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21. Mathématiques Hébraïques Au Moyen-Age Translate this page compositions que nous citons manifestent le recours à un triple héritage celuides textes déjà disponibles en hébreu (abraham bar hiyya, abraham ibn 'Ezra http://ufr6.univ-paris8.fr/lit-math/maths/tony.html | |
22. Carlo Suares Revived Qabala Lexicon Tohu Ve Bohu (Tohu We- in Genesis 12 at the beginning of the Bahir can definitely be said to be borrowedfrom the writings of the Jewish Neoplatonist abraham bar hiyya, who wrote http://www.psyche.com/psyche/lex/tohubohu.html |
23. Schedario Libri - Zonta "La Filosofia Ebraica Medievale" Translate this page Elementi di fisica e di cosmologia - T13. aQuestioni sulla natura dellanima -4. abraham bar hiyya T14. La scienza e la filosofia secondo abraham bar hiyya. http://www.storia.unifi.it/_RM/rivista/sched/lib/Lib-Zonta.htm | |
24. Facoltà Di Filosofia - Programmi 2002-2003 Translate this page Modulo Il Giudaismo classico e medievale, il Kalam ebraico e il neoplatonismo ebraico(Isaac Israeli, Shelomoh Ibn Gabirol, abraham bar hiyya, abraham Ibn Ezra http://www.filosofia.uniroma1.it/didattica/2002-2003/insegnamenti/storiafilosofi | |
25. Abraham Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers Ibrahim anNazzam (775-845) Muslimtheologian. abraham bar hiyya (1065-1136) Spanish Jewish philosopher. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/a/abraham.html | |
26. Traductorestoledo Translate this page que llevaba produciendo frutos muy valiosos desde tiempos anteriores con nombrescomo Pedro Alfonso (Mosé Sefardí), abraham bar hiyya o abraham ibn Ezra http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2679/traductorestoledo.htm | |
27. Mmmm The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science abraham bar hiyya's Yesodei haTevunahu-Migdal ha-Emunah . Mercedes Rubio, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. http://www.biu.ac.il/HU/pg/hazmana.htm | |
28. Encyclopædia Britannica abraham bar hiyya Spanish Jewish philosopher, astronomer, astrologer, and mathematicianwhose writings were among the first scientific and philosophical works http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Call of abraham |
29. Mathem_abbrev Babbage, Charles Bachet de Méziriac, C Baghdadi, Abu al Banna, alMarrakushi alBanu Musa brothers bar hiyya, abraham barrow, Isaac Battani, Abu al- Bayes http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
30. History Of Astronomy: Persons (A) abraham bar hiyya HaNasi abraham Ben Chaja Chija; abraham Judaeus(c.1065-c.1136) Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_a.html | |
31. Jewish History Abd alHagg (Sultan), 1465. Abohar, Isaac, 1453. abraham bar hiyya, 1060, 1129.abraham ben David Ibn Daud (Rabad), 1110, 1125. abraham ibn Ezra, 1089, 1100,1158. http://www.davidsconsultants.com/jewishhistory/history.php?index=names |
32. Jewish History 1120 - 1129 in all additions. 1129 abraham bar hiyya (d.1136) (Spain). Philosopher,mathematician and astronomer. Published Meggilat HaMegaleh http://www.davidsconsultants.com/jewishhistory/history.php?startyear=1120&endyea |
33. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Jewish Philosophy abraham bar hiyya (c. 1065 - 1136). While Christianity and Islammet each other on the battlefield, abraham bar hiyya, called by http://radicalacademy.com/adiphiljewish1.htm | |
34. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Jewish Philosophy c. 937). Solomon Ibn Gabirol (c.1021 c. 1058). abraham bar hiyya (c.1065 - 1136). Bahya Ibn Pakuda (c. 1050). Judah Halevi (c. 1080 - 1140). http://radicalacademy.com/adiphiljewishindex.htm | |
35. Jewish Astronomy The scene now shifts to Spain, where abraham bar hiyya Hanasi ( The Prince ) ofbarcelona (d. 1336) improved on these tables, using calculations performed by http://www.stormpages.com/swadhwa/hofa/ja.html | |
36. A History Of Hypercomplex Numbers Detailed timeline of the development of hypercomplex numbers, from early discoveries of complex numbers Category Science Math History...... pre 1136, abraham bar hiyya HaNasi writes the work Hibbur ha-Meshihah ve-ha-Tishboret,translated in 1145 into Latin as Liber embadorum, which presents the http://history.hyperjeff.net/hypercomplex.html | |
37. Arzobispo Raimundo De Toledo Escuela De Traductores [1130-1187] He was assisted by abraham bar hiyya (or Chijja). Translated either from 11161138or 1134-45. Interested in Astrology. Contemporary of Juan Hispano. http://faculty.washington.edu/petersen/alfonso/esctra12.htm | |
38. Virtual Encyclopedia Of Mathematics abel niels henrik abraham bar hiyya hanasi abraham max abu kamil shuja ibn aslamibn muhammad abu'l-wafa al'buzjani mohammad ackermann wilhelm adams john http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~plouffe/Simon/supermath.html | |
39. Medioevo In Rete - Personaggi abraham bar hiyya Ha-Nasi (1070-1136); http://indice.medioevo.ws/Personaggi/Matematici.htm | |
40. A Posteriori Paul K. Moser A Priori Paul K. Moser `Abduh, Abhidharmika Schools of Buddhism Collett Cox. Abhinavagupta Paul MullerOrtega.abraham bar hiyya Geoffrey Wigoder. abraham Cohen Herrera Nissim Yosha. http://www.routledge.com/rep/entries.shtml | |
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