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81. GEORGE OF SAXONY of the XII. (Saxon) army corps in the room of his brother, the crownprince albert (afterwards king) of saxony. His name is inseparably http://91.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GEORGE_OF_SAXONY.htm | |
82. Maximilian Genealogy Master Database 2000 - Pafg1587 - Generated By Personal Anc M, iii, albert the Bold of saxony WETTIN was born 31 Jul 1443 and died 12 Sep 1500. Hedied 11 Mar 1486. albert married Anna of saxony WETTIN on 12 Nov 1458. http://www.peterwestern.f9.co.uk/maximilia/pafg1587.htm | |
83. Maximilian Genealogy Master Database 2000 - Pafg1321 - Generated By Personal Anc albert the Bold of saxony WETTIN Parents was born 31 Jul 1443. He died 1 12Sep 1500. Sidonie married albert the Bold of saxony WETTIN on 11 Nov 1459. http://www.peterwestern.f9.co.uk/maximilia/pafg1321.htm | |
84. LearningStation ResourceCenter Encyclopedia/Microsoft Encarta/A Article). Albers, Josef (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article). albert(of saxony)- (Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia Article). albert http://resource.learningstation.com/Encyclopedia/Microsoft_Encarta/A/more13.html |
85. Historical Flags (Thuringia, Germany) 1485) established the Ernestine line and the albertine line, named for FrederickII's sons Ernest and albert. The electoral title and most of saxony passed in http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/de-th_hi.html | |
86. Masonic Lodges In Chemnitz (Saxony) associated originally with the Grand Lodge of Royale York , later with the GrandLodge of saxony and today 11 albert zur Eintracht in Grimma, 165 Mitglieder. http://www.schlossbergmuseum.de/freimaurer/lodges.htm | |
87. Genealogy Data ABT 1035 Death ABT 1117 Parents Father , BERNARD II Duke of saxony Mother VonSCHWEINFURT, ELICIA Family Marriage ABT 1067 Spouse , albert III Count of http://www.100megsfree.com/famfound/R_html/dat105.html | |
88. Biographies Abel, Niels Henrik (18021829). Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (17181799). Albertof saxony (ca. 13161390). Alembert, Jean le Rond d' (17171783). http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/thomas_awl/chapter1/medialib | |
89. Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Table Of Contents skepticism ancient; Agrippa see skepticism ancient; albert ofSaxony (Joël Biard); Alyngton, Robert (Alessandro Conti); analogy http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/stanford/archives/fall2001/contents.html | |
90. Wettin 12 Translate this page D1. Friedrich August GEORG Ferdinand albert Karl Anton Paul Marcellus, Crown Pr ofSaxony, renounced his rights 1923, *Dresden 15.1.1893, +Groß-Glienicke 14.5 http://genealogy.euweb.cz/wettin/wettin12.html | |
91. AETAS 2002-1 Bagi Zoltán Péter 8 Kulcsár, Krisztina. The LieutenantGovernorship. Prince albert ofSaxony (17381822) his appointment and activity in Hungary. http://www.lib.jgytf.u-szeged.hu/aetas/2002-1/2002-1-07.htm | |
92. I0327: Charles Of Lorraine (953 - ) Gerberga of Lorraine. BIRTH 935. Father Giselbert Mother Gerberga ofSaxony Family 1 albert I de Vermandois +Herbert III de Vermandois. http://www.aracnet.com/~gwyddon/html/d0000/g0000094.html | |
93. Masonic And Other Lodges In Saxony Concordia in Meerane, 87 members; Zur Pyramide in Plauen iV, 291 members; http://www.apex.net.au/~jgk/saxony/mason.html | |
94. QUEDLINBURG In 1477, however, the abbess Hedwig, aided by her brothers, Ernest and albert ofSaxony, compelled the bishop to withdraw, and for the next 200 years both town http://47.1911encyclopedia.org/Q/QU/QUEDLINBURG.htm | |
95. Winnipeg Alive! Login Join Monday, February 24, 2003 Main Sports Entertainment Nights Prizes Main Alive! Magazine City Guides Eye on Winnipeg Pulse Photo Galleries Headlines Weather Site Directory Our Advertisers Airport Arrivals Departures http://www.winnipegalive.com/directory.cfm/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Alber |
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