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81. Pravda.RU Radioactive Waste To Be Taken Away On Kola Peninsula radioactive waste will be taken away on the Kola peninsula with aview to ensuring ecological security. The task is to carry out http://english.pravda.ru/economics/2001/07/23/10760.html | |
82. Stop Ocean Dumping - Radioactive Waste http://www.greenpeace.org/~odumping/radioactive/ |
83. WIPP Home Page Official US DOE website for the underground disposal facility at Carlsbad, New Mexico, for federally Category Science Technology...... Pilot Plant, or WIPP, is the world's first underground repository licensed to safelyand permanently dispose of transuranic radioactive waste left from the http://www.wipp.carlsbad.nm.us/ | |
84. LLW Forum - Welcome LowLevel radioactive waste Forum, Inc. Supporting a In 1980, Congress passedthe Low-Level radioactive waste Policy Act. This legislation http://www.llwforum.org/ | |
85. Radioactive Waste Primer Primer on radioactive waste*. What is radiation? Radiation The Uranium238 DecayChain illustrates this point. What is radioactive waste? Radioactive http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/wipp/radprimer.htm | |
86. Battelle Home Bookstore Home Select Items To Browse All Books/ Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Deep Injection Disposal of Liquid radioactive wastein Russia Chapter 6 Shutdown of Liquid radioactive waste Disposal Sites. http://www.battelle.org/bclscrpt/Bookstore/booktemplate.cfm?ISBN=1-57477-064-0 |
87. Radioactive Waste Handling And Disposal Systems You are in Home NBC countermeasures equipment radioactive wastehandling and disposal systems SubCategories radioactive waste http://fasttrack.janes.com/janesdata/ft/1967/1994/ | |
88. Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission (Maryland Entry) APPALACHIAN STATES LOWLEVEL radioactive waste COMMISSION. James M.Seif, Pennsylvania, Chair Maryland members appointed by Governor http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/38inters/html/02aps.html | |
89. United Nations System-Wide EARTHWATCH Radioactive Waste radioactive waste. Civilian radioactive waste. Civilian nuclear activities suchas electricity generation also produce wastes that are difficult to handle. http://earthwatch.unep.net/radioactivewaste/civilian.html |
90. Redirect Index From Ymp.gov Investigating the proposed site in Nevada for a US geologic repository for highlevel radioactive Category Science Technology Nuclear waste Yucca Mountain, Nevada...... http://www.ymp.gov/ |
91. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Consultations Department for Environment, Food Rural Affairs. Managing RadioactiveWaste Safely. The main aim of the consultation paper on Managing http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/consult/radwaste/default.htm | |
92. EUROPA - Environment - Home Page Nuclear Safety, Regulation And Radioactive Wast These pages have been moved under Energy site. You will be redirected therein 10 seconds. If the redirection does not work please use the link below. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/nuclear/ | |
93. Index Of /wipp Parent Directory 22Jan-20031302 - documents/ 11-Nov-1999 1830 - images/ 14-Nov-2000 1003 -......Index of /wipp. Name Last modified Size http://www.westgov.org/wipp/ | |
94. Due To The Delays Resulting From The Holiday Season, The Abstract The Ninth International Conference on Environmental Remediation and RadioactiveWaste Management (ICEM03) is a global information exchange, featuring http://www.icemconf.com/ | |
95. R.W.M. http://www.rwm-eu.org/en/index.asp |
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