorzième enfant du comte de Cork.

4. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Der englische Naturwissenschaftler Robert Boyle war ein Freund von Locke und begründete The Royal Society.
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Robert Boyle (1627 - 1692)
Der englische Naturwissenschaftler Robert Boyle war ein Freund von Locke The Royal Society Von Boyle stammt der chemische Begriff Element powered by Uwe Wiedemann

5. The Robert Boyle Project, University Of London
Resource at Birkbeck College, University of London, devoted to the life and work of Robert Boyle (16271691). Includes online articles and informational links on the subject.
Robert Boyle Official Home page
On the Boyle what’s new in Boyle studies? Robert Boyle: an Introduction ... The Works of Robert Boyle and The Correspondence of Robert Boyle The Work-diaries of Robert Boyle Projects and Publications Archive ... Links to other Web pages

ROBERT BOYLE MIGHTY CHEMIST. Among the many contenders for the title of Fatherof Modern Chemistry is Robert Boyle (January 25, 1627 December 30, 1691).
Among the many contenders for the title of " Father of Modern Chemistry " is Robert Boyle (January 25, 1627 - December 30, 1691). Boyle was the first prominent scientist to perform controlled experiments and to publish his work with elaborate details concerning procedure, apparatus and observations. He assembled what we would today call a "research group", developed a key piece of apparatus - the vacuum pump, was instrumental in founding the Royal Society, and deserves at least partial credit for the famous gas law which bears his name. Boyle was born in Ireland. As the youngest of fourteen children of the wealthiest man in the British Isles, Boyle's opportunities were almost unlimited. However, while still in adolescence, he chose the pseudonym Philaretus (Lover of Truth) and a life of scientific inquiry seemed almost inevitable. He was educated in the finest possible manner of this day, first studying at Eton and later travelling the Continent with a tutor and his older brother Francis. He learned philosophy, religion, languages, mathematics, and - perhaps most significantly - the new physics of Bacon, Descartes, and Galileo. The physical scientists and their new theories concerning air and vacuum, the movement of planets, and the circulation of blood were to sway his thinking much more than the alchemists. Boyle published copiously on topics ranging across several fields of science, philosophy, and theology. His first major scientific report

7. Boyle Robert From FOLDOC
boyle robert. history of science, philosophy of science english scientist(16271692) who discovered the relationship between the Robert

8. BOYLE ROBERT (1627-1691)
Translate this page boyle robert (1627-1691). Après des études à Eton, Robert Boyle reçoit àGenève une éducation très libérale et y étudie les mathématiques.
BOYLE ROBERT (1627-1691) Novum Organum Certain Physiological Essays et The Sceptical Chymist e The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle

9. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle. Born Jan. 25, 1627, Lismore, County Waterford, Ire.d. Dec. 30, 1691, London, Eng. AngloIrish chemist and natural
Robert Boyle
Born Jan. 25, 1627, Lismore, County Waterford, Ire. d. Dec. 30, 1691, London, Eng. Anglo-Irish chemist and natural philosopher noted for his pioneering experiments on the properties of gases and his espousal of a corpuscular view of matter that was a forerunner of the modern theory of chemical elements. He was a founding member of the Royal Society of London. Boyle was the 14th child of a family of wealth and influence. In 1635 he was sent to Eton College, after which he spent the years from 1639 to 1644 with a tutor on the European continent, for the most part in Switzerland. From 1645 to 1655 Boyle lived partly in Dorset, where he began his experimental work and wrote moral essays, some of which appeared in 1655 in Occasional Reflections upon Several Subjects. One of his essays is reputed to have inspired the writing of Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. He spent some time in Ireland in connection with his estates; because laboratory apparatus was unobtainable there, he engaged in anatomical dissection. From 1656 to 1668 he resided at the University of Oxford, where he had the good fortune to secure the assistance of Robert Hooke, the able inventor and subsequent curator of experiments to the Royal Society, who helped him construct an air pump.

10. BOYLE Robert
Robert Boyle byl anglicky prirodovedec, zijici v letech 1627 1691.Mel vynikajici schopnosti teoretika, experimentatora i filozofa
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:28:35
Obrazová galerie
BOYLE Robert - ENGLISH Robert Boyle byl anglický pøírodovìdec, žijící v letech 1627 - 1691. Mìl vynikající schopnosti teoretika, experimentátora i filozofa a s jeho jménem bývá spojováno utváøení vìdeckých základù chemie.
K nejvýznamnìjším Boylovým dílùm patøí spis z roku 1661 The Sceptical Chymist, v nìmž kromì zpochybnìní aristotelovského a alchymistického chápání elementu vyložil i svou korpuskulární teorii. Dílo bylo pøeloženo do mnoha jazykù a pøispìlo tak nejen k oživení atomistických pøedstav o hmotì, ale i k postupnému vyhraòování pojmu prvek.
Boylova experimentální èinnost byla velmi rozmanitá. Pøi žíhání a spalování látek zjistil vážením pøírùstek hmotnosti, ale vysvìtlil to tím, že korpuskule plamene pøešly do žíhané látky. Tato pøedstava pak napovídala budoucím tvùrcùm flogistonové teorie. Zkoumal slouèeniny fosforu, objevil kyselinu fosforeènou a vyrobil z ní první zápalky. Zabýval se minerálními vodami (používal rostlinná barviva jako indikátory - šávu z dubìnek, lakmusové papírky) a bioluminiscencí. Kvantitativní pokusy s plyny ho pøivedly v roce 1662 k objevu vztahu mezi tlakem a objemem plynù. Vznikl tak Boylùv - Mariottùv zákon (Edme Mariotte byl francouzský fyzik, žijící v letech 1620 - 1684). V roce 1680 se Boyle stal prezidentem královské spoleènosti v Londýnì (Royal Society).

