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101. Department Of Biochemistry And Cell Biology Research Research. plant biology. Plants are essential for human life, providingboth the food we eat and the air we breathe. Recent technological http://cohesion.rice.edu/naturalsciences/biochemistry/research.cfm?doc_id=2228 |
102. Functional Plant Biology Functional plant biology a new era In January 2002, Australian Journalof Plant Physiology was relaunched as Functional plant biology. http://www.plantsci.org.au/FPB.html |
103. University Of California, Berkeley - Plant And Microbial Biology Learn about faculty members, department facilities, and academic programs in the Department of plant and Microbial biology. Welcome to the Department of plant and Microbial biology. at the University of California, Berkeley http://plantbio.berkeley.edu/ |
104. International Centre For Research And Training On Seabuckthorn Information on the biology of this plant and its uses for environmental, economic, nutritional, and medical purposes; emphasizing erosion control. http://www.icrts.org |
105. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology In Golm The mission of the MPIMP institute is to study biological phenomena in plants at a molecular level using systems (whole plant) biology to create a holistic picture of metabolism in the context of growth and development. http://www.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/ |
106. Plant Physiology Resources A listing of plant physiology web resources from the Australian National University Department of biology. http://biology.anu.edu.au/Groups/Plantsc/ASPP/Other.html |
107. Plant Gene Expression Center Conducts fundamental research in plant molecular biology. Includes an overview of research, facilities, seminars, links, and directions. http://www.pgec.usda.gov/ |
108. Institute Of Biology/Genetics Research on cyanobacterial peptide biosynthesis, genetics, and lightharvesting apparatus, plant organellar RNA polymerases, chloroplast-nuclear interactions, and fungal phylogeny - from Humboldt Univ.-Berlin. http://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~genetics/ |
109. Institute Of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science Research on physicochemistry and biology of agricultural soils, metabolism and nutrition of crops, management of agricultural soils and nutrient balance. Braunschweig, Germany. http://www.pb.fal.de/en/ |
110. Plant Biotechnology Click on the information i- on the left to see a review by Ralf Reski on development, genetics and molecular biology of the moss Physcomitrella patens. http://www.plant-biotech.net/ |
111. Pauchard, Anibal Abstracts, publications and links related to conservation biology and plant invasions. http://www.forestry.umt.edu/personnel/faculty/palaback/forest_ecology_lab/paucha |
112. Plant Greenhouse Facility Produces the standard teaching plant materials and maintain a selected collection of species from various continents and climatic zones. Research areas utilizing these facilities include forest ecophysiology, plant pathology, pest management and behavioural ecology. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/facilities/greenhouse/ |
113. Woody Plant Seed Manual Provides comprehensive information relating to the biology of tree and shrub seeds, including genetic improvement and germination. http://wpsm.net |
114. BioScience Links Journals List of biological journals from BioScience Lins biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, molecular biology, microbiology, plant physiology, ecology. http://www.biolinks.net.ru/Journals/ |
115. Woody Plant Ecology Pierre Binggeli is an international consultant. Areas of expertise include ecology, control of invasive plants, forest silviculture and plantation forestry, vegetation succession, environmental history, tree autecology and biology. http://members.lycos.co.uk/WoodyPlantEcology/ |
116. Plant Cell Biology, Lund University A departmental Web site with research information, images and movies (Lund University, Sweden). Topics covered include photosynthesis, redox control of protein function in chloroplasts and imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence. http://plantcell.lu.se |
117. The Society For In Vitro Biology (SIVB) The society was founded as the Tissue Culture Association to foster exchange of knowledge of in vitro biology of cells, tissues and organs from both plant and animals (including humans). The focus is on biological research, development, and applications of significance to science and society. http://www.sivb.org/ |
118. Welcome To The Department Of Plant Microbial Biology At UC http://mollie.berkeley.edu/ |
119. Fry Lab Research on the biology of oomycetous plant pathogens, mainly Phytophthora infestans. Includes members, project details, marker database, protocols, publications, life cycle with photographs, and relevant links. Cornell University, U.S. http://ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/fry/ |
120. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Quarterly publication with full text, including protocols and illustrations back to 1996. Provided by the International Society for plant Molecular biology. http://www.nrc.ca/cisti/journals/ispmb/reporter.html |
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