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Pi: more books (100) |
141. Pi In The Sky A semiannual magazine aimed at high school students and their teachers with the purpose of promoting Category Science Math Education Magazines......Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences. Current Issue PastIssues About Us About piMS Cartoons Jokes Authors History Forum http://www.pims.math.ca/pi/ |
142. Basisschool Sint-Hendrikscollege Vinkt Voorstelling van de school en de leerkrachten, uitgebreide informatie over de activiteiten, met verschillende foto's. http://home2.pi.be/vinktsch/ |
143. Pi-Soft Consulting piSoft Consulting, LLC is in the business of providing internet productsand networking services to people like you. What's New At pi-Soft. http://www.pi-soft.com/index.shtml |
144. Pi Kappa Phi - Georgia Institute Of Technology - Iota Chapter Contains brothers and alumni information, guestbook, news and events. http://www.pikapp.net/ |
145. Duncan's Greek Pages Pi Kappa Alpha Discussion Moderated public message board for pike http://www.islandnet.com/cgi-bin/postit?login=duncan&topic=greek/groups/pka |
146. Calculi For Mobile Processes Books. The piCalculus - A Theory of Mobile Processes (by Davide Sangiorgi and DavidWalker), June 2001. A pi-course introducing the -calculus, given at SICS. http://lamp.epfl.ch/mobility/ |
147. Pi Mathematics Teacher resources, history, activities, and information. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu:80/edu/RSE/RSEorange/buttons.html |
148. The Web Page Dedicated To Pi - The Best Pi Site On The Web Information, 120000 digits, links, and jokes.Category Science Math Recreations Specific Numbers pi......This site has wonderful information on pi, 120000 digits of pi, links to otherpi sites, pi jokes, and much to explore in the fascinating world of pi. http://www.wpdpi.com/ |
149. CSIRO Plant Industry home main menu what's new quick survey intranet search lastupdatedThursday February 06, 2003 CSIRO Plant Industry's intranet site is http://www.pi.csiro.au/ |
150. Alpha Omicron Pi - Wagner College - Theta Pi Chapter Staten Island, New York. http://GeoCities.com/CollegePark/6323/ |
151. Calculating Pi The Open Source Project For Calculating Pi. An open source endeavor for the calculation of this constant. Describes the project, the implemented Category Science Math Recreations Specific Numbers pi......Please click Welcome to Calculating pi, Search. You can register forfree by clicking here. The open source project for calculating pi. http://projectpi.sourceforge.net/ |
152. Beta Theta Pi - Missouri, University Of - Zeta Phi Chapter Located in Columbia, MO. http://students.missouri.edu/~beta/ |
153. The Pi Society Translate this page The pi Society. Je me suis Free. Qualifying Scores. The following areminimum qualifying scores for membership in the pi Society. Test by http://www.desargues.univ-lyon1.fr/home/lygeros/Mensa/PI.html |
154. Pi Beta Phi - Wake Forest University - North Carolina Gamma Chapter At Wake Forest University. The Strings Society, founded 1946, was colonized by pi Phi in 1993. http://www.students.wfu.edu/piphi/ |
155. Accueil - L'univers De Pi Translate this page L'histoire de pi a travers les ages, les mathematiciens, leurs formuleset les demonstrations. Plein d'images, de musique, de programmes http://www.multimania.com/bgourevitch/ |
156. Alpha Delta Pi - Washington State University - Upsilon Chapter Upsilon chapter of ADpi founded in 1917 in Pullman, Washington http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/8161/ |
157. PI GAMMA MU National honor society recognizing excellence in the social sciences.Category Society Organizations Student Academic Honor Societies......Dear Visitor, The PGM web site has moved to another host. Hopefully,in a few days, the domain name will changed over. Until then http://www.sckans.edu/~pgm/ |
158. Sigma Pi - Missouri At Rolla, University Of - Alpha Iota Chapter pictures, recruitment information, members, links. http://www.umr.edu/~sigmapi/ |
159. Pi 3.14159 - Friends Of Pi - Freunde Der Zahl Pi Translate this page Die Geheimnisse der Zahl pi beschaeftigen die Menschen seit der Antike. Friendsof pi (english). Willkommen bei den Freunden der Zahl pi! http://pi314.at/ |
160. Cuoificio La Querce S.r.l. San Miniato, pi Produce cuoio da suola e da fasce. Profilo aziendale, notizie sui prodotti, storia. http://www.laquerce.it/index_i.html |
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