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         Boulliau Ismael:     more detail
  1. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  2. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volumes 20-21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-03
  3. Ducae, Michaelis Ducae Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Volume 21 (Latin Edition) by Immanuel Bekker, Doukas, et all 2010-02-10
  4. Collection Boulliau: An Inventory by Robert A. Hatch, 1983-04
  5. The Collection Boulliau (BN, FF. 13013-13059): An Inventory. Foreword by Harcourt Brown. by Ismaël (1605-1694)] HATCH, Robert A. [BOULLIAU, 1982-01-01
  6. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres ... (Portuguese Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-25
  7. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2009-06-13
  8. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-05-23
  9. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  10. Ismaelis Bullialdi Exercitationes Geometricae Tres (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  11. Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta Clarius Explicata Et Asserta (1657) (Latin Edition) by Ismael Boulliau, 2010-09-10
  12. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694): Astronome, epistolier, nouvelliste et intermediaire scientifique : ses rapports avec les milieux du "libertinage erudit" (Studies ... Landen in de Nieuwe Tijd) (French Edition) by Henk J. M Nellen, 1994
  13. Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694), nieuwsjager en correspondent by H. J. M Nellen, 1980

41. Pier¶cienie Saturna - Astronomia I Kosmologia - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
W roku tym rozpoczal sledzenie wygladu Saturna ismael boulliau (16051694),wówczas juz obserwator z dwudziestoletnim stazem, i gdanszczanin Jan
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Astronomia Eseje Tematy Historia astronomii Narzêdzia i metody astronomii Astronomia sferyczna i praktyczna Badania kosmiczne ... Eseje
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Ka¿dy mi³o¶nik astronomii wie, ¿e Saturn By³ wiek XVII. Skierowanie ku niebu lunety wprowadzi³o do opisu Wszech¶wiata nieznan± wcze¶niej jako¶æ, spotêgowan± jeszcze przez nieporadno¶æ kszta³tuj±cego siê dopiero jêzyka nowej fizyki. Siedemnastowieczny uczony stawa³ wobec konieczno¶ci opisania zjawisk, które nie mia³y precedensu w jego obrazie ¶wiata i których natura dawa³a siê wyja¶niæ wy³±cznie za pomoc± teorii, le¿±cych poza obszarem wiedzy dostêpnej uczonemu. W tym to okresie, pomiêdzy rokiem 1610 a 1660, rozegra³a siê historia zagadkowego wygl±du Saturna. Po raz pierwszy dziwny wygl±d Saturna obwie¶ci³ ¶wiatu Galileusz. Relacjonuj±c obserwacje, wykonane za pomoc± lunety w lipcu 1610 roku, w³oski uczony pisa³ z Padwy w li¶cie do Belesario Vinty, sekretarza wielkiego ksiêcia Toskanii:

42. Cudowna I Bia³y Karze³ - Nowinki Astronomiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
gwiazdy, która znikala i pojawiala sie przed oczyma zdumionych astronomów,wyznaczyl w 1667 r. Francuz ismael boulliau (16051694) - na 333 dni.
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Astronomia Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Cudowna i bia³y karze³
Henryk Jerzykiewicz
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Cudowna i bia³y karze³ Jedna z najbardziej znanych gwiazd zmiennych - Mira w Wielorybie - ma towarzysza. Wiedziano o tym od dawna, ale dopiero niedawno skoñczy³ siê proces rozszyfrowywania jego to¿samo¶ci.
W sierpniu 1596 r. fryzyjski mi³o¶nik astronomii David Fabricius (1564-1617) odnotowa³ pojawienie siê w konstelacji Wieloryba (Cetus) gwiazdy 3 wielko¶ci gwiazdowej. Gwiazdy takie nazywano w tamtych czasach nowymi i tak te¿ okre¶li³ j± w swym wydanym w 1690 r. katalogu gwiazd gdañski astronom Jan Heweliusz Nova in collo Ceti
Dzi¶ wiemy o Mirze sporo. Przede wszystkim, ¿e jest czerwonym olbrzymem, którego ¶rednica blisko 400 razy przewy¿sza ¶rednicê S³oñca . Rozdêta atmosfera Miry pulsuje, a zatem zmieniaj± siê jej wielko¶æ i temperatura powierzchniowa (od oko³o 1900 do 2600 stopni; w przypadku S³oñca mamy mniej wiêcej stale 5800 stopni), a przez to moc promieniowania, co przek³ada siê na wahania jasno¶ci. W ten sposób Cudowna zmienia sw± jasno¶æ na ziemskim niebie od jakich¶ 2 (staje siê wówczas najja¶niejsz± gwiazd± Wieloryba) do 10 wielko¶ci gwiazdowych (czyli znika z pola widzenia go³ego oka) z okresem 332 dni. Od niej wywodzi siê nazwa jednego z rodzajów gwiazd zmiennych pulsuj±cych (d³ugookresowych): gwiazdy typu Mira Ceti. Ale to nie wszystko. Od blisko 100 lat wiemy, ¿e omikron Ceti ma towarzysza, innymi s³owy, jest gwiazd± wizualnie podwójn±. Ten drugi sk³adnik ma jasno¶æ 13 wielko¶ci gwiazdowych i kr±¿y wokó³ czerwonego olbrzyma w do¶æ bezpiecznej odleg³o¶ci 100

