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         Abel Niels Henrik:     more books (56)
  1. 1829 deaths: Humphry Davy, Thomas Young, Niels Henrik Abel, Pope Leo XII, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, James Smithson, Paul François Jean Nicolas
  2. Infectious Disease Deaths in Norway: Niels Henrik Abel, Ola Raknes, George Bradshaw
  3. Abhandlung über Eine Besondere Klasse Algebraisch Auflösbarer Gleichungen (German Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, 2008-05-09
  4. Group Theorists: John Horton Conway, Évariste Galois, Niels Henrik Abel, Felix Klein, Sophus Lie, Richard Borcherds, Arthur Cayley
  5. Euvres completes (French Edition) by Niels Henrik Abel, 1992
  6. Et foranskutt lyn: Niels Henrik Abel og hans tid (Norwegian Edition) by Arild Stubhaug, 1996
  7. OEuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel by Niels Henrik Abel, 1881
  8. Mémoire sur les équations algeébriques où on démontre l'impssibilité de la résolution de l'equation générale du cinquième dégré ... Christiania, Groendahl, 1824 by Niels Henrik Abel, 1957
  9. Abhandlungen ueber die algebraische auflosung der gleichungen by Niels Henrik Abel, 1889
  10. Oeuvres complètes by Niels Henrik Abel, 1881
  11. Niels Henrik Abel;: Et geni og hans samtid by Øystein Ore, 1954
  12. Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability by Peter Pesic, 2003-05-01
  13. Niels Abel: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2000
  14. Elliptic Functions Lay the Foundations for Modern Physics: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by K. Lee Lerner, 2000

61. Read This: Niels Henrik Abel And His Times
Read This! The MAA Online book review column review of niels henrik abel andhis Times, by Arild Stubhaug. Read This! The MAA Online book review column.
Read This!
The MAA Online book review column
Niels Henrik Abel and his Times
Called Too Soon by Flames Afar
by Arild Stubhaug
Reviewed by Jeremy J. Gray
of Abel (the standard English-language source) and the reader gains a vivid account of the circumstances of his life, his schooling and university education, and the issues that dominated the political and intellectual life of the region (Denmark, Sweden and Norway). The failure of his parents' marriage is hinted at as well as the sources seem to allow. The portraits of the important people in Abel's life are particularly well drawn, although his fiancée Christine Kemp remains slightly in the shade: it is easier to find out about energetic male explorers of remote Norway than most women of the period. Niels Henrik Abel remains an elusive figure, although the pathos of his raging at his early death is well conveyed. He does not seem to have been talented except in mathematics. He could be charming but also shy. He was never going to be "a man of the world." He may have been hurt by the scandal around his father's political defeats, Stubhaug suggests as much, but he was not traumatised by them. However, while Stubhaug has been able to fill out Niels Henrik's family life admirably, he has little to add to the story of his mathematical life. Nor has he tried to delve deeply into the mathematics, aiming as he has at a general readership. He does give us a good and thorough account of his trip to Germany, Switzerland and France, in particular his successful meeting with Crelle that led to the publication of so much of Abel's work in the initial volumes of Crelle's

62. Niels Henrik Abel
The Norwegian mathematician niels henrik abel is my half third cousin fifthremoved. Generation 1 My 7G grandmother Margarethe Sørensdatter
The Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel is my half third cousin fifth removed
Back to the home page of Helmer Aslaksen Helmer Aslaksen
Department of Mathematics

National University of Singapore

Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2002 17:19:32 SGT Web Server Statistics for Helmer Aslaksen , produced by Analog since Aug. 29, 2000. Produced by WWW Homepage Access Counter

63. Niels Henrik Abel
Translate this page niels henrik abel 1802 - 1829. niels henrik abel naquit le 5 août1802 dans l’île de Finnoy, près de Stavanger en Norvège.
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel naquit le 5 août 1802 dans l’île de Finnoy, près de Stavanger en Norvège. Dès sa quinzième année, il lut et assimila les travaux les plus difficiles d’Euler et de Lagrange , et manifesta une passion pour les recherches mathématiques. Son père décède alors qu'Abel n'a que dix-huit ans. Il dut fournir un travail épuisant pour continuer pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille et continuer ses travaux personnels. Il contracta alors la maladie qui devait l’emporter. Jacobi , de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques, et son nom figure, aux côtés de ceux de Gauss et de Cauchy , parmi les législateurs du calcul infinitésimal qui ont assis ce dernier sur des bases solides et rigoureuses. Après une année passée à l’université de Christiania, Abel obtint une bourse pour un voyage d’un an en France et en Allemagne; il partait avec, en poche, son mémoire révolutionnaire sur l’impossibilité de résoudre algébriquement l’équation du cinquième degré, qui aurait dû, semblait-il, lui ouvrir les portes du monde mathématique. Sa première déception fut l’accueil de Gauss qui mit purement et simplement le mémoire de côté sans le lire ! Abel arrive à Paris en juillet 1826 pour y rencontrer les plus grands mathématiciens français de l’époque

