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41. Pier¶cienie Saturna - Astronomia I Kosmologia - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat W roku tym rozpoczal sledzenie wygladu Saturna ismael boulliau (16051694),wówczas juz obserwator z dwudziestoletnim stazem, i gdanszczanin Jan http://www.wiw.pl/astronomia/a-pierscienie.asp | |
42. Cudowna I Bia³y Karze³ - Nowinki Astronomiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat gwiazdy, która znikala i pojawiala sie przed oczyma zdumionych astronomów,wyznaczyl w 1667 r. Francuz ismael boulliau (16051694) - na 333 dni. http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/astronomia/200106/20010615-001.asp | |
43. Nature Publishing Group law (which claimed that the radius vector from the Sun to a given planet sweeps outequal areas in equal times) were suggested by ismael boulliau and Seth Ward http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v395/n6702/full/ |
44. Physics Time-Line To 1799 Evangelista Torricelli, mercury barometer and artificial vacuum 1645 ismael boulliau,inverse square law for central force acting on planets 1648 Blaise http://www.weburbia.com/pg/hist1.htm |
45. Mira, 'The Wonderful' - Omicron Ceti In 1667 ismael boulliau announced that the star had a regular brighteningperiod of 333 days. This is extremely close to it's listed http://mirafurlan.virtualave.net/eMs.htm | |
46. Referaty.sk Rozkvet Nebeskej Techniky (astronómia) ismael boulliau (Bulliardus, 16051694) vo svojom diele Astronomia Philolaica (1645)vyslovil ako prvý tézu, e prítalivost telies klesá so tvorcom http://www.referaty.sk/index.php?referat=6160 |
47. Estrelas Variaveis Translate this page o astrônomo holandês John Phocylides Holwarda a viu aumentar de brilho novamente,afirmando que era um evento periódico, e em 1667 ismael boulliau (1605-1694 http://www3.iconet.com.br/astronomia/estrelas/variaveis.htm | |
48. The 1500's Descartes's Principles of Philosophy 1645 ismael boulliau, inverse square law forcentral force acting on planets 1648 Blaise Pascal, explains barometer as a http://www.easthamptonhigh.org/~kdscience/physicsproject/1600.html | |
49. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Charles Betti, Enrico Bossut, Charles Bachet de Méziriac Beurling, Arne Bouguer,Pierre Bachmann, Paul Bézout, Étienne boulliau, ismael Bacon, Roger http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
50. Www.europa.com/~telscope/solartele.txt In the illustration to the Machina, the assistant is ismael boulliau, a visitingastronomer who during the eclipse of 1661, was asked for advice on http://www.europa.com/~telscope/solartele.txt |
51. JC OnLine Translate this page Eles foram copiados em meados do século 17 pelo padre e astrônomo ismael boulliau,que na época era secretário do embaixador da França na Holanda, e levou http://www2.uol.com.br/JC/_1998/0211/cm0111a.htm | |
52. Index III, VX Philo van Byzantium IV Philoctetes IV Philodemus XII Philodusus, Janus(=Daniel Heinsius) XVII Philolaus (=ismael boulliau) VII, IX Philonomus IV http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BrievenVanHugoDeGroot1594-1645/index/p | |
53. History Of Physics 1645 ismael boulliau, inverse square law for central force acting on planets.1648 Blaise Pascal, explains barometer as a result of atmospheric pressure. http://www.usd253.org/~fhlc/Busterhome_Site/LI511/history_of_physics.htm | |
54. Histoire De La Science-Fiction - Le Siècle Des Lumières la Royal Society; Astronomia Philolaoica d'ismael boulliau émet l'hypothèse http://www.surf.be/membres/pds/HistoireSF/Lumieres.htm | |
55. STAR varying brightness, ranging from the ninth to the second magnitude, was recognizedin 1639 by John Phocylides Holwarda, and in 1667 ismael boulliau (16051694 http://41.1911encyclopedia.org/S/ST/STAR.htm | |
56. TIMELINE 17th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE 1645 Astronomia Philolaoica by ismael boulliau proposes that the central forceattracting planets to the Sun must be proportional to the inverse square of http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline17.html | |
57. Thuret Plomp 23 The astronomer ismael boulliau (160594) mentions Christiaan Huygens 'omnium caput'of the Académie Royale des Sciences, see uvres Complètes, XVIII, 4. http://www.antique-horology.org/_Editorial/thuretplomp/thuretplomp.htm | |
58. Neder-L blz. 434435 HJM Nellen. ismael boulliau (1605-1694). Astronome, epistolier,nouvelliste et intermediair scientifique. Ses rapports http://www.neder-l.nl/tijdschriften/17e-a.html | |
59. LookSmart - Christian Huygens Christiaan Scientific Revolution Provides a biography of the scientist, informationfrom his letters, and details of his relationship with ismael boulliau. http://canada.looksmart.com/eus1/eus302562/eus317836/eus317914/eus55566/eus33016 |
60. EA - úvod ismael boulliau (BULLIARDUS, 16051694) vo svojom diele Astronomia Philolaica (1645)vyslovil ako prvý tézu, e prítalivost telies klesá so tvorcom http://www.szaa.sk/ea/uvod.htm | |
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