43. Nature Publishing Group
law (which claimed that the radius vector from the Sun to a given planet sweeps outequal areas in equal times) were suggested by ismael boulliau and Seth Ward

44. Physics Time-Line To 1799
Evangelista Torricelli, mercury barometer and artificial vacuum 1645 ismael boulliau,inverse square law for central force acting on planets 1648 Blaise

45. Mira, 'The Wonderful' - Omicron Ceti
In 1667 ismael boulliau announced that the star had a regular brighteningperiod of 333 days. This is extremely close to it's listed
Mira, 'The Wonderful' - an object of stellar proportions
BACK Located in the neck of the constellation Cetus, the Whale, Mira, also known as Omicron Ceti, is perhaps the brightest, best-known, and probably closest of a class of long-period red variable stars known as Mira variables
It is a true variable star, one which pulsates, swelling briefly, brightening, then shrinking once again, fading from view of the naked eye. Discovered by David Fabricus, Mira was the first variable star to be recognized for what it truely was: a variable star. Fabricus didn't recognize this fact, believing the star to be a nova, as it was not on any charts of the time (he looked!), and was brighter than the brightest star in the constellation. This was mid-August of 1596. A few weeks later the star faded from view. The telescope wasn't invented for another 10 years, so no one could track the star's fading dimness to it's minimum amount. Even if they had recognized Mira for what it was. Unbeknownst to Fabricus, Omicron Ceti would brighten again a little more than 300 days later. It wasn't until 1609 before he noticed that the star had rebrightened.

46. • Rozkvet Nebeskej Techniky (astronómia)
ismael boulliau (Bulliardus, 16051694) vo svojom diele Astronomia Philolaica (1645)vyslovil ako prvý tézu, že prítažlivost telies klesá so štvorcom

47. Estrelas Variaveis
Translate this page o astrônomo holandês John Phocylides Holwarda a viu aumentar de brilho novamente,afirmando que era um evento periódico, e em 1667 ismael boulliau (1605-1694
Estrelas Variáveis
Excluindo-se a supernova 1504 na constelação do Touro, ainda visível como a Nebulosa do Caranguejo, que foi registrada pelos astrônomos chineses e japoneses mas não pelos ocidentais, e a supernova 1572, na constelação da Cassiopéia, primeiro observada por Wolfgang Schuler mas estudada por Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), que alcançou magnitude -4, o primeiro registro de variabilidade estelar ocorreu em 1596. O teólogo e astrônomo holandês David Fabricius (1564-1617) notou que a estrela na constelação da Baleia (Cetus), de segunda magnitude, declinou em brilho regularmente até que, em outubro de 1596, desapareceu. Ele deu-lhe o nome de ``a maravilhosa'' (Mira Ceti). Em 1638 o astrônomo holandês John Phocylides Holwarda a viu aumentar de brilho novamente, afirmando que era um evento periódico, e em 1667 Ismael Boulliau (1605-1694) mediu o período como 333 dias. O tipo de movimento mais simples é o puramente radial, em que a estrela mantém a forma esférica em todos os tempos, mas muda de volume. Em 1879 e 1881 A. Ritter estudou as oscilações dilatacionais (radiais), e em 1917 Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) desenvolveu a teoria de oscilações radiais. Mais tarde ele propôs que a mudança de transparência na atmosfera causa as pulsações: a atmosfera opaca retém o calor e causa a expansão, que por sua vez causa a redução da opacidade permitindo que a luz escape, esfriando a atmosfera e causando o colapso. Em 1960 o astronômo americano John Paul Cox (1926-1984) descobriu que a ionização parcial do hélio era a fonte de opacidade que fazia as Cefeidas pulsarem.

