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         Bolyai Janos:     more books (99)
  1. Finite and Infinite Sets (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by A. Hajnal, L. Lovasz, 1985-05
  2. People From Cluj-Napoca: János Bolyai, Ion Negoitescu, Rudolf Kastner, Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Béla Károlyi
  3. Wissenschaft Und Forschung in Ungarn: Ungarische Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Bolyai János Matematikai Társulat, World Science Forum (German Edition)
  4. Topology Theory and Applications (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  5. Theory of Algorithms (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  6. Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai (VOLUME 3) Numerical Methods by P. (editor) Rozsa, 1968
  7. Person (Siebenbürgen): János Bolyai, Samuel Hahnemann, Marie Stritt, Vlad Iii. Draculea, Sigismund Báthory, Erzsébet Báthory, Emil Cioran (German Edition)
  8. Mathématicien Hongrois: John Von Neumann, János Bolyai, Paul Erdos, Abraham Wald, Béla Bollobás, András Sárközy, Cornelius Lanczos, Paul Halmos (French Edition)
  9. Rings, modules and radicals (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  10. 1860 Deaths: Arthur Schopenhauer, János Bolyai, Jérôme Bonaparte, Charles Barry, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Samuel Holdheim, Thomas D. Rice
  11. Janos Bolyai: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Sherri Chasin Calvo, 2000
  12. A. Haar Memorial Conference (Colloquia mathematica societatis Janos Bolyai)
  13. Numerical Methods (Colloquia mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  14. Bolyai Appendix (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) by Janos Bolyai, 1988-02

61. Janos Bolyai
janos bolyai. Macar Matematikçisi.(18021860) Gauss'un da yakin arkadasiolan bir Matematikçi'nin ogludur. Babasi Farkas, Öklid
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JANOS BOLYAI Gauss, bütün bunlarý daha önceden bulmuþtur; ama konu o kadar köktenci bir biçimde geometriyi sarsmaktadýr ki, bu buluþunu yayýnlamak cesaretini kendinde bulamamýþtýr. Bu mektupu alan Bolyai, herþeyin Gauss tarafýndan zaten bilindiðini öðrenince tüm hevesini yitirir ve bir daha o konuyla uðraþmaz. Bolyai, buluþunun 3 yýl önce Lobachewsky tarafýndan da yayýnlandýðýný öðrenseydi daha büyük düþ kýrýklýðýna uðrardý.

62. Comunicat 13.12.2002 - Bicentenar Janos Bolyai
În ziua de 13 decembrie 2002, în Aula Academiei Române sa desfasurat sesiuneaomagiala Bicentenar janos bolyai geometriile neeuclidiene, ieri si azi

63. GIGA Quote Author Page For Janos Bolyai
GIGA's compilation of quotations, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorismsby janos bolyai. Home Page Biographical Index Reading
Home Page Biographical Index Reading List Internet Links ...
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Hungarian mathematician (1802 - 1860)

Out of nothing I have created a strange new universe.
- on the creation of a non-Euclidean geometry [ Geometry
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Last Revised: 2003 February 25

64. Janos Bolyai
Translate this page janos bolyai. (Kalozsvar, oggi Cluj, 1802 - Marosvararhely 1860).Fu uno dei fondatori della geometria non-euclidea. Sulla scorta
Janos Bolyai (Kalozsvar, oggi Cluj, 1802 - Marosvararhely 1860) Fu uno dei fondatori della geometria non-euclidea. Sulla scorta degli interessi del padre Farkas (amico di Gauss) iniziò nel 1820 gli studi sul quinto postulato di Euclide, ma già nel 1823 anzichè tentarne una dimostrazione partì dal presupposto che per un punto esterno ad una retta data passino infinite parallele ad essa e cercò di trarne tutte le possibili conseguenze. Sviluppò così una geometria non-euclidea che chiamò " Scienza assoluta dello spazio ". Il manoscritto, finito nel 1829, venne pubblicato come appendice all'opera paterna nel 1832 con titolo Appendix scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens . L'opera di Bolyai era stata sviluppata indipendentemente sia dal lavoro di N. I. Lobacevskij (pubblicato nel 1829), sia dalla convinzione a cui era giunto in precedenza Gauss circa la possibilità logica di una geometria non-euclidea coerente, mai resa di dominio pubblico.

