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81. Fast Periodic Table Basic data Interactive periodic table. Including uses and discovery.Category Science Chemistry periodic table......An interactive periodic table with loads of data aimed at school childrenand others. 102, (260) Lr 103, periodic table to download. http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/periodictable.html | |
82. The Periodic Table Of The Elements The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://ccinfo.ims.ac.jp/periodic/indexj.html | |
83. If You Want To Know More About The Structure Of Atoms >118 Very basic data Predicted periodic table for undiscovered elements with atomic number greater than Category Science Chemistry periodic table......Extended periodic table, Compression of innerorbitals/ shells, Inert-gasalgorithm (rare-gas),Antimatter, algorythm, atomic weight. http://www.apsidium.com/ | |
84. PTE - The Periodic Table Of The Elements - Trillium University Very basic data, includes writeups, Requires JavascriptCategory Science Chemistry periodic table...... The periodic table of the elements with detailed examination of each element,presented as an online interactive engineering and educational aid. http://pte.8k.com/ | |
85. Quiz Hub - Online Learning Activities: Educational Games, Puzzles, And Quizzes online interactive learning quizzes that help K12 students enhance their core knowledge of language Category Reference Education Technology Online Services...... Vitamins Chemistry Chemical Elements Element Symbols Type Element Names ElementsGroups Elements Properties Elements Valence periodic table Relative pH http://quizhub.com/ | |
86. Periodic Table Of The Elements Introduction Basic data Interative periodic table.Category Science Chemistry periodic table......The entire periodic table of the Elements, up to Lawrencium (element 103) with descriptiveinformation and properties for each. Pode, JSF The periodic table. http://www.concentric.net/~Noshadow/table/ | |
87. Periodic Table Of The Elements Very basic data, requires JavaScript Features a molecular mass calculator. Data includes spectroscopic Category Science Chemistry periodic table......A very useful periodic table of the Elements. A great learning reference and handytool. periodic table Options. General, Term. About, Xcore. Hints, Mwt. References. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~miller/tables/periodictable.htm | |
88. THE ATOMFLOWERS Of The Periodic Table Basic data Atomflowers growth when atoms are build up with their s, p, d and f orbitals according Category Science Chemistry periodic table......The 118 atomflowers® of the periodic table Just push the atomnumbersto see 1, 1. 2. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10. 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18. http://www.atomflowers.com/ | |
89. Elementistory Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu **Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm MdNo Lr This periodic table gives only historical data related to the elements. http://smallfry.dmu.ac.uk/chem/periodic/elementi.html | |
90. AVS Reference Guide - Periodic Table home feedback. solid, liquid, TH E PERIOD I C table, gas, synth. Discoverer. 1H, AtomicWeight Melt Boil(C), 2 He. 3 Li, 4 Be, Shell Isotopes, 5 B, 6 C, 7 N,8 O, 9 F, 10 Ne. http://www.aip.org/avsguide/refguide/periodic.html | |
91. Periodic Table Of The Elements Very Comprehensive data Interactive periodic table. Includes additional information on ionisation Category Science Chemistry periodic table......periodic table of the elements 1.7 contains general information of chemical elementsand interactive JavaScript calculators that contain of practically any http://www.ktf-split.hr/periodni/en/ | |
92. Periodic Table Games periodic table Games. Introduction. This site tests your knowledge ofthe periodic table. At this time, the games require http://chemistry2.csudh.edu/ptablegames/ptablegames.html | |
93. The Schemata Of The Elements Earth/matriX, Science Today, offers numerous charts and schemata of the periodictable of the elements in distinct formats as videos, books, laminations, disks http://www.the-periodic-table.com/sys-tmpl/ | |
94. Periodic Table Applet Element Information Click on an element in the table to get informationfor that element. Data are displayed below the table. Coloring http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chemlab/info/resources/p_table/Periodic.html | |
95. The Chemfun Periodic Table The periodic table of Elements. Each of my students has created a pageabout an element. Select any element on the table to see their work. http://www.geocities.com/~chemfun/table/periodic.html |
96. Home PageThe Extended Periodic Table Of The Elements No elemental data Alternate versions of the extended periodic table. Include information on symmetry Category Science Chemistry periodic table......Click here for more 'Symmetry Of The periodic table'. Page 1 Two New Elements.Page 2 - Commentary. The Extended periodic table Of The Elements JERIES A. RIHANI. http://jeries.rihani.com/ |
97. Periodic Table Of The Elements WebElements. Welcome to version 1.2.2 of WebElements the periodic tableon the WWW. To start, select an element from the periodic table below. http://chemserv.bc.edu/web-elements/web-elements-home.html | |
98. Periodic Table ADventure No data Includes the history of the periodic table and information on the structure of atoms and Category Science Chemistry periodic table......Welcome to Mrs. Gibson's periodic table ADventure website! This websitewas created in accordance with the 8th grade chemistry curriculum http://web.buddyproject.org/web017/web017/ | |
99. Periodic Table Of The Elements http://www.rembar.com/PeriodicTable.htm | |
100. The Periodic Table The periodic table. Now let's break the periodic table up intocommon groups of elements. First, The Alkali Metals. http://www.chem.wm.edu/chemWWW/courses/chem105/pertable.html | |
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