48. The 1500's
Descartes's Principles of Philosophy 1645 ismael boulliau, inverse square law forcentral force acting on planets 1648 Blaise Pascal, explains barometer as a
The 1600's
Galileo Galilei , study of sound and vibrating strings
William Gilbert , static electricity and magnetism : Ieyasu rules Japan, moves capital to Edo (Tokyo). Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Johannes Kepler
, mirrors, lenses and vision
Galileo Galilei , distance for falling object increases as square of time : Cervantes's Don Quixote de la Mancha, the first modern novel.
Hans Lippershey , optical telescope
Lippershey and Janssen , the compound microscope
Johannes Kepler , 1st and 2nd laws of planetary motion
Thomas Harriot , maps moon using a telescope
Johannes Kepler , notion of energy
Galileo Galilei , builds a telescope : Samuel de Champlain establishes French colony of Quebec. The Relation, the first newspaper, debuts in Germany. Galileo Galilei , observes the phases of Venus Galileo Galilei , observes moons of Jupiter Galileo Galilei , observes craters on the moon Galileo Galilei , observes stars in the Milky Way Galileo Galilei , observes structures around Saturn Fabricius, Galileo, Harriot, Scheiner , sunspots Marco de Dominis , explanation of rainbows Johannes Kepler , principles of the astronomical telescope : Gustavus Adolphus elected King of Sweden. King James Version of the Bible published in England. Rubens paints his

49. OPE-MAT - Historique
Translate this page Charles Betti, Enrico Bossut, Charles Bachet de Méziriac Beurling, Arne Bouguer,Pierre Bachmann, Paul Bézout, Étienne boulliau, ismael Bacon, Roger
, Niels Akhiezer , Naum Anthemius of Tralles Abraham bar Hiyya al'Battani , Abu Allah Antiphon the Sophist Abraham, Max al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan Apollonius of Perga Abu Kamil Shuja al'Haitam , Abu Ali Appell , Paul Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani al'Kashi , Ghiyath Arago , Francois Ackermann , Wilhelm al'Khwarizmi , Abu Arbogast , Louis Adams , John Couch Albert of Saxony Arbuthnot , John Adelard of Bath Albert , Abraham Archimedes of Syracuse Adler , August Alberti , Leone Battista Archytas of Tarentum Adrain , Robert Albertus Magnus, Saint Argand , Jean Aepinus , Franz Alcuin of York Aristaeus the Elder Agnesi , Maria Alekandrov , Pavel Aristarchus of Samos Ahmed ibn Yusuf Alexander , James Aristotle Ahmes Arnauld , Antoine Aida Yasuaki Amsler , Jacob Aronhold , Siegfried Aiken , Howard Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Artin , Emil Airy , George Anderson , Oskar Aryabhata the Elder Aitken , Alexander Angeli , Stefano degli Atwood , George Ajima , Chokuyen Anstice , Robert Richard Avicenna , Abu Ali
, Charles Betti , Enrico Bossut , Charles Bachet Beurling , Arne Bouguer , Pierre Bachmann , Paul Boulliau , Ismael Bacon , Roger Bhaskara Bouquet , Jean Backus , John Bianchi , Luigi Bour , Edmond Baer , Reinhold Bieberbach , Ludwig Bourgainville , Louis Baire Billy , Jacques de Boutroux , Pierre Baker , Henry Binet , Jacques Bowditch , Nathaniel Ball , W W Rouse Biot , Jean-Baptiste Bowen , Rufus Balmer , Johann Birkhoff , George Boyle , Robert Banach , Stefan Bjerknes, Carl

In the illustration to the Machina, the assistant is ismael boulliau, a visitingastronomer who during the eclipse of 1661, was asked for advice on