65. Mostly Mathematicians / At The Janos Bolyai Conference 2002 With E. Grinberg, E.
Mostly Mathematicians. At the janos bolyai Conference 2002 withE. Grinberg, E. Fernandes and Z. Szabo. Previous Home Next.
Mostly Mathematicians
At the Janos Bolyai Conference 2002 with E. Grinberg, E. Fernandes and Z. Szabo
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66. Janos Bolyai. Der Mozart Der Mathematik. Leben Und Werk.
Translate this page uniprotokolle Buchtitel janos bolyai. Der Mozart der Mathematik. Leben und Werk. Bücher.Kreditkarte. janos bolyai. Der Mozart der Mathematik. Leben und Werk.
Forum Chat Newsletter Nachrichten ... Suche Specials Eignungstest Kreditkarte
Janos Bolyai. Der Mozart der Mathematik. Leben und Werk.
von Janos Bolyai
Kategorie: 19. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 3929805103
Kommentar abgeben

67. Auteur Bolyai, Janos Titre [La] Science Absolue De L'espace / Par
Translate this page Auteur, bolyai, janos. Titre, La science absolue de l'espace / parJean bolyai. Précédé d'une Notice sur la vie et les travaux
Auteur Bolyai, Janos Titre Publication Description 64 p. Sujet(s) Espace Domaine Cote Identifiant Réunit : Auteur Schmidt Titre Notice sur la vie et les travaux de W. et de J. Bolyai / par M. Fr. Schmidt,... Consulter l'ouvrage

68. Oliver Faulhaber's Homepage / Mathematik / Briefmarken / Mathematiker B
Translate this page Geburtstages. bolyai, janos (1802-1860) Ungarischer Mathematiker, derals Pionier auf dem Gebiet der nicht-euklidischen Geometrie gilt.
Motivsammlung "Mathematik"
Mathematiker B
Briefmarken zu: Banach Banachiewicz Berkeley Bernoulli ... X - Y - Z Sonstige
Banach , Stefan (1892-1945):
Polnischer Mathematiker, der nur durch ein glückliches Zusammentreffen mit Steinhaus die mathematische Laufbahn einschlug. Anfangs eher dem Ingenieurwesen zugeneigt, entwickelte er sich jedoch später zu einem der führenden Köpfe in der Maßtheorie und Funktionalanalysis. Von den bis heute nach ihm benannten mathematischen Begriffe ist der "Banachraum" (ein vollständiger normierter Raum) wohl der bekannteste - aber einigen dürfte auch das Hahn-Banach- und Banach-Steinhaus-Theorem bzw. das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon ein Begriff sein.
Land: Polen

Michel-Mark: Michel-Nr.:
Yvert-Nr.: Die Marke erschien in dem Satz "Mathematiker".
Banachiewicz , Tadeusz (1882-1954): Land: Polen Jahr: Michel-Mark: Michel-Nr.: Scott-Nr.: Yvert-Nr.: wanted Bernoulli , Jakob (1654-1705): siehe Internationaler Mathematikerkongress 1994 Berkeley , George (1685-1753): Eher Metaphysiker als Wissenschaftler, besitzt dieser irische Bischof dennoch mathematik-historische Bedeutung: Seine wohl überlegten Angriffe (in dem Traktat The analyst: or a discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician ) gegen Newton und dessen logische Grundlagen der Differential- und Integralrechung sorgten weithin für Aufsehen. Berkeleys Argumentation zufolge führten Newtons Methoden zwar zu den richtigen Ergebnissen, allerdings nur aufgrund zweier sich aufhebender Fehler.