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11. BOYLE  Robert - ENGLISH
Last updated 05.08.2001 063356. Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland.He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental scientists of his time.
Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:33:56
Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland. He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental scientists of his time. It is thought that he was the first to collect gases by displacing water in an inverted flask. He discovered the relationship between the pressure and the volume of a gas in 1660. The relationship, pxV = constant, is known as Boyle´s law and was one of the first attempts to express a scientific principle in a mathematical form. Boyle separated chemistry from the realm of alchemy and estabilished it as a science. On the basis of experiment he defined an element as something that cannot be broken up into smaller substances. Robert Boyle devoted his life to experimental science, taking careful notes of each experiment, enabling other scientists to learn from his work. He is regarded as the father of experimental science.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

12. BOYLE Robert
Robert Boyle byl anglický prírodovedec, žijící v letech 1627 1691. Mel vynikající schopnosti teoretika, experimentátora
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:28:35
Obrazová galerie
BOYLE Robert - ENGLISH Robert Boyle byl anglický pøírodovìdec, žijící v letech 1627 - 1691. Mìl vynikající schopnosti teoretika, experimentátora i filozofa a s jeho jménem bývá spojováno utváøení vìdeckých základù chemie.
K nejvýznamnìjším Boylovým dílùm patøí spis z roku 1661 The Sceptical Chymist, v nìmž kromì zpochybnìní aristotelovského a alchymistického chápání elementu vyložil i svou korpuskulární teorii. Dílo bylo pøeloženo do mnoha jazykù a pøispìlo tak nejen k oživení atomistických pøedstav o hmotì, ale i k postupnému vyhraòování pojmu prvek.
Boylova experimentální èinnost byla velmi rozmanitá. Pøi žíhání a spalování látek zjistil vážením pøírùstek hmotnosti, ale vysvìtlil to tím, že korpuskule plamene pøešly do žíhané látky. Tato pøedstava pak napovídala budoucím tvùrcùm flogistonové teorie. Zkoumal slouèeniny fosforu, objevil kyselinu fosforeènou a vyrobil z ní první zápalky. Zabýval se minerálními vodami (používal rostlinná barviva jako indikátory - šávu z dubìnek, lakmusové papírky) a bioluminiscencí. Kvantitativní pokusy s plyny ho pøivedly v roce 1662 k objevu vztahu mezi tlakem a objemem plynù. Vznikl tak Boylùv - Mariottùv zákon (Edme Mariotte byl francouzský fyzik, žijící v letech 1620 - 1684). V roce 1680 se Boyle stal prezidentem královské spoleènosti v Londýnì (Royal Society).

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13. WIEM: Boyle Robert
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia B......boyle robert (16271691), uczony i mysliciel angielski pochodzenia irlandzkiego,autor rozpraw naukowych i esejów z zakresu przyrodoznawstwa napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Chemia, Fizyka, Wielka Brytania
Boyle Robert widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Boyle'a-Mariotte'a prawo Boyle Robert (1627-1691), uczony i my¶liciel angielski pochodzenia irlandzkiego, autor rozpraw naukowych i esejów z zakresu przyrodoznawstwa, teorii moralno¶ci, teologii. W dziele The Sceptical Chemist (1661) podda³ krytyce przyrodnicze pogl±dy Arystotelesa, Paracelsusa i J.B. van Helmonta oraz wprowadzi³ pojêcie pierwiastka chemicznego jako substancji, której nie mo¿na roz³o¿yæ na substancje prostsze. Odkry³ zmianê barwy lakmusu (i in. wska¼ników) pod wp³ywem kwasów i zasad. Bada³ produkty suchej destylacji drewna, fizykochemiczne w³asno¶ci gazów ( Boyle'a-Mariotte'a prawo ) i zjawiska towarzysz±ce ogrzewaniu metali. Udoskonali³ metodê otrzymywania fosforu z jego zwi±zków, podan± przez H. Branda. Interesowa³ siê równie¿ zasadami handlu i wytwórczo¶ci. W 1660 cz³onek-za³o¿yciel Towarzystwa Królewskiego (Royal Society). Odwied¼ w Internecie CHEMFAN Powi±zania Pierwiastek chemiczny wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

