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         Bolyai Farkas:     more detail
  1. Kurzer Grundriss Eines Versuchs (German Edition) by Farkas Bolyai, 2009-04-27
  2. Mitglied Der Ungarischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Charles Darwin, Charles Babbage, Jürgen Habermas, Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai, Theodor Mommsen (German Edition)
  3. Geometrische Untersuchungen mit Unterstuetzung der Ungarischen (German Edition) by Farkas Bolyai, 2010-02-08
  4. Uton Bolyai Farkas dramaihoz (az ember es a drama): Jegyzetek a 19. szazad elejenek magyar dramairol : akademiai szekfoglalo, 1986. majus 26 (Ertekezesek, emlekezesek) (Hungarian Edition) by Pal Pandi, 1989
  5. Bolyai Farkas (1775-1856) (Hungarian Edition) by Barna Szenassy, 1975
  6. Dramak (Csokonai konyvtar) (Hungarian Edition) by Farkas Bolyai, 1998
  7. A ket Bolyai elete es munkassaga (Hungarian Edition) by Lajos David, 1979
  8. Apa es fiu: Bolyai-tanulmanyok (Elvek es utak) (Hungarian Edition) by Samu Benko, 1977
  9. Mathematical Gems from the Bolyai Chests: Janos Bolyai's Discoveries in Number Theory and Algebra As Recently Deciphered from His Manuscripts by Elemer Kiss, Janos Bolyai, 1999-02
  10. Matematikai kincsek Bolyai Janos: Keziratos hagyatekabol (Hungarian Edition) by Elemer Kiss, 1999
  11. Differential Equations and its Applications (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai)
  12. Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai) by Farkas, 1981-12

81. Arany János Közalapítvány
Szakkuratóriumok A következo szakkuratóriumok muködtek 2000ben RánkiGyörgy szakkuratórium bolyai farkas szakkuratórium Darányi Ignác
JELENTÉS az Arany János Közalapítvány a Tudományért 2000. évi tevékenységérõl.
1. Szervezeti helyzet

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A kuratórium.
2000-ben a Közalapítvány kuratóriuma a következõ üléseket tartotta, melyen az alábbi napirendi pontok szerepeltek: Március 31.
1. A Közalapítvány kuratóriuma 1999. december 15-i ülése határozatainak megerõsítése.
2. A Közalapítvány 1999. évi tevékenységérõl és a pénzügyi jelentésrõl szóló beszámoló megvitatása 3. A 2000. évi pénzügyi terv és cselekvési program megvitatása. 4. Indítvány az Alapító Okirat kibõvítésére. 5. Polányi Mihály-díj kuratóriuma leveleinek megvitatása. 6. Egyebek.

la sfârsit flecareala de o ora si jumatate transmisa în seara zilei de 18 aprilie,de postul TVR 2, pe marginea transformarii Liceului bolyai farkas (si nu
REVISTA PRESEI Imprimati acest document 'Haromszek' - 23.04.2002
'Haromszek' / 23.04.2002, pag.1
Titlul: 'Impunerea unui consens'
Semneaza: Sylvester Lajos
'Cititorii publicatiei 'Haromszek' -cu foarte putine exceptii- au receptat alegerile din Ungaria ca pe o înfrângere. (...)
Rezultatele finale ale alegerilor au adus totusi ceva nou si anume recunoasterea faptului ca între cele doua forte egale trebuie sa se creeze un echilibru. In caz contrar, tara nu poate fi guvernata. 'Infrânt', Orban Viktor este acceptat acum chiar si de Hankiss Elemer si de postul de televiziune 'Magyar ATV'. Se vorbeste despre impunerea unui consens. Este într-adevar nevoie de asa ceva. Speram ca legea statutului, proiectul-Szechenyi, creditele pentru locuinte, împrumuturile destinate elevilor si toate celelalte vor fi aprobate în varianta lor actuala. In acest caz, consensul impus, consensul national si maghiarimea europeana numarând 15 milioane de membri vor putea sa existe. (...)'
'Haromszek' / 23.04.2002, pag.2
Titlul: 'Sprijin american pentru Sapientia'
Semneaza: (MTI / Mediafax -Simo Erzsebet)
'La initiativa Fundatiei Maghiare pentru Drepturile Omului (HHRF), cu sediul la New York, în SUA s-au facut donatii în valoare de peste 50.000 dolari pentru Sapientia, universitate maghiara de stiinte din Transilvania -a declarat Hamos Laszlo, presedintele HHRF. Dupa discutiile purtate cu decanul Lanyi Szabolcs, Hamos -care la sfârsitul saptamânii trecute a vizitat sectia din Miercurea Ciuc a universitatii particulare maghiare din Transilvania- a afirmat: activitatea fundatiei are o latura noua, constructiva, si anume sprijinirea si prezentarea pe scena internationala a Universitatii Sapientia.'