51. JC OnLine
Translate this page Eles foram copiados em meados do século 17 pelo padre e astrônomo ismael boulliau,que na época era secretário do embaixador da França na Holanda, e levou
Jornal do Commercio - Recife, de novembro de 1998
Manuscritos revelam astronomia do século 17 por VERÔNICA FALCO Uma equipe do Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST/CNPq), no Rio de Janeiro, está estudando 119 manuscritos do alemão Georg Marcgrave, que integrou o grupo de artistas e cientistas trazidos para Pernambuco pelo Conde Maurício de Nassau, no século 17. Os manuscritos foram copiados da biblioteca do Observatório de Paris e relatam eventos astronômicos observados no Nordeste por Marcgrave, entre 1638 e 1643. O astrônomo acredita que Marcgrave tenha usado o Sistema Solar verdadeiro para medir as horas. "Naquela época era completamente diferente. Não havia uma hora universal e nem um meridiano de referência, como é Greenwich", afirma. A hora solar verdadeira, explica o Matsuura, é dada pela sombra do Sol em uma haste ao longo do dia. A diferença entre o sistema e um relógio convencional pode chegar a 45 minutos para mais ou para menos.

52. Index
III, VX Philo van Byzantium IV Philoctetes IV Philodemus XII Philodusus, Janus(=Daniel Heinsius) XVII Philolaus (=ismael boulliau) VII, IX Philonomus IV
@import url(CSS/Form); /*IE and NN6x styles*/ HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Onderzoek Projecten Brieven van Hugo de Groot 1597-1645 A ... Z Paauw: zie Pauw
Pacheco Pereira, Duarte: I
Paci, Pietro: VIII
Paciano: XIV
Pacianus: V
Pacius a Beriga, Julius: XVII
Pacuvius: XI
Padburch, David: IX
Paderborn: IV, VII-XI, XIV; zie ook Paterborn
Padua: V, VII, VIII, XIV, XV
Padua, Marsilius van: zie Marsilius Padus: zie Po Paedianus, Q. Asconius: I Paedts: zie Paets Paeones: IV Paeschael: zie Pascal Paets, Annetgen: IV, VI Paets, Joh.: I, XII; zie ook Patius, Johannes Paets, Marten (Maerten): X, XIV, XVII Pafenhovium: zie Pfaffenhofen Pagenstecher, Andreas Christian: XVI Pagninus O.P., Sanctes: VI Paina: V Paitzum: zie Peitz Palaeologa: zie Margaretha (Maria) Palaeologa Palaephatus: IV Palamedes: III Palamedes Nauplius (=Johan van Oldenbarnevelt): III, IV Palamedis filius (=Willem van Oldenbarnevelt): IV Palatijn (Palatinus): X Palatina domus: zie Palts Palatinat: zie Palts; Opperpalts Palatius: V Palau (Polaldus), klooster van San Pedro de Roda: XV

53. History Of Physics
1645 ismael boulliau, inverse square law for central force acting on planets.1648 Blaise Pascal, explains barometer as a result of atmospheric pressure.
History of Physics Physics can be defined as the mathematical model of the universe. More simply put, it is how things work. The history of physics, and of physicists, is replete with twists and turns and facinating characters. Let's visit a few: T he Ancient World The Renaisance The Modern World ... Galileo Einstein Aristotle Newton Feynman Eratosthenes Boyle Hawking Questions? Contact me: Steve Buster Science Timelines: Ancient World 585: Thales of Miletus, prediction of an eclipse -580: Thales of Miletus, birth of scientific thought -580: Thales of Miletus, water as the basic element -580: Thales of Miletus, magnets and attraction to rubbed amber -560: Thales of Miletus, first cosmologies -550: Anaximenes, flat Earth -525: Pythagoras, understanding the world and mathematics -520: Anaximander, Earth surface is curved (cylinder) -515: Parmenides, paradoxes of change and motion -500: Pythagoreans, Earth is a sphere -480: Oenopides, finds angle of Earth's tilt to ecliptic -480: Protagoras, reality comes from the senses -480: Heraclitus, fire as primary substance