14. Basic Search
1. Physics, Lafferty, Peter, Archimedes ; Galilei, Galileo ; Faraday, Michael ;Curie, Marie ; Boyle, Robert ; Newton, Isaac, Sir ; Rutherford, Ernest, 530LAF ROBERT

15. Xrefer - Search Results - Robert Boyle
boyle robert 1627 1691. boyle robert 1627 1691 Physicist, who formulatedBoyle's law, that the volume of a gas varies boyle robert 1627 1691. Boyle

16. Boyle
Robert Boyle 16271691. Robert Boyle, an Irish-born English scientist, was anearly proponent of the scientific method and a founder of modern chemistry.
Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle, an Irish-born English scientist, was an early proponent of the scientific method and a founder of modern chemistry. After his education in Geneva, Switzerland, Boyle settled in England and devoted himself to scientific research. He strongly beleived in "the necessitity of objective observation and verifiable laboratory experiments" in science, which is why he is known as a founder of the modern scientific method. Boyle was also the first chemist to isolate and collect a gas. Through his studies, he formulated a law of physics which states that if temperature is held constant, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume (Boyle's Law). In the field of chemistry, Boyle observed that air is absorbed in the process of combustion and that metals gain weight when they oxidize. He also recognized the difference between a compound and a mixture and formulated his atomic theory of matter on the basis of his laboratory experiments. In The Sceptical Chemist (1661), Boyle attacked Aristotle's theory that four elements-earth, air, fire, and water-compose all matter. Boyle's theory was that tiny particles of primary matter combine in various ways to form what he called corpuscles, and that all observable reactions resulted from the motion and structure of the corpuscles.

17. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle (1627–1691) was born at Lismore Castle, Munster, Ireland,the fourteenth child of the Earl of Cork. As a young man

    Robert Boyle at sixty-three.

    Robert Boyle (1627–1691) was born at Lismore Castle, Munster, Ireland, the fourteenth child of the Earl of Cork. As a young man of means, he was tutored at home and on the Continent. He spent the later years of the English Civil Wars at Oxford, reading and experimenting with his assistants and colleagues. This group was committed to the New Philosophy, which valued observation and experiment at least as much as logical thinking in formulating accurate scientific understanding. At the time of the restoration of the British monarchy in 1660, Boyle played a key role in founding the Royal Society to nurture this new view of science. The Sceptical Chymist
    (title page).
    Although Boyle's chief scientific interest was chemistry, his first published scientific work, New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, Touching the Spring of the Air and its Effects (1660), concerned the physical nature of air, as displayed in a brilliant series of experiments in which he used an air pump to create a vacuum. The second edition of this work, published in 1662, delineated the quantitative relationship that Boyle derived from experimental values, later known as "Boyle's law": that the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure. Boyle at thirty-seven.

18. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle (16271691) Account of a Degredation of Gold (AVL) TheLife of Sir Robert Boyle (Groups) Sir Robert Boyle Reconsidered
Robert Boyle
Account of a Degredation of Gold
The Life of Sir Robert Boyle
Sir Robert Boyle Reconsidered
Short Biography of Sir Robert Boyle
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19. ASPIRE - Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland on January 25, 1627. Hegrew up in a large family of fourteen children. Boyle studied
Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland on January 25, 1627. He grew up in a large family of fourteen children. Boyle studied at Eton College from the time he was about eight years old until he was twelve. When he was twelve, he went on a five year European tour with a private tutor and his older brother Francis. During this time, Boyle read the works of Galileo, Bacon, and Descartes. When he returned from his tour in 1644, he moved to Dorset, England and began to write moral essays and do scientific research. Boyle joined a scientific society in 1654 that became the Royal Society in 1662. This is now the oldest continuous scientific society in the world. In 1656, he moved to Oxford to live with his sister, and worked with Robert Hooke on his most well-known experiments. He died in London on December 30, 1691 at the age of sixty-three. Boyle published two major scientific books in his lifetime. The first, The Spring and Weight of Air , was published in 1660. In it, Boyle proved that air was necessary for supporting sound, fire, and life. His second book, The Sceptical Chymist , was published in 1661. It argued against Aristotle's view of four elements, and proposed a different view, saying that elements were actually made up of different arrangements of primary particles. In 1662, he published the second edition of

20. Boyle Robert Grendell Dan Mulvihill Michael Arsenal 2060
Translate this page boyle robert Grendell Dan Mulvihill Michael Arsenal 2060. Titel Arsenal 2060Autor boyle robert Grendell Dan Mulvihill Michael. Rubrik Kategorie
Boyle Robert Grendell Dan Mulvihill Michael Arsenal 2060
Titel: Arsenal 2060
Autor: Boyle Robert Grendell Dan Mulvihill Michael
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