64. Henrik Kragh Sørensen: The Mathematics Of Niels Henrik Abel
Dissertation. henrik Kragh Sørensen The Mathematics of niels henrik abel.Continuation and New Approaches in Mathematics During the 1820s .
Last modification: document.write(document.lastModified)

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Henrik Kragh Sørensen: "The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel.
Continuation and New Approaches
in Mathematics During the 1820s" PhD dissertation
March 2002 History of Science Department,
Faculty of Science,
University of Aarhus, Denmark.
The public defense took place on
May 3, 2002
at 13.15 in
auditorium G1, Dept. of Math., University of Aarhus.
Summary of dissertation [PDF, 50 kB] Table of contents [PDF, 131 kB] Bibliography [PDF, 193 kB] Chapter 1: Introduction [PDF, ? kB] Chapter 21: Conclusion [PDF, ? kB]
Resources, information, and contact
Electronic versions of primary sources List of research related lectures and seminars Send mail ( Pictures from the defense reception , and the party

65. Oeuvres De Complètes De Niels Henrik Abel (numérisation BNF)
Translate this page niels henrik abel 5 août 1802 (Frindoe, Norvège) - 6 avril 1829 (Froland,Norvège) Numérisation gallica (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) II.
Niels Henrik Abel

5 août 1802 (Frindoe, Norvège) - 6 avril 1829 (Froland, Norvège)
Numérisation gallica Bibliothèque Nationale de France

66. Niels Henrik Abel
Translate this page niels henrik abel. niels henrik abel, nacido el 5 de Agosto de 1802, ymuerto el 16 de Abril de 1829, fue un brillante matemático noruego.
Niels Henrik Abel
Niels Henrik Abel, nacido el 5 de Agosto de 1802, y muerto el 16 de Abril de 1829, fue un brillante matemático noruego. Ganó un ancho reconocimiento a la edad de 18 con su primer Trabajo, en que probó que la ecuación general de quinto grado es insoluble por procedimientos algebraicos.
Abel fue instrumental en establecer análisis matemático en una base rigurosa. En su mayor trabajo "Recherches fonctions elliptiques" (Investigaciones en Funciones elípticas, 1827), revolucionó la comprensión de las funciones elípticas al estudiar el inverso de estas funciones. Autor: Arturo Schlissel
Traducción: Alexander Velásquez
Bibliografía: Mena, Oystein, Niels Henrik Abel, Matemático Extraordinario (1957; [repr]. 1974)
Homepage de la Escuela e-mail: © 2000 Escuela de Matemáticas
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela

67. Abelprisen: Niels Henrik Abel: Biografi
niels henrik abel. Biografi. Født 1829. niels henrik abel var andre sønntil sogneprest Søren Georg abel og hustru Anne Marie Simonsen.
Niels Henrik Abel

Niels Henrik Abel
Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne

68. Abelprisen: Niels Henrik Abel: Biography
niels henrik abel. A Short Biography. Born Aug. 5, 1802, island ofFinnøy, near Stavanger, died April 6, 1829, Froland. abel was the
Niels Henrik Abel

The Board
Niels Henrik Abel
A Short Biography
Although when Abel's father died in 1820 the family was left in straitened circumstances, the boy was able to enter the University of Christiania (Oslo) in 1821 because his teacher contributed and raised funds. He obtained a preliminary degree from the university in 1822 and continued his studies independently with further subsidies obtained by his teacher.
His first papers, published in 1823 in the new periodical Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, were on functional equations and integrals, his solution of an integral equation being the first. Abel's friends urged the Norwegian government to grant him a fellowship for study in Germany and France. While waiting for the royal decree to be issued, in 1824 he published at his own expense his proof of the impossibility of solving algebraically the general equation of the fifth degree, which he hoped would bring him recognition. He sent the pamphlet to Gauss, who dismissed it, failing to recognize that the famous problem had indeed been settled. Arriving in Paris in the summer of 1826, he called on the foremost mathematicians and completed a memoir on transcendental functions. This major work presented a theory of integrals of algebraic functions, in particular the result known as Abel's theorem: there is a finite number, or genus, of independent integrals of this nature. This theorem is the basis for the later theory of Abelian integrals and Abelian functions. Abel was accepted with restrained civility in Paris, for his work was still unknown. He submitted his memoir for presentation to the Academy of Sciences, hoping to establish his reputation, but he waited in vain. Before leaving Paris, thinking he had a persistent cold, Abel consulted a physician, who informed him he had tuberculosis.

