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21. Temporal Logic In Information Systems temporal logic in Information Systems. Jan Chomicki David Toman. Abstract Temporallogic is obtained by adding temporal connectives to a logic language. http://www.brics.dk/LS/97/1/ | |
22. Angelo Montanari Home Page University of Udine Logical specifications of real-time systems, temporal and object-oriented databases, deductive databases, temporal representation and reasoning, modal and temporal logic, set theory. http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~montana/index.html | |
23. Simin Nadjm-Tehrani Link¶ping University Formal methods in verification of real-time and embedded systems, including discrete and hybrid models, applications of temporal logic, symbolic model checking, automata-based decompositional proof techniques. http://www.ida.liu.se/~snt/ | |
24. Kono's Temporal Logic Related Information The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://rananim.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~kono/temporal-logic.html | |
25. Theoretical Computer Science - Faculty Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai Theory of distributed systems, temporal logics, Partial order models of concurrency, Logics of knowledge. http://www.imsc.ernet.in/~jam/ | |
26. SRI International - Computer Science Laboratory - Ground Temporal Logic: A Logic Publications Ground temporal logic A Logic for Hardware Verification by DavidCyrluk and Paliath Narendran. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 818. http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/cav94/ | |
27. Research Papers University of Edinburgh Models and calculi for concurrent computation, modal and temporal logics with fixed points, verification and description of program properties. http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~cps/ | |
28. TemporalRover Provides automatic verification of protocols and reactive systems through temporal logic specifications. http://www.time-rover.com/ | |
29. Citations: The Temporal Logic Of Reactive And Concurrent Systems - Manna, Pnueli Z. Manna and A. Pnueli. The temporal logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems. Thetemporal logic of Reactive and Concurrent SystemsSpecification. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/9751/0 | |
30. Citations: The Temporal Logic Of Programs - Pnueli (ResearchIndex) Similar pages More results from citeseer.nj.nec.com developerWorks Java technology Diagnosing Java code One way to fill this gap is with temporal logic, a formalism usedto describe how a program state will change over time. In this http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/18303/0 | |
31. DeveloperWorks: Java Technology : Diagnosing Java Code: Using Temporal Logic Wit temporal logic is a formalism used to describe how a program state will changeover time. Diagnosing Java code Using temporal logic with bug patterns, http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-diag0827.html?dwzone=java |
32. Dept. Of AI: Alumni University of Ulm Object-oriented approaches to formal specification and verification, formal specification and verification of reactive systems, component-based formal development of concurrent systems, and the temporal logic of Actions. http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/ki/canver.html | |
33. Citation ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) archive Volume 16, Issue 3 (May 1994) toc The temporal logic of actions Author Leslie Lamport http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=177726&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
34. Results Search Results. Nothing Found. Your search for temporal logic IN CCS did notreturn any results. temporal logic CCS Advanced Search Search Help/Tips. http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?query=Temporal logic |
35. Temporal Logic In Specification 1987 dblp.unitrier.de temporal logic in Specification 1987 Altrincham, UK. 1-20;Shmuel Katz, Doron Peled Interleaving Set temporal logic. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/tls/tls1987.html | |
36. International Conference On Temporal Logic 1994 Dov M. Gabbay, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach (Eds.) temporal logic, First InternationalConference, ICTL '94, Bonn, Germany, July 1114, 1994, Proceedings. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/ictl/ictl1994.html | |
37. The Temporal Logic Of Actions A logic for specifying and reasoning about concurrent systems. http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/tla/ |
38. Temporal Logic From FOLDOC temporal logic. logic An extension There are two types of temporal logicused branching time and linear time. The basic propositional http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?temporal logic |
39. SRI International - Computer Science Laboratory - Ground Temporal Logic: A Logic A temporal logic designed to specify properties of hardware at the register transfer level. http://www.csl.sri.com/reports/html/cav94.html | |
40. No Match For Linear Temporal Logic No match for Linear temporal logic. Sorry, the term Linear temporal logicis not in the dictionary. Check the spelling and try removing http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Linear Temporal Logic |
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