83. Agenda - Timisoara
Tibor, membru extern al Academiei Ungare, care a desfasurat si desfasoara osustinuta activitate consacrata operei celor doi bolyai farkastatal si
agenda Sãptãmânal de informaþii ºi divertisment. Apare sâmbãta, la Timiºoara - Director ºi redactor ºef: Zoltan Kovacs Homepage Trustul de presã Tarife publicitare ... E-mail Nr. 2/11 ianuarie 2003 Structura paginilor * Informaþii generale: * Sãptãmâna pe scurt: * Administraþia publicã: * Învãþãmânt: * Informaþii culturale: * Informaþii economice: * De reþinut (ºtiri): * Servicii-comerþ: * Util pentru dvs.: * Dialog cu cititorii: * În faþa legii: * Pentru timpul liber: * Sport: Mica publicitate * Senzaþional: A B C D Senzaþional - pag. A
Paginã realizatã de IOAN STANCIU Bazele teoriei spaþiilor neeuclidiene au fost elaborate la Timiºoara „... Din nimic
am creat o altã lume, nouã“
Dintr-o fericitã întâmplare, datoratã în bunã parte hazardului, la începutul secolului al XIX-lea, Timiºoara a devenit locul unei descoperiri ºtiinþifice epocale, care a schimbat radical dezvoltarea geometriei, a ºtiinþei spaþiului, a matematicii ºi fizicii.
Pe lângã îndeplinirea obligaþiilor de serviciu, János Bolyai ºi-a continuat la Timiºoara cercetãrile începute în anii studenþiei la Viena, axate pe complexa problemã a paralelelor. În 3 noiembrie 1823, într-o lungã scrisoare adresatã tatãlui sãu, care activa ca profesor la Gimnaziul superior reformat din Târgu Mureº, tânãrul inginer militar anunþa cã a izbutit sã înfãptuiascã lucruri minunate prin descoperirea formulei fundamentale a primei geometrii neeuclidiene. „... Din nimic am creat o altã lume, nouã“, scria el în scrisoare, realizând importanþa ºtiinþificã a descoperirii fãcute.

84. Lobachevsky-Bolyai-Gauss
geometry simultaneously. Bolyai became interested in the theory of parallellines under the influence of his father bolyai farkas. F
Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky
Lobachevsky published the first account of non-euclidean geometry. He derived his trigonometry formulas from the study horocycles and the horoshpere, rediscovering Watcher's theorem that the geometry of horocycles on the horosphere is the same as lines in the euclidean plane. Lobachevsky established the independence of Euclid's fifth postulate by pointing out that the geometry is entirely based on his formulae for a triangle which leads to the familar formulae for spherical triangles when sides a b c are replaced by ia ib ic . So any inconsistancy in the geometry would imply an inconsistancy in the spherical geometry which is part of euclidean geometry.
Bolyai Janos
...a new universe from nothing. J Bolyai was the founder of Absolute Geometry that branch of geometry consisting of those propositions independent of the fifth postulate (and therefore appiciable to euclidean and hyperbolic geometry). Bolyai and Lobachevsky discovered non-Euclidean geometry simultaneously. Bolyai became interested in the theory of parallel lines under the influence of his father Bolyai Farkas . F Bolyai himself devoted considerable energy toward a proof the parallel postulate without success and tried to dissuade his son from such a hopeless endevor: I entreat you, leave the doctrine of parallel lines alone; you should fear it like a sensual passion; it will deprive you of health, leisure and peace it will destroy all joy in your life.