69. Niels Henrik Abel

70. UofL - Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
niels henrik abel (18021829) Mémoire sur les équations algébriques.Collection niels henrik abel (1802-1829) Mémoire sur les

71. Niels Henrik Abel Og Uendelige Rekker
niels henrik abel og uendelige rekker et tema i fagdidaktikken! A1, Aubert,KE (1993) niels henrik abel; Fra Matematikkens spennende verden, Tapir forlag.
Niels Henrik Abel og uendelige rekker
- et tema i fagdidaktikken! Kari og Per Hag,
Tangenten nr. 1 1999
[St] og n I et brev fra Berlin i januar 1826 til Holmboe skriver Abel:
n n n n etc.
hvor n er et heelt Tal." N. Oresme (1323-1382) hadde et elegant bevis for at den harmoniske rekke:
divergerer. Selv om begrepet "divergens" ikke var introdusert, ga Oresme et korrekt bevis for at
s n n n [L] , s. 564-565.) I. Newton (1642-1727), G.W. Leibniz (1646-1717) og L. Euler (1707-1783) betraktet rekker av typen
a + a x + a x + a n x n
som en generalisering av polynomer
P(x) = a + a x + a x + a n x n [L] , s. 654, var formelen kjent allerede av den indiske matematiker Madhara (1340-1425). Formelen gir slett ingen effektiv metode for beregning av x x + x - x som ved innsetting av x = 1 gir: I 1826 publiserte Abel i Crelles journal: x m m x m m x m m m x for alle komplekse tall m og x "La a + a + a + a a + a x + a x + a x
Abels Kontinuitetssats:
Hvis summen til potensrekken a n x n betegnes s(x) x s(x) en kontinuerlig funksjon i konvergensintervallet for rekken. Bevis: [L] s. 603-604.

72. Abeljubiléet 2002 - Institutt For Matematiske Fag, NTNU
abeljubiléet. Kalender for niels henrik abel-jubiléet 2002. (Ved Universiteti Oslo.). Artikler om niels henrik abel. Godt nytt abel-år!
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) I samarbeid med Adresseavisen arrangerte Institutt for matematiske fag, NTNU
i 2002. Dette prosjektet er nå avsluttet, men du kan fortsatt trykke HER
(Ved Universitet i Oslo.)
Artikler om Niels Henrik Abel
En hilsen fra Ingvill Holden, trykket i Adresseavisen 4. januar 2002. Artikkel om Niels Henrik Abel, uendelige rekker og fagdidaktikk (Kari og Per Hag, Tangenten 1999.) "Niels Henrik Abel - mennesket og matematikeren"
Andre Abel-relaterte saker og arrangementer
Skolenes matematikkdag 2002 KappAbel - en konkurranse for 9. klasse på ungdomsskolen. Abelkonkurransen (Ved Universitetet i Oslo.) Abelprisen ; "matematikernes Nobelpris". (Pressemelding fra statsministerens kontor 2001.)
Institutt for matematikk ved Universitetet i Oslo la ut oppgaver i Dagbladet kalt "Abels hjørne" hele 2002. Dessverre er det ikke nettversjon av disse, men vi kan anbefale "Matteknekker'n" til UiO.
Institutt for matematiske fag, NTNU, 2002.

73. ¾Æº§
abel, niels henrik (1802.8.5~1829.4.6).
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74. Jubileum For Verdensnavnet Niels Henrik Abel
Navnet niels henrik abel lyser inn i det nye året. du er her kultur artikkel. oppdatert 1017. Jubileum for verdensnavnet niels henrik abel,
lørdag 29.03.2003





... og flere tegneserier!
i lomma SMS Varsel, ringelyder, logoer +++ Norge og verden Sofaligaen Taktisk fotballspill laget Mitt drømmelag 2002. Bli med! Manager'03 Premier League-spillet Blocks Kjedelighets- dreperen! BareSpill Gratis spill! TV-program 59 kanaler, SMS-varsel Kino Alle byer Meninger Rop ut! Snakk Trynefaktor Test deg selv Helt uformelt Bildeserier Bla i bilder fra hele verden! Nettskolen Torget Rubrikkannonser Nettradio Radio 1 Klem FM Radio 2 Digital B-2000 Luna Zoo Mustang Avenue Mer om nettradio Andre tjenester Siste 48t. Lommeavis WAP Lagrede artikler Dagens papiravis Lørdag m/Magasinet Nettredaktør nå: writemail('oliver.orskaug', ''); Oliver Orskaug Redaktør: writemail('esten.saether', ''); Esten O. Sæther Ansv. redaktør (konst.): John Arne Markussen Tips oss: writemail('1000tipset', ''); 1000-tipset Tipstelefon: Sentralbord: Annonseinfo: nett papir Annonseinfo papir Bestill abonnement du er her:

