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1. Saint Albertus Magnus Saint Albertus Magnus, 1204? 1280. Saint Albertus Magnus was a RomanCatholic saint, scientist, philosopher, and theologian. http://www.alcott.net/alcott/home/champions/Magnus.html | |
2. Albertus Magnus, Saint. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Short biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes bibliography.Category Society Religion and Spirituality......The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. albertus magnus, saint.( lbûr´t sm g´n s) (KEY) , or saint Albert the Great, b http://www.bartleby.com/65/al/Albertus.html | |
3. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Albertus Magnus albertus magnus, saint. ( lbûr´t s m g´n s) (KEY) , or saint Albert the Great, b. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01264a.htm | |
4. Albertus Brief biography, with bibliographical references. From the Department of Mathematics, California State University, San Bernardino. http://www.math.csusb.edu/history/public_html/Mathematicians/Albertus.html | |
5. Albertus Magnus, Saint Pronunciation Key. albertus magnus, saint , or saint Albert the Great, b. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0803090.html | |
6. ORB: Albertus Magnus Bibliography Translate this page 3. Author albertus, magnus, saint, 1193?-1280. Title albertus 5. Authoralbertus, magnus, saint, 1193?-1280. Fries, Albert. Title Ausgewahlte http://orb.rhodes.edu/bibliographies/almagnus.html | |
7. Albertus saint albertus magnus. Born 1200 in Lauingen an der Donau, Swabia(now Germany) Died 15 Nov 1280 in Cologne, Prussia. Click the http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Albertus.html | |
8. Albertus Magnus College Independent, coeducational liberal arts college founded in 1925 by the Dominican Sisters of saint Mary of the Springs. Information on undergrad and graduate programs, faculty, continuing education, library services and athletics. Located in New Haven. http://www.albertus.edu/ | |
9. Albertus Magnus, Saint. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Langua albertus magnus, saint. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English LanguageFourth Edition. albertus magnus, saint. SYLLABICATION Al·ber·tus Mag·nus. http://www.bartleby.com/61/98/A0179800.html | |
10. Albertus Magnus, Saint Albert The Great, Albertus Magnus, Saint Albert The Great albertus magnus, A German Dominican, who was canonized as saint Albertthe Great. He was both a student and teacher of alchemy and http://www.occultopedia.com/a/albertus_magnus.htm | |
11. Encyclopædia Britannica Price USD $395, Now with a NEW 22nd volume! Visit Britannica Store, EncyclopædiaBritannica, albertus magnus, saint Encyclopædia Britannica Article. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=5512 |
12. Albertus, Magnus, Saint. Dele Virtu Dele Herbe Animali (Venice, 1537) AUTHOR albertus, magnus, saint (1193?1280) TITLEPAGE TRANSCRIPTION ALBERTOMAGNO DELE VIRTU DELE HERBE ANIMALI PIETRE PRE CIOSE DI MOLTE MARAUE http://www.usc.edu/isd/locations/science/hancock/rbcat/rbbooksa/albertus.htm | |
13. Albertus Magnus, Saint encyclopediaEncyclopedia albertus magnus, saint, albûr'tus mag'nusPronunciation Key. albertus magnus, saint , or saint Albert http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0803090.html | |
14. Albertus Magnus, Saint albertus magnus, saint b. 1193 or 1206, d. 1280, scholastic philosopher, Doctorof the Church, called the Universal Doctor. albertus magnus, saint. http://www.slider.com/enc/2000/Albertus_Magnus_Saint.htm | |
15. Patron Saints Index: Saint Albert The Great Illustrated profile.Category Society Religion and Spirituality......Also known as albertus magnus; Doctor Expertus; Doctor Universalis Memorial 15 NovemberProfile Son of a military nobleman. Teacher of saint Thomas Aquinas. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainta11.htm | |
16. Prayer To Saint Albertus Magnus Prayer to saint albertus magnus. Dear Scientist and Doctor of the Church,natural science always led you to the higher science of God. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/pray0560.htm | |
17. Albertus Magnus Translate this page albertus magnus (Albert der Große), albertus magnus, saint Albert the Great.albertus magnus, saint. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. http://www.niester.de/sonstiges/religion/christentum/albertus/albertus.html | |
18. St. Albertus Magnus (circa 1200-80) albertus magnus, saint (circa 120080). albertus magnus, saint (circa1200-80), called Albert the Great and known as doctor universalis http://www.connect.net/ron/albertusmagnus.html | |
19. Faculty Of Sciences: Saint Albertus Magnus albertus magnus Patron saint of Sciences Biology Earth Sciences GeologicalEngineering Chemical Engineering Mathematics Chemistry. November 2002, iii. http://www.ua.es/en/centros/ciencias/sanalberto/2002/index02.html | |
20. 10th Saint Albertus Magnus Award In Chemical Research 10TH saint albertus magnus AWARD IN CHEMICAL RESEARCH. The AlicanteLocal Section of the Spanish Royal Chemistry Association announces http://www.ua.es/en/novedades/comunicados/2002/alberto.htm | |
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