85. Kattintson Együttmuködésben A Oldallal Dr.
Híres szülöttek. bolyai farkas Bolyai János Suto András Erdélyi magyar ki kicsoda (tipp).
Együttmûködésben a

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86. Untitled
Ezt követoen Váradi hallgató szavalta el Babits Mihály Bolyai János címuversét, Vígh tözsormester németül idézett bolyai farkas leveleibol.
Az egykori m. kir. Bolyai János Honvéd Mûszaki Akadémia, jogutódja a Fõiskolai kar és a Honvéd Alapítvány névadója születésének kétszázadik évfordulóját ünnepeltük ebben az évben. A sok nagyszerû rendezvény közül is kiemelkedett a Honvéd Alapítvány szervezésében Bolyai János bécsi emléktáblájának megkoszorúzása.
Az emlékünnepségre utazó delegáció vezetõje Dr. Piószeghy János nyá. dandártábornok, mb. katonai rektorhelyettes volt, díszvendégként megjelent Dr. Farkas Tivadar nyá. mk. vezérõrnagy, aki a Nemzetvédelmi Akadémia parancsnokával hat évvel ezelõtt együtt avatta fel az emléktáblát.
Bécs helyõrségi templomában, a Stift templomban az emléktábla mellé felállt a Bécsi Gárda és a magyar hallgatók díszõrsége. Ünnepélyes orgonazenére hozták be hallgatóink a történelem viharait megélt Bolyai zászlót, és vitték az oltár mellé. A nagyszámú meghívottak orgonakísérettel énekelték el nemzeti himnuszaikat. Rudolf Schütz tábornok, az Osztrák Szövetségi Haderõ Katolikus Tábori Püspökség általános helynöke köszöntötte a megjelenteket. Imájában megemlékezett az egykori Bolyai Akadémia és a mai Fõiskolai Kar elhunyt hallgatóiról. Dr. Szabó Tamás katolikus tábori püspök és Jákob János alezredes protestáns tábori esperes szolgált az oltárnál. Váradi Tibor hallgató magyarul és Vígh Krisztina törzsõrmester hallgató németül idéztek a Szent Leckébõl. Ezt követõen Váradi hallgató szavalta el Babits Mihály: Bolyai János címû versét, Vígh tözsõrmester németül idézett Bolyai Farkas leveleibõl.

87. Science - Janos Bolyai
Euclidean geometry. Written in Latin, it was meant as a complementarywork to his father's, bolyai farkas, manual titled Tentamen .
Great Hungarian mathematician from Transylvannia. He studied at the Academy for Engineers Corps in Vienna. He made a brilliant figure while being a student by his significant findings. His crucial work, called "Appendix", which he had written in 1832, in no realisation of what Russian mathematician N. I. Lobacevski was doing almost at the same time, fathered the non-Euclidean geometry. Written in Latin, it was meant as a complementary work to his father's, Bolyai Farkas, manual titled: "Tentamen". In 1837 Bolyai also dedicated his study "Responsio" to complex numbers theory. His findings are dialectical contributions to mathematical problems, as he laid new foundations to geometry and prepared it for new horizons. Regrettably, his work received no due attention and appreciation from his contemporaries. Last update : 2000, January 21 Go to
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Lun Mar 24, 2003 2:43 pm
Evenimente importante din judeþ de care aþi auzit dar nu le-aþi vãzut menþionate pe MureºInfo. Anunþaþi-ne aici!
Sâm Feb 22, 2003 2:56 pm
mdragoi Antireclama Sunteti nemultumiþi de o produsele sau serviciile unei companii mureºene? Aþi fost trataþi sub orice criticã? Scrieþi-ne ºi nouã ca sã putem evita asemenea locuri pe viitor! Joi Feb 13, 2003 12:03 am cpeter Feedback MureºInfo Mar Mar 11, 2003 3:53 pm mdragoi Hobby-uri Scrie ce-þi place sã faci în timpul liber, dacã mai existã aºa ceva în ziua de azi. Mie Feb 12, 2003 5:59 pm

89. Farkas Bolyai
farkas bolyai (17751856), nasceu em Bolya, perto de Nagyenyed (Hungria) a 9 de Fevereiro de 1775.
Farkas Bolyai O A A