54. Histoire De La Science-Fiction - Le Siècle Des Lumières
la Royal Society; Astronomia Philolaoica d'ismael boulliau émet l'hypothèse
  • Johannes Kepler et Tycho Brahe débute une orageuse mais spectaculaire collaboration à Prague "De Magnete" de William Gilbert est le premier ouvrage de physique entièrement basé sur l'expérimentation. Il comporte un chapitre sur l'électricité statique et parle du concept, révolutionnaire, du magnétisme de la Terre Le quatrième problème d'Apollonius (Construction d'un cercle tangent à trois cercles donnés) est résolu Franciscus Vieta Pi est calculé jusqu'à la septième décimale (3.1415929) par Adriaen Anthoniszoon Giordano Bruno est condamné au bûcher pour ses écrits influencés par le mysticisme de Platon, le naturalisme et le panthéisme "Hamlet" de Shakespeare, la plus grande histoire de fantômes jamais racontée est joué pour la première fois sur scène Décès de Tycho Brahe; Johannes Kepler lui succède à l'observatoire de Prague "De Vocis Auditusque Organis Historia Anatomica" de Julius Casserius, est un traité d'anatomie dans lequel figurent des illustrations de l'oreille et du larynx Publication posthume de "Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata" , traité d'astronomie de Tycho Brahe qui détaille la position exacte de 777 étoiles Découverte du sulfite de baryum par Vincenzio Casarido Décès d'Elizabeth I, reine d'Angleterre

55. STAR
varying brightness, ranging from the ninth to the second magnitude, was recognizedin 1639 by John Phocylides Holwarda, and in 1667 ismael boulliau (1605—1694
a patterne whereof I will propounde to your judgements. Then did he make heaven’s vault to rebounde, with rounce robble hobble Of ruffe raffe roaring, with thwick thwack thurlery bouncing.” This is a parody, but not a very extravagant one, of Stanyhurst’s vocabulary and metrical methods. His son, William Stanyhurst (1602—1663), was a voluminow writer of Latin religious works, one of which, Dei immortali~ in cor pore mortali palientis historia, was widely popular, and was translated into many languages. Only two copies of the orginal Leiden edition of Stanyhurst’~ translation of Virgil are known to be in existence. In this editior his orthographical cranks are preserved. A reprint in is8gby Henr3 Bynneman forms the basis of J. Maidment’s edition (Edinburgh 1836), and of Professor E. Arber’s reprint (1880), which contaire an excellent introduction. Stanyhurst’s Latin works includi De reltus in Hibernia gestis (Antwerp, 1584) and a life of St Patrici STANZA (Low Lat. stantia, Ital. stantia or stanza), properl~ an apartment or storey in a house, the term being hence adopte for literary purposes to denote a complete section, of recurren form, in a poem. A stanza is a strophe of two or more lines usually rhyming, but always recurring, the idea of fixed re petition of form being essential to it. At the close ‘of the 1 6th century the word stanza began to be used with an adjective to designate a particular species, as the “ Spenserian stanza,” because Spenser had invented that nine-lined form for his Faerie Queen; or “Ariosto’s stanza” as Drayton described what is now known as ottava rima, because Ariosto had written prominently in it. By “stanzaic law” is meant the law which regulates the form and succession of stanzas. The stanza is a modern development of the strophe of the ancients, modified by the requirements of rhyme. (See VERSE; STROPHE; SPENSERIAN STANZA.)

1645 Astronomia Philolaoica by ismael boulliau proposes that the central forceattracting planets to the Sun must be proportional to the inverse square of
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May be posted electronically provided that it is transmitted unaltered, in its entirety, and without charge. Why was the 17th Century the Dawn of Science Fiction? My basic thesis is that the rise of Science Fiction is inseparable from the Rise of modern Science, whose publications influenced all sufficiently well-read intellectuals. That's why I list both science fiction and science nonfiction here. From the collaboration of Kepler and Brahe to the death of Jean Racine, this was an enormously exciting century in the growth of ideas, institutions, and literary conceits. There are hotlinks here to authors, magazines, films, or television items elsewhere in the Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide or beyond. Most recently updated: 27 April 2000 (major expansion adds the final 15 years of the century) Over 92 Kilobytes of text. 1600: The odd couple of Johannes Kepler (theorist) and Tycho Brahe (experimentalist) begin a stormy but spectacular collaboration in Prague 1600: "De Magnete" [Concerning Magnetism] by William Gilbert is the first book on Physics to be entirely based on experiment. It includes chapters on static electricity and the revolutionary idea that the planet Earth is a magnet. 1600: The 4th Apollonian problem (about constructing a circle to touch any three given circles) is solved by

57. Thuret Plomp
23 The astronomer ismael boulliau (160594) mentions Christiaan Huygens 'omnium caput'of the Académie Royale des Sciences, see Œuvres Complètes, XVIII, 4.

