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21. Statistics Canada - Canada's National Statistical Agency Profiling Canada's Busi statistics Canada's Web site (www.statcan.ca) provides for free and for fee economic,social and census data plus daily analysis of statistical releases. http://www.statcan.ca/start.html | |
22. NFL EUROPE In Association With SportsLine.com Official site. Standings, statistics, games, pictures, news and analysis. http://www.nfleurope.com |
23. UNICEF Statistics South American education statistics included by region. http://www.unicef.org/statis/ | |
24. CDC Data And Statistics Links to healthcare data and statistical sources.Category Health Resources...... Data and statistics. CDC Health Information and Surveillance Systems NationalElectronic Disease Surveillance System. Scientific Data. Health statistics. http://www.cdc.gov/scientific.htm | |
25. United Nations Statistics Division Provides economic and social statistics and assistance to member states in improving their statistical capabilities and in adopting international statistics guidelines and standards. http://www.un.org/Depts/unsd/ |
26. Disability Statistics Center... Please Go Forward A national center of research and training in disability statistics. The Center has ongoing research projects on the cost of disability, employment and earnings, access to health and longterm care services, housing, mortality and national statistical indicators on the status of people with disabilities in America. http://dsc.ucsf.edu/ |
27. SportingData Cricket Features complete test, one day international and world cup scorecards, and player statistics. http://www.sportingdata.com/cr-test/chist.asp |
28. Education Statistics At A Glance-Publications Tables Of Contents Brings together data from several sources published by the National Center for Education statistics, Category Reference Education Directories Searching......Quick access to information in Condition of Education, Projectionsof Education statistics, Digest of Education statistics, etc. http://nces.ed.gov/edstats/ | |
29. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Home Page statistics regarding crimes and victims, drugs, criminal offenders, the justice system, enforcement, Category Society Law Legal Information Criminal Law......statistics about Crime and victims, Drugs and crime, Criminal offenders, The justicesystem in the United States, Law enforcement, Prosecution, Courts and http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ | |
30. Baseball-Reference.com - Major League Baseball Statistics And History statistics for each player, team, and league in baseball history. Includes batting, pitching and fielding statistics along with leaders, managers, links, books and award winners. http://www.baseball-reference.com/ | |
31. Redirect To - International Suicide Statistics Resource Page From Befrienders International. Links to statistics from USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK and international statistics by the World Health Organization. http://www.befrienders.org/info/statistics.htm | |
32. Rugby Statz Rugby league and union statistics software for clubs. Automatically generates statistics web pages. http://www.redaxe.com/rstatz.htm | |
33. Statistics On The Web statistics courses on the web. statistics Textbooks on the web. Engineering statisticsHandbook at NIST; Hypertext Intro Stat Textbook, edited by Jan de Leeuw; http://my.execpc.com/~helberg/statistics.html | |
34. MSN Learning & Research - System Difficulties Article from Encarta Encyclopedia defines this branch of mathematics, offers a short history, and provides an overview of the study today. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761562521 |
35. Australian Bureau Of Statistics Australia's official statistical organisation.Category Science Social Sciences Official statistics Oceania......Home Australian Bureau of statistics Home. Australian Bureau of statistics, Spreadsheets statistics showing change over time, Information on Releases. http://www.abs.gov.au/ | |
36. Vegetarian Society (UK) Information Sheet - Statistics Large number of statistics from surveys from 1945 to the present day, covering the number of people in the UK who were vegetarian (or CALLED themselves vegetarian anyway), or avoided certain animal products, and attitudes towards vegetarianism. http://www.vegsoc.org/Info/statveg.html | |
37. FTD - Foreign Trade Statistics From the Foreign Trade Division of the US Census Bureau. Contains statistics, feedback, and a search Category Business International Business and Trade Information...... Questions about the change? NEW TRADE DATA! Get the basics! Learn more! See what'sbeen released! Updated US Merchandise Trade statistics A Quality Profile! http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/www/ | |
38. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Crime And Victims Statistics Information, statistics, and publications about criminal victimization in the United States and related data collections. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict.htm | |
39. The Statistics Homepage This Electronic Statistical Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of statistics.Category Science Math statistics......This Electronic Statistical Textbook (statistics Homepage) offers trainingin the understanding and application of statistics. The http://www.statsoftinc.com/textbook/stathome.html |
40. Australian Immigration/Migration Statistics Official Australian Government website with statistical information relating to migration to Australia. http://www.immi.gov.au/statistics/ | |
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