69. Janos Bolyai
Jest bowiem dramtem czlowieka gleboko zaangazowanego w rozwój nowych,rewolucyjnych idei. janos bolyai urodzil sie w 1802 roku w Kolozsvar. Bolyai.htm
Historia tego Wêgra jest szczególnie interesuj¹ca. Jest bowiem dramtem cz³owieka g³êboko zaanga¿owanego w rozwój nowych, rewolucyjnych idei. Janos Bolyai urodzi³ siê w 1802 roku w Kolozsvar. Ojciec jego Wolfgang, profesor matematyki, strawi³ znaczn¹ czêœæ ¿ycia nad dylematem niezale¿noœci pewnika Euklidesa od pozosta³ych aksjomatów geometrii, jednak¿e powa¿niejszych wyników na tym polu nie osi¹gn¹³. Dlatego przekonywa³ syna, by nie zajmowa³ siê tym problemem. Janos wszak¿e nie poszed³ za rad¹ ojca i ju¿ podczas swych studiów w Królewskiej Akademii In¿ynieryjnej w Wiedniu zacz¹³ poszukiwaæ w³aœciwego rozwi¹zania. Zachowane rysunki pochodz¹ce z tego okresu wskazuj¹, ¿e m³ody Bolyai znalaz³ w³aœciw¹ drogê. Kontynuuj¹c swe poszukiwania, ju¿ w 1825 roku doszed³ do podstawowych pojêæ i twierdzeñ geometrii nieeuklidesowej. Jednak¿e ich œcis³e dowody zabra³y mu dalsze szeœæ lat pracy. Opracowawszy w koñcu uzyskane wyniki, zamieœci³ jej w formie dodatku do ksi¹¿ki swego ojca, wydanej w 1832 roku. Wyk³ad owego dodatku, nosz¹cego tytu³ "Appendix scientiam spatii absolutu veram exhibens", odznacza³ siê skrajn¹ zwiêz³oœci¹ i schematycznoœci¹, ale ze wzglêdu na przemyœlenie ka¿dego s³owa i oznaczenia nale¿y to dzie³o do najpiêkniejszych w literaturze matematycznej. Mimo swej wagi, ukazanie siê pracy matematyka wêgierskiego nie wzbudzi³o wiêkszego zainteresowania, poza jedynym entuzjastycznym przyjêciem Gaussa. Bardziej jednak ni¿ brak zainteresowania zabola³o Bolyai'a oœwiadczenie Gaussa, jakoby ten posiada³ podobne wyniki. Odt¹d Bolyai bêdzie mia³ w podejrzeniu Niemca, przypuszczaj¹c, ¿e ten wykorzystuje jego idee. Silnie odbi³o siê tak¿e na psychice Wêgra jego niepowodzenie w premiowanym konkursie og³oszonym w Lipsku w 1837 roku. Bolyai nadsy³a œwietn¹ pracê, poprzedzaj¹c¹ konstrukcjê Hamiltona. Nie zyskuje ona jednak uznania w oczach jury. Pog³êbiaj¹ca siê deprezja osi¹ga u Bolyai'a swoje dno po ukazaniu siê w 1840 roku niemieckiego wydania pracy £obaczewskiego zatytu³owanej "Geometryczne rozwa¿ania w teorii prostych równoleg³ych". Bolyai dochodzi do wniosku, ¿e £obaczewski to nie istniej¹ca osoba, za któr¹ ukrywa siê Gauss. Od tej pory Wêgier nie opublikuje niczego wiêcej o matematyce, umrze piêæ lat przedtem, zanim jego idea uzyska powszechne uznanie.

Room E The life and works of janos bolyai I. 16.00 – 17.30. Room B The heritageof bolyai I. Room E The life and works of janos bolyai II. Room map.
Programme Committee
Chair: A. Prékopa (Hungary)
Secretary: K. Bezdek (Hungary)
Organising Committee
Chair: Á. Császár (Hungary)
Secretary: K. Böröczky (Hungary)
Organisers Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest University of Debrecen University of Szeged János Bolyai Mathematical Society Roland Eötvös Physical Society Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, HAS Computer and Automation Research Institute, HAS Babes-Bolyai University, Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Sapientia University, Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures, Romania) Sponsors Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) Ministry of Education Ministry of Cultural Heritage – National Cultural Fund (of Hungary) Conference Secretariat
Viktor Richter
c/o Computer and Automation Research Institute, HAS
Kende u. 13-17. H-1111 Budapest Hungary fax: +361 386 9378 e-mail: CONTENTS WELCOME General information Information for participants Registration and information desk Internet access Official language Room map List of topics Programme at-a-glance Information for authors Presentation and technical equipment Chairs and authors Evening programmes Welcoming Reception Banquet Technical programME Monday, 8 July

