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61. Temporal Logic And Semidirect Products: An Effective Characterization Of The Unt temporal logic and Semidirect Products An Effective Characterizationof the Until Hierarchy. Denis Thérien, Thomas Wilke. Abstract. http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/32277 | |
62. People In Temporal Logic People in temporal logic. A list of Personal WWW pages of researchesin temporal logic. This is my personal collection of links to http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/STAFF/A.Bolotov/LINKS/people.html | |
63. 499 Modal & Temporal Logic 499 Modal and temporal logic. 4th year/MAC course. Lecturers Michael Huthand Marek Sergot. Michael Huth gives the first half of the course. http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/UserPages/staff/mjs/teaching/499.html | |
64. Temporal Logic Resources temporal logic Resources. Appeared in Volume 6/2, May 1993 Keywords temporal. Sometimeago, I asked can anyone point me to a very good text on temporal logic? http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/UserPages/staff/ft/alp/net/exts/temporal.html | |
65. Temporal Logic As A Programming Language temporal logic as a Programming Language. The framework developed for propositionaltemporal logic is extended to firstorder temporal logic. http://siskin.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~merz/papers/diss.html |
66. Efficiently Executable Temporal Logic Programs Efficiently executable temporal logic programs. Abstract We identifya subset of firstorder LTL (temporal logic of linear time) that http://siskin.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~merz/papers/IJCAI93.html |
67. AIDAM Special Issue: Temporal Logic In Engineering CALL FOR PAPERS. Special Issue on temporal logic in Engineering. GuestEditors Brian Knight and Ephraim Nissan Deputy Guest Editor Jixin Ma. http://www.gre.ac.uk/~E.Nissan/call.aiedam.temporal.logic.html | |
68. QSL: Temporal Logic temporal logic. December 10, 2002. 11h00, Break, 11h20, temporal logic with ForgettablePast François Laroussinie, LSV, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan http://www.loria.fr/~merz/events/qsl021012/ | |
69. On The Expressive Power Of Temporal Logic For Finite Words Translate this page On the expressive power of temporal logic for finite words. J. COHEN,D. PERRIN et JE PIN. Résumé On étudie le pouvoir d'expression http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~jep/Resumes/CohenPerrinPin.html | |
70. Modal Temporal Logic Modal temporal logic. Research applications. We have developed an efficientexecutional model for an interval based linear modal temporal logic. http://www.comp.brad.ac.uk/research/ai/temporal.html | |
71. Linear Temporal Logic Linear temporal logic. This contribution 6166). Date July 2002. Keywords temporallogic, infinite transition systems, coinduction. Warning ! This http://coq.inria.fr/contribs/LTL.html | |
72. Temporal Logic Previous temporal database Next Tempura. temporal logic. There aretwo types of temporal logic used branching time and linear time. http://burks.brighton.ac.uk/burks/foldoc/33/116.htm | |
73. Ian Hodkinson: Temporal Logic Modal/temporal logic. Go to home page My logic. I jointly authored (withGabbay and Reynolds) a research monograph on temporal logic. http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~imh/frames_website/TL.html | |
74. Ian Hodkinson: Temporal Logic Book temporal logic Mathematical foundations and computational aspects. Volume1. I contributed chapter 2 to this volume (temporal logic and automata). http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~imh/frames_website/TLbook.html | |
75. Temporal Logic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z temporal logic. Modallogic approaches to temporal logic. http://cd1.fisher.su.oz.au/stanford/entries/logic-temporal/ |
76. OUP USA: Temporal Logic by Subject $160.00 (04) 0198537697 Add to My Basket 1994 Out of Stock Due UnknownS H Standard Oxford Logic Guides 28, temporal logic Mathematical Foundations http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0198537697.html | |
77. OUP USA: Temporal Logic temporal logic Mathematical Foundations and Computational AspectsVolume 2 DOV. M. GABBAY, King's College London, MARK A. REYNOLDS http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0198537689.html | |
78. Temporal Logic temporal logic. A Two useful temporal logics are Computation Tree Logic(called CTL) and Linear temporal logic (called LTL). They http://nusmv.irst.itc.it/NuSMV/papers/sttt_j/html/node3.html | |
79. UMCS-94-7-1 A Reified Temporal Logic For Nonlinear Planning UMCS94-7-1 A Reified temporal logic for Nonlinear Planning (158605 bytes).Y. Zhang and H. Barringer. Keywords temporal logics in AI. AI planning. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/cstechrep/Abstracts/UMCS-94-7-1.html | |
80. UMCS-89-10-1 Decision Procedures For Temporal Logic UMCS89-10-1 Decision Procedures for temporal logic. Decision Proceduresfor temporal logic Graham D. Gough. Abstract temporal logic http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/cstechrep/Abstracts/UMCS-89-10-1.html | |
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