75. Pressemelding: 20-kronemynt Til Minne Om Niels Henrik Abel
Pressemelding 20. mars 2002. 20kronemynt til minne om niels henrikabel. Det er i år 200 år siden matematikeren niels henrik abel
Pressemelding 20. mars 2002
20-kronemynt til minne om Niels Henrik Abel
Det er i år 200 år siden matematikeren Niels Henrik Abel ble født, og Norges Bank gir i den anledning ut en 20-krone sirkulasjonsmynt på årsdagen for hans fødsel, 5. august. Niels Henrik Abel er en av få norske vitenskapsmenn som har vunnet internasjonal berømmelse, på tross av at han bare fikk leve i snaut 27 år. Han døde av tuberkulose i 1829. Abel og den islandske forfatteren Halldór Laxness er de eneste nordiske navnene på årets liste over 47 jubileumsarrangementer som UNESCO deltar i. I Norsk biografisk leksikon skriver Arild Stubhaug blant annet om Abel: På forsiden får mynten H.M. Kongens portrett. Baksiden er et utsnitt av Abels arbeidsbok, og viser den såkalte «lemniskaten» (av gresk lemniskos, bånd). Den har form av et 8-tall, og er en fjerdegradskurve med mange interessante egenskaper som Abel studerte inngående. De øvrige tegnene kan ikke knyttes til noen bestemt matematisk teori. Mynten er utformet av Ingrid Austlid Rise, formgiver ved Den Kongelige Mynt AS. Den får samme format og legering som den ordinære 20-kronemynten og blir tvungent betalingsmiddel. Det blir også laget 20-kronemynter med ordinært preg i 2002.

76. Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
Utskriftsversjon. niels henrik abel (18021829). niels henrik abel regnessom en av de største matematikkgenier som verden noen gang har sett.

77. Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
niels henrik abel (18021829). niels henrik abel regnes som en avde største matematikkgenier som verden noen gang har sett. Han
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829)
Sist oppdatert 2002-12-27. Feil eller mangler? webmaster [ Dette er en utskriftsversjon av

78. Niels Henrik Abel, 1802-1829.
Translate this page niels henrik abel, 1802-1829. abelian Equations The Algebraic Equations underlyingDynamical Systems. abel Bicentennial Conference, Oslo 2002 abel 2002.
Niels Henrik Abel, 1802-1829
Abelian Equations: The Algebraic Equations underlying Dynamical Systems Abel Bicentennial Conference, Oslo 2002: Abel 2002
Norway Introduces Major International Abel Prize in 2002: Abel Prize
Publicado por N.H. Abel, no `Jornal de Crelle', ou seja, no
J.A.C. Gallas,
, xxx, Outubro 2002, in print. comutatividade com o nome Abeliano
Por exemplo, um grupo grupo Abeliano gerador

79. FIN - Tale Ved Lansering Av Niels Henrik Abels Minnepris
The year 2002 is an important anniversary for the field of mathematicsthe bicentennial of the birth of niels henrik abel. The

Departementets forside
Aktuelt Nyheter Pressemeldinger ... Nynorsk Normalvisning Utskriftsvisning Language

Abel Bicentennial Conference, Universitetet i Oslo 6. juni 2002 Representatives of the mathematical community, Distinguished guests! It is a great pleasure for me to address the international mathematical community on this occasion. The year 2002 is an important anniversary for the field of mathematics: the bicentennial of the birth of Niels Henrik Abel. The anniversary has already been duly celebrated through a number of events in all parts of Norway. Mathematics has even become part of our everyday lives through a daily Abel column in one of our major newspapers. This week’s Conference at the University of Oslo is of course one of the highlights of the bicentennial. The Conference presents an overview of the mathematical heritage of Niels Henrik Abel and identifies new mathematical trends for the next century. I am pleased and honoured that so many representatives of the mathematical community have come to Oslo to take part in this event. I can think of no better occasion to present the Niels Henrik Abel Memorial prize in mathematics. My colleague Mrs Clemet, Minister of Education and Research, would have wanted to address you today, but could not since she was called to Parliament. I know she would have wanted to emphasize her dedication to the advancement of science, and to the promotion of scientific excellence. She sends her warm regards to all Abel enthusiasts - and hopes to see you next year.

80. Niels Henrik Abel
Translate this page niels henrik abel de família numerosa e pobre, era filho do pastor dapequena aldeia de Fíndo, na Noruega. Aos 17 anos, seu professor
Niels Henrik Abel A A S E A D D E Niels H . Abel ( 1802 - 1829) Bibliografia Gelson Iezzi Atual Editora

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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