90. Bolyai_Farkas
farkas Wolfgang bolyai. farkas bolyai was the father of János bolyai andstudied at Jena, then at Göttingen where he was taught by Kaestner.
Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai
Born: 9 Feb 1775 in Bolya (near Nagyszeben), Transylvania, Austrian Empire (now Sibiu, Romania)
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Farkas Bolyai Bolyai Kaestner . He became a life long friend of Gauss Farkas Bolyai was interested in the foundations of geometry and the parallel axiom. He corresponded with Gauss on the topic most of his life. His main work, the Tentamen , was an attempt at a rigorous and systematic foundation of geometry, arithmetic, algebra and analysis. His attempts to stop his son studying the parallel axiom fortunately failed! Farkas Bolyai wrote to his son Detest it as lewd intercourse, it can deprive you of all your leisure, your health, your rest, and the whole happiness of your life. When Farkas Bolyai despaired of the parallel postulate, he wrote poetry, music and drama.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (11 books/articles) A Quotation Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics Non-Euclidean geometry
Other Web sites Encyclopaedia Britannica
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Societies, honours, etc.

91. Bolyai_Farkas
Biography of farkas bolyai (17751856) farkas Wolfgang bolyai. Born 9 Feb 1775 in Bolya (near Nagyszeben), Transylvania, Austrian Empire (now Sibiu, Romania)
Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai
Born: 9 Feb 1775 in Bolya (near Nagyszeben), Transylvania, Austrian Empire (now Sibiu, Romania)
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to see four larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Farkas Bolyai Bolyai Kaestner . He became a life long friend of Gauss Farkas Bolyai was interested in the foundations of geometry and the parallel axiom. He corresponded with Gauss on the topic most of his life. His main work, the Tentamen , was an attempt at a rigorous and systematic foundation of geometry, arithmetic, algebra and analysis. His attempts to stop his son studying the parallel axiom fortunately failed! Farkas Bolyai wrote to his son Detest it as lewd intercourse, it can deprive you of all your leisure, your health, your rest, and the whole happiness of your life. When Farkas Bolyai despaired of the parallel postulate, he wrote poetry, music and drama.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (11 books/articles) A Quotation Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics Non-Euclidean geometry
Other Web sites Encyclopaedia Britannica
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Societies, honours, etc.

92. Bolyai, Farkas (or Wolfgang) (1775-1856) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scien
v. bolyai, farkas (or Wolfgang) (17751856), Hungarian mathematicianwho was the father of Janos bolyai and a friend of Gauss. He

Branch of Science
Mathematicians Nationality Hungarian ... Scientific Families
Bolyai, Farkas (or Wolfgang) (1775-1856)

Hungarian mathematician who was the father of Janos Bolyai and a friend of Gauss . He published Janos's results in non-Euclidean geometry in Tentamen Bolyai (Janos)
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
Author: Eric W. Weisstein

93. Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
bolyai, Janos (18021860), Hungarian mathematician who was the sonof farkas bolyai. When bolyai began puzzling over Euclid's fifth

Branch of Science
Mathematicians Nationality Hungarian ... Scientific Families
Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860)

Hungarian mathematician who was the son of Farkas Bolyai . When Bolyai began puzzling over Euclid's fifth postulate his father wrote him "For God's Sake, I beseech you, give it up. Fear it no less than sensual passions because it, too, may take all your time, deprive you of your health, peace of mind, and happiness in life" (Boyer 1968, p. 587). Janos did not heed his father, however, and his work, which paralleled that of Lobachevsky , was published by his father. However, Bolyai's lack of recognition and the publishing of Lobachevsky's work led him to publish nothing more. Bolyai (Farkas) Lobachevsky
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Boyer, C. B. A History of Mathematics, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1968.
Author: Eric W. Weisstein

94. Bolyai_Farkas Portraits
farkas bolyai. This is from a Hungarian stamp
Farkas Bolyai
This is from a Hungarian stamp
You can see a bigger picture of this stamp at this site This is from another Hungarian stamp
You can see a bigger picture of this stamp at this site JOC/EFR February 2002 The URL of this page is:

95. Bolyai, (Farkas) Wolfgang
bolyai, (farkas) Wolfgang (17751856). Hungarian mathematician, fatherof János bolyai; their work on geometry is closely interlinked.
Bolyai, (Farkas) Wolfgang
Hungarian mathematician, father of ; their work on geometry is closely interlinked.