71. Janos Bolyai, Euclid, And The Nature Of Space By Jeremy J. Gray (Paperback - May
Buy janos bolyai, Euclid, and the Nature of Space by Jeremy J. Gray (Paperback May 2003) here at low prices. janos bolyai, Euclid, and the Nature of Space.
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72. Farkas Bolyai
janos bolyai. Farkas Wolfgang bolyai (Bolya 1775 - Marosvasarhely1856). janos bolyai (Kolozsvar 1802 - Marosvasarhely 1860).
Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai
(Bolya 1775 - Marosvasarhely 1856) Mathématicien hongrois. Il enseigna les mathématiques, la physique et la chimie à Marosvasarhely toute sa vie. Contemporain de Gauss, il entretient avec lui une longue correspondance. Il s'intéresse aux fondements de la géométrie et plus particulièrement au cinquième postulat d'Euclide. Janos Bolyai
(Kolozsvar 1802 - Marosvasarhely 1860) Son fils Janos (1802-1860), officier du génie, consacre ses loisirs à la construction d'une nouvelle géométrie en remplaçant le cinquième postulat d'Euclide par l'axiome suivant : 'Par tout point extérieur à une droite il passe une infinité de parallèles à cette droite'. Gauss approuve totalement ses recherches et signale qu'il connait déjà ces résultats depuis de nombreuses années : Lobatchevski était arrivé au même résultat que lui. Déçu de ne pas être le premier mathématicien à avoir trouvé cette nouvelle géométrie (géométrie non-euclidienne), Bolyai ne publie plus aucun résultat.
A noter cependant que l'on appelle quelque fois la géométrie dite de Lobatchevski, la géométrie de Bolyai.

Translate this page bolyai, janos. Matemático janos bolyai era filho de um matemáticoque. durante sua juventude, havia sido um bom amigo de Gauss. O
BOLYAI, Janos Matemático húngaro nasceu em Kolozsvár, Hungria (agora Cluj, Romênia), 15 de dezembro de 1802 faleceu em Marosvásárhely, Hungria (agora Târgu-Mures, Romênia), 17 de janeiro de 1860. Janos Bolyai era filho de um matemático que. durante sua juventude, havia sido um bom amigo de Gauss. O velho Bolyai havia tentado provar o axioma das paralelas de Euclides mas evidentemente fracassará. Com 15 anos, Bolyai ingressou na Escola de Engenharia de Viena e, com 20 anos, alistou-se. Além de seus dotes matemáticos. ainda possuía vários dos atributos românticos húngaros, tais como ser exímio violinista e excelente esgrimista. Conta-se que teria um dia duelado com 13 homens, um após o outro, que entre cada duelo tocava violino, e que te­ria derrotado a todos. Em 1825 ou 1826 desenvolvia uma linha de pensamento idêntica à que Lobachevski estava elaborando na Rússia. Em 1831, o velho Bolyai publicou um tratado de matemá­tica no qual incluiu um apêndice de 26 pági­nas, escrito por seu filho, e que valia várias vezes o resto da obra. Explicava a geometria não-euclidiana que Lobachevski, ainda des­conhecido por Bolyai, havia divulgado três anos antes. Gauss admirou o trabalho, mas não con­seguiu resistir à baixeza de afirmar que já o havia feito alguns anos antes (sem, todavia, publicá-lo, provavelmente porque, apesar de possuir a genialidade, faltava-lhe a coragem necessária para enfrentar as ásperas críticas que não teriam faltado se publicasse idéias tão revolucionárias). Bolyai, muito embaraçado, mas também muito orgulhoso, recusou-se a fazer qualquer trabalho adicional nesse sen­tido.

74. Prodigy Zone
Design Articles. Design Scientists. bolyai, janos Gauss, Carl Friedrich.bolyai, janos bolyai, janos (18021860), Hungarian mathematician

