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Bartholin Erasmus: more detail | ||||
61. August 13 - Today In Science History erasmus bartholin. Born 13 Aug 1625; died 4 Nov 1698 Danish physician, mathematician,and physicist who discovered the optical phenomenon of double refraction. http://www.todayinsci.com/8/8_13.htm | |
62. OBSERVATORIUM TUSCULANUM Translate this page Nascite in Aarhus. Arrivava como juvene studente a Copenhagen, ubi ille studiavapresso su posterior patre affin del prime matrimonio, erasmus bartholin. http://castellina.org/interlingua/articoli/observatorio.html | |
63. Den Danske Literaturs Historie Fra Dens Begyndelse Til Vore Dage Thomas I172 bartholin, Kaspar (dy) - I174 Borch, Ole - I174 Stensen, Niels(Steno) - I174 Latinske Poeter - I176, I177, I178 Lætus, erasmus - I177 http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/dalihist/ | |
64. Query_Scandinavians In ItalyL la Cour, Janus Andreas bartholin, 18371909, DK, Painter, 1908 (6), 1908, Roma,Tivoli, Laetus, erasmus, 1526-1582, DK, Scholar, 1573/74, 1573/74, Venezia, Padova,Study, H71, http://www.dkinst-rom.dk/nemi/scand/siitl.htm | |
65. Danes In Italy: Survey2 Translate this page 1573 ? Hegelund, Christen Mortensen. 1573/74, Laetus, erasmus. 1574, Lauridsen,Hans. 1607, Lindenov, Godske. 1608, bartholin, Caspar. 1608, Bording, ChristenLauridsen. http://www.dkinst-rom.dk/nemi/scand/survey2.html | |
66. Biographies - Robbia To Rozsa bartholin brothers, Thomas and erasmus. In fact, Ole lifted in erasmusbartholin's house, where he studied astronomy and mathematics. http://www.philately.com/philately/biororo.htm | |
67. Biografias0 Translate this page LONDRES, 1630. 1677. 47. Matemático y teólogo ingles, maestro de Newton. bartholin,erasmus, DINAMARCA, 1625. 1698. 73. BECQUEREL, HENRY, FRANCIA. PARÍS, 1852. 1908.56. http://galilei.iespana.es/galilei/biograf0.htm | |
68. Catalogo Antichi Translate this page Barth, Joannes Michael » bartholin, Caspar » bartholin, Thomas » Barzellotti Dagobert de » Dandolo, Vincenzo » Darwin, erasmus » Daubenton, Louis Jean http://www.veterinaria.unimi.it/biblioteca/antichi/public/authorList.asp | |
69. Rowland - Page Template erasmus bartholin (16251698) was sent, in 1669, a transparent crystal from Iceland(Iceland spar) and, by rotating the crystal, he discovered that objects http://www.rowland.org/land/land.html | |
70. Bibliographic Information About HEART HYPERTROPHY AND FAILURE erasmus University Rotterdam PO Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam. The Netherlands PeterMose Larsen Institute for Medical Microbiology and Immunology The bartholin http://www2.utsouthwestern.edu/cfdocs/library/facultypubs/bib_cite.cfm?titleID=8 |
71. APACAME - Mensagem Doce 59 - Artigo Translate this page e quadrada e deixou transparecer que os prismas hexagonais podiam armazenar maismel do que os outros dois 2. Entretanto foi erasmus bartholin quem primeiro http://www.apacame.org.br/mensagemdoce/59/artigo.htm | |
72. Ossi Nr. 604 anatómíu þar. Thomas bartholin kenndi Níelsi anatómíu, en erasmus(Rasmus) bartholin kenndi honum kartesiska heimspeki. Hann er http://www.os.is/ossi/ossi604.html |
73. CONTENTS Thomas bartholin founded the Danish Medical school and the Hungarian Janos the scholars,we might mention Pietro Bembo, Torquato Tasso, erasmus from Rotterdam http://www.unipd.it/programmi/erasmus/WelcomeGuide23.html | |
74. CWP At Physics.UCLA.edu // Kirstine Bjerrum Meyer Wrote a biography of the Danish natural philosopher erasmus bartholin,Radiumog radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler (Radium http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~cwp/Phase2/Meyer,_Kirstine_Bjerrum@944123456.html | |
75. August 2002 11 PierreLouis Lions, 12 Jules Richard, 13 erasmus bartholin, 14 EugeneLukacs, 15 Louis de Broglie, 16 Arthur Cayley, 17 Pierre de Fermat. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/August2002.html | |
76. Computing Science, Pete Edwards: Bio Tenochtitlan in Mexico. August 13, 1625 erasmus bartholin (physician,mathematician, and physicist) was born. August 13, 1655 http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~pedwards/bio.html | |
77. Formulating The Universe - Chapter One which can be accounted for by transverse wave motion in a single plane) discoveredin the 17th century by a Danish physicist, erasmus bartholin, and by Huygens http://www.wcug.wwu.edu/~erikba/ziegler/1-1.html | |
78. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 04/11/1652 - Morte do matemático belga Jean Charles de La Faille Fatos relacionados04/11/1698 - Morte do matemático dinamarquês erasmus bartholin 06/11 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=9 |
79. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 08/1901 - Morte do matemático francês Ernest Jean Philippe Fauque de Jonquières13/08/1625 - Nascimento de erasmus bartholin (matemático dinamarquês) 13/08 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=6 |
80. Matematikere in Stockholm, Sweden. erasmus bartholin, Roskilde, Born 13 Aug 1625Died 4 Nov 1698 in Copenhagen - udgav Descartes. Jakob Nielsen, http://homepage.svendborg-gym.dk/en/Fødesteder/matematikere.htm | |
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