96. Farkas Bolyai
bolyai. farkas Wolfgang bolyai (Bolya 1775- Marosvasarhely 1856). Mathématicien hongrois. Il enseigna les
Farkas Wolfgang Bolyai
(Bolya 1775 - Marosvasarhely 1856) Mathématicien hongrois. Il enseigna les mathématiques, la physique et la chimie à Marosvasarhely toute sa vie. Contemporain de Gauss, il entretient avec lui une longue correspondance. Il s'intéresse aux fondements de la géométrie et plus particulièrement au cinquième postulat d'Euclide. Janos Bolyai
(Kolozsvar 1802 - Marosvasarhely 1860) Son fils Janos (1802-1860), officier du génie, consacre ses loisirs à la construction d'une nouvelle géométrie en remplaçant le cinquième postulat d'Euclide par l'axiome suivant : 'Par tout point extérieur à une droite il passe une infinité de parallèles à cette droite'. Gauss approuve totalement ses recherches et signale qu'il connait déjà ces résultats depuis de nombreuses années : Lobatchevski était arrivé au même résultat que lui. Déçu de ne pas être le premier mathématicien à avoir trouvé cette nouvelle géométrie (géométrie non-euclidienne), Bolyai ne publie plus aucun résultat.
A noter cependant que l'on appelle quelque fois la géométrie dite de Lobatchevski, la géométrie de Bolyai.

97. Bolyai
farkas 1 bolyai, a professor in a college 2 at MarosVasarhely 3, had a son farkasbolyai 4, who, after finishing his prepara tory work, went to Gottingen (1796

98. Matemático Do Mês
Translate this page farkas bolyai. farkas bolyai nasceu em Bolya, perto de Nagyenyed (Hungria)a 9 de Fevreiro de 1775. A sua familia tinha um passado
Aceitou, então um lugar no novo Departamento de Matemática.Física e Quimica, no colégio; mas a baixo salário , forçava-o a procurar outras fontes de rendimentos. Quase completamente isolado no seu retiro em Marosvásárhely mesmo assim, tentou desenvolver o seu sistema de matemática; em 1832/33, publicou "TENTAMEN", o resultado de muita meditação de um cientíta que não podia apoiar-se se não num par de livros; contém uma grande quantidade de material em vários campos da matemática, com diversos conhecimentos matemáticos acumulados desde o começo até ao último século. [Volta ao menu]

99. Oliver Faulhaber's Homepage / Mathematik / Briefmarken / Mathematiker B
Mittelalters . wanted. bolyai, farkas (1775-1856) Ebenso wie
Motivsammlung "Mathematik"
Mathematiker B
Briefmarken zu: Banach Banachiewicz Berkeley Bernoulli ... X - Y - Z Sonstige
Banach , Stefan (1892-1945):
Polnischer Mathematiker, der nur durch ein glückliches Zusammentreffen mit Steinhaus die mathematische Laufbahn einschlug. Anfangs eher dem Ingenieurwesen zugeneigt, entwickelte er sich jedoch später zu einem der führenden Köpfe in der Maßtheorie und Funktionalanalysis. Von den bis heute nach ihm benannten mathematischen Begriffe ist der "Banachraum" (ein vollständiger normierter Raum) wohl der bekannteste - aber einigen dürfte auch das Hahn-Banach- und Banach-Steinhaus-Theorem bzw. das Banach-Tarski-Paradoxon ein Begriff sein.
Land: Polen

Michel-Mark: Michel-Nr.:
Yvert-Nr.: Die Marke erschien in dem Satz "Mathematiker".
Banachiewicz , Tadeusz (1882-1954): Land: Polen Jahr: Michel-Mark: Michel-Nr.: Scott-Nr.: Yvert-Nr.: wanted Bernoulli , Jakob (1654-1705): siehe Internationaler Mathematikerkongress 1994 Berkeley , George (1685-1753): Eher Metaphysiker als Wissenschaftler, besitzt dieser irische Bischof dennoch mathematik-historische Bedeutung: Seine wohl überlegten Angriffe (in dem Traktat The analyst: or a discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician ) gegen Newton und dessen logische Grundlagen der Differential- und Integralrechung sorgten weithin für Aufsehen. Berkeleys Argumentation zufolge führten Newtons Methoden zwar zu den richtigen Ergebnissen, allerdings nur aufgrund zweier sich aufhebender Fehler.


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