75. GNE - Les Fondateurs - Gauss - Bolyai - Lobatchevsky
Translate this page Le père de janos bolyai était un ami de Gauss et les deux passaient pour êtreles deux meilleurs spécialistes de cette question des parallèles à cette
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Les fondateurs des GNE Le livre I d'Euclide Retour aux GNE
Le livre I d'Euclide
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76. Editando Janos Bolyai
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77. Images Of Mathematicians On Postage Stamps
Highquality scans of postage stamps from around the world picturing famous mathematicians.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... bolyai2.jpg. bolyai, janos. Issued by Hungary in 1960, on the 100thanniversary of his death bolyai3.jpg. BOLZANO, Bernard. Issued
Images of Mathematicians on Postage Stamps
RECENT CHANGES: On March 15, a Spanish stamp depicting Archimedes was added, a stamp issued by the Netherlands depicting De Witt was added, a 1961 stamp issued by the Soviet Union depicting workers studying mathematics was added, a 1978 Finnish stamp commemorating the Internation Congress of Mathematicians was added, and bernoulli.jpg, imk.jpg, lagrange.jpg, leibniz1.jpg, leibniz2.jpg, luxembourg2000.jpg, nunes.jpg, and huygens1.jpg were replaced with better scans. Thanks to Bert Jagers for these images. Also on March 15, workers2.jpg, newton46.jpg, newton47.jpg, huygens3.jpg, descartes8.jpg, and descartes9.jpg were added. Thanks to Brigitte Vallee for these images. ABEL, Niels Henrik. Issued by Norway on April 6, 1929, upon the death centenary abel1.jpg abel2.jpg abel3.jpg abel4.jpg ; issued by Norway on June 5, 2002, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth abel5.jpg abel6.jpg ; a coin issued by Norway in 2002 on the 200th anniversary of his birth abel7.jpg

78. Atlas Conferences
Atlas home Conferences Abstracts about Atlas janos bolyai Conferenceon Hyperbolic Geometry. July 812, 2002 Budapest, Hungary. Mathematics.
Atlas home Conferences Abstracts about Atlas
Janos Bolyai Conference on Hyperbolic Geometry
July 8-12, 2002
Budapest, Hungary
Host: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The scientific programme of the Conference is planned to include talks on the following topics: * Hyperbolic geometry and foundations of geometry * Hyperbolic geometry and discrete geometry * Hyperbolic geometry and differential geometry * Hyperbolic manifolds and groups * Applications of hyperbolic geometry in combinatorics and in computational geometry * Applications of hyperbolic geometry and its extensions in physics and other sciences * The role of hyperbolic geometry in the history and philosophy of mathematics and in cultural history * The development of the notion of space and axiomatics * The life and works of János Bolyai * Teaching and visualisation of hyperbolic geometry
Date revised: September 09, 2002 Atlas Conferences Inc.

79. Janos Abonyi
Computational Intelligence in Process Engineering, janos bolyai Research Fellowshipof the Hungarian Academy of Science (20002003). Reviewer IEEE Trans.
Curriculum Vitae Name: dr János Abonyi
Date a nd place of birth: th June 1974 Szombathely Hungary Tel: e-mail http
Work Experience University of Veszprém Department of Process Engineering,
Assistant Professor University of Veszprém Department of Process Engineering,
Research Fellow Delft University of Technology , Control Laboratory of the Faculty of
Information Technology and Systems, The Netherlands
Research fellow in an Intelligent Adaptive Control of Bioreactors project. University of Veszprém , Department of Process Engineering, Ph.D. student. Education University of Veszprém Ph.D in Chemical Engineering Cybernetics (summa cum laude) 'Fuzzy Model Based Control – with the use of a priori knowledge' University of Veszprém Chemical Engineer ( M.Eng
Process Engineering orientation, accredited by IChemE
(UK-based membership organisation for chemical engineers) Courses, study-trips Delft University of Technology , Control Laboratory of the
Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Identification of Semi-Mechanistic Models by Fuzzy Clustering The Netherlands, October

80. Math Forum: Alejandre: Mathematician/Scientist Links
Agnesi, Maria al'Khwarizmi, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa Banneker, Benjamin bolyai,janos Carver, George Washington Cavalieri, Bonaventura Drew, Charles
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    Agnesi, Maria
    al'Khwarizmi, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa

    Banneker, Benjamin

    Bolyai, Janos
    Just, Ernest

    Khayyam, Omar

    Kovalevsky, Sonya

    Kowa, Seki
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    4000 Years of Women in Science - Time Ordered List African Americans in the Sciences Alphabetical Index of Women Mathematicians Biographies of African-Americans from Maryland ... Search Please mail comments and suggestions to Suzanne Alejandre
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