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61. Internet Public Library: Plant Biology (Botany) The study of plant life. Resources in this category You can plantgroup. A glossary of Australian plant terms is also available. http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci36.53.00/ | |
62. Super Menu Information concerning a Ph.d program for plant biology and biotechnology involving the university Category Science Biology Botany Education...... http://www.udel.edu/plants/ | |
63. Plant Biology And Biotechnology Ph.D. in plant biology and Biotechnology University of Delaware/DuPont Onerotation with a U. of Delaware plant biology lab and one with DuPont. http://www.udel.edu/plants/welcome.htm | |
64. Institute Of Plant Sciences University Of Bern Includes information about institutes of plant physiology and geobotany. http://www.botany.unibe.ch/ | |
65. Phytomorphology An International Journal of Plant Sciences which includes reviews and articles on topics such as plant biology and cell structures. http://phytomorphology.tripod.com | |
66. Online Journal Index Journal of plant biology. Formery The Korean Journal of Botany Establishedon april 1, 1958, renamed from volume 37, march 1994 devoted http://bric.postech.ac.kr/bsk/journal.html | |
67. Biozone: Plant Biology Biozone's plant biology page lists a selection of useful websites concerned withthe anatomy and physiology of plants, as well as classification and diversity. http://www.biozone.co.uk/biolinks/PLANT_BIOLOGY.html | |
68. Plant Biology plant biology (Biosciences). Information categorized first by provider, then bysubject. See also Department of plant biology. University of Massachusetts, http://www.technalithics.com/botany.html | |
69. DanforthCenter.org Mission is to increase understanding of plant biology; apply new knowledge to help sustain productivity in agriculture, forestry and allied fields; facilitate the rapid development and commercialization of promising technologies and products; contribute to the education and training of students, scientists and technicians from around the world. http://www.danforthcenter.org | |
70. Plant Biology The Program in plant biology at Washington University enjoys a strong reputationfor training in plant molecular biology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics http://dbbs.wustl.edu/Programs/plantbiology.html | |
71. Plant Biology DIASDepartment of plant biology Research Centre Flakkebjerg DK4200 SlagelseTel +45 5811 3300; Fax +45 5811 3301 Research Director Janet F Bornman. http://www.agrsci.dk/pbi/index_uk.shtml | |
72. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Functional Plant Biology Includes author information, free samples, and subscriptions. http://www.publish.csiro.au/journals/fpb/ | |
73. Plant Physiology A large number of links that might be useful to students of plant physiology.Category Science Biology Botany Plant Physiology...... biologie.unihamburg.de/b-online/e05/05d.htm Phytopathogens http//imol.vub.ac.be/PLFY/Report1995_1996.htmlplant biology For non-science majors http//www http://www.hoflink.com/~house/pltphys.html | |
74. MNHN's Scientific Publications: Adansonia A peerreviewed journal of plant biology, devoted to the inventory, analysis and interpretation of vascular plants biodiversity. It publishes original results of botanical research http://www.mnhn.fr/publication/adanson/aadanson.html | |
75. Stern/Introductory Plant Biology Preface Table of Contents New to this Edition Supplements List of Reviewers ETEXTDEMO NEW (PDF file format) E-TEXT is an exciting student resource that http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/pae/botany/stern8e/ | |
76. Stern/Introductory Plant Biology http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/pae/stern/ | |
77. Redirecting To New Site... UWA Logo, FNAS School of plant biology. Conservation Biology. ·Marine and Estuarine Science. · Crop Science. plant biology Vision. http://www.agric.uwa.edu.au/plants/ |
78. Botany / Plant Biology Jones and Bartlett Home Science Botany / plant biology. Subdisciplines. AllScience titles. Botany / plant biology. +, Human Biology / Anatomy. +, Microbiology. http://science.jbpub.com/botany/ | |
79. Plant Biology s Subject plant biology Concentrationspaleobotany; plant cell biology; plant ecology; plant molecular......plant biology. Course http://www.gradschool.cornell.edu/grad/fields_1/pl-bio.html | |
80. Plant Biology Genetics Immunology, Inorganic/Organometallic Microbiology Molecular Biology OrganicChemistry Pharmacology and Toxicology plant biology Polymer Chemistry http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Area_of_Interest/Equip____Supplies_Home/eBookShelf/P | |
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