T he
H o r o l o g i c a l F o u n d a t i o n A Longitude Timekeeper by
Isaac Thuret with the Balance Spring invented by Christiaan Huygens Reinier Plomp

The Netherlands Summary The recent discovery of an extremely interesting clock signed Thuret A Paris reveals that this clockmaker was much more closely involved in the development of a clock to be used for finding longitudes at sea than has generally been assumed. Isaac Thuret was the clockmaker who made for Christiaan Huygens the first watch with a spiral spring regulating the movements of the balance wheel in 1675.
Figure 1.
The recently discovered longitude timekeeper by Isaac Thuret, signed
Thuret A Paris

The conflict about his contribution to the invention is usually seen as to have ended their cooperation. However, a closer study of Huygens' correspondence strongly suggests that this was not the case.
This longitude timekeeper, provided with the pirouette as published by Huygens but abandoned by the makers of pocket watches, supports this view. Its close correspondence in design with the later marine chronometers (no remontoire neither fusee) confirms that Huygens and Thuret, apart from the pirouette, were on the right track. However, it would take a century before the reliability and accuracy of the mechanic timekeeper reached the level required for measuring longitudes.

58. Neder-L
blz. 434435 HJM Nellen. ismael boulliau (1605-1694). Astronome, epistolier,nouvelliste et intermediair scientifique. Ses rapports
Cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief
Uitgeverij Verloren
Larenseweg 123
1221 CL Hilversum

ISSN 0921-142X
(voorheen: ISSN 0921-5867) Ton Harmsen
Deze webpage bevat het archief met gegevens over oudere nummers van dit tijdschrift. Meer recente, jongere nummers vindt u elders op deze site
Jaargang 14, nummer 2, november 1998
Lezingen van het congres over 'Spel en spelen in de zestiende en de zeventiende eeuw' te Rotterdam, 27 en 28 augustus 1998 georganiseerd door de Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw in samenwerking met de Faculteit Historische en Kunstwetenschappen van de Erasmusuniversiteit.
Samenvattingen in het Engels kan men vinden via de www-pagina
  • Alessandro Arcangeli.
    Play and health in medical literature. Blz. 3-11.
    (Na Thomas Linacre's vertaling van Galenus' Hygieina wordt sport en spel vanuit medisch en ethisch oogpunt opnieuw bekeken. Over het algemeen werd sport en spel niet verboden, maar het gebruik ervan werd ook niet toegejuicht; er kleefden veel morele bezwaren aan.)
  • R. van Stipriaan.

59. LookSmart - Christian Huygens
Christiaan Scientific Revolution Provides a biography of the scientist, informationfrom his letters, and details of his relationship with ismael boulliau.

60. EA - úvod
ismael boulliau (BULLIARDUS, 16051694) vo svojom diele Astronomia Philolaica (1645)vyslovil ako prvý tézu, že prítažlivost telies klesá so štvorcom
Predslov Úvod Skratky A ... D
Astronómia Predmetom výskumu astronómie sú všetky objekty vesmíru: slneèná sústava, jej telesá a objekty (Slnko, planéty s mesiacmi, medziplanetárna hmota zahàòajúca kométy, asteroidy, meteoroidy a medziplanetárny prach), hviezdy a všetky ostatné telesá našej hviezdnej sústavy – Galaxie (dvojhviezdy, hviezdokopy, hmloviny, medzihviezdna hmota), hviezdne sústavy a sústavy hviezdnych sústav (galaxie, kvazary, skupiny a kopy galaxií, supergalaxie, Metagalaxia, medzigalaktická hmota), ako aj všetky druhy žiarenia vo vesmíre (kozmické žiarenie, reliktové žiarenie, neutrína) a sám vesmír ako celok.
Rozdelenie astronómie
Pod¾a cie¾a, predmetu a metód svojho konkrétneho výskumu delí sa astronómia na viaceré oblasti, ktoré sa stále dopåòajú, prípadne i menia pod¾a jej hlavného zamerania v danom èase. Astrometria, pozièná astronómia, sa zaoberá urèovaním presnej polohy vesmírnych telies. Jej súèasou je a) sférická astronómia, ktorá rozpracúva matematické metódy na urèovanie zdanlivých polôh a pohybov vesmírnych telies na oblohe; b) fundamentálna astrometria

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