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41. RECTOR'S WELCOME Official site with general information include educational programs, organization structure, religious library. http://relphiledu.hypermart.net/en/indexe.htm | |
42. Philosophy At Large This page has moved to http//www.liv.ac.uk/philosophy/philos.html, andyou will yourself be moved, virtually, in a moment. Don't Panic. http://www.liv.ac.uk/~srlclark/philos.html | |
43. SCSP Main Page For The South Carolina Society For Philosophy Calls for papers, conference programs, history of the Society, and a list of South Carolina philosophy programs. http://www.cla.sc.edu/phil/scsp/ | |
44. Film-Philosophy April 2002 (philosophy of Horror). vol. 6 no. 1 André Bazin, The Life and Deathof Superimposition (1946). Filmphilosophy Recommends . . . Artificial Eye. http://www.film-philosophy.com/ | |
45. Philosophy Now The international newsstand magazine for everyone interested in philosophy. Subscription information, Category Society philosophy Journals Printed Journals...... Challenge My Beliefs? philosophy instructor Richard Reilly talks to studentsabout questioning God. 2003 philosophy Now. All rights reserved. http://www.philosophynow.demon.co.uk/ | |
46. Theosophy [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Defines the main teachings of Theosophy (Gk. theosophia, divine wisdom ). http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/t/theosoph.htm | |
47. Bjorn's Guide To Philosophy http://www.knuten.liu.se/~bjoch509/ |
48. Harmonial Philosophy Association, Inc. A nonprofit organization, located in Erie, PA. General information on Spiritualism and the Church. http://www.hpaonline.net | |
49. JSTOR: The Journal Of Philosophy The Journal of philosophy. (continues The Journal of philosophy, Psychologyand Scientific Methods) Journal Information for The Journal of philosophy. http://www.jstor.org/journals/0022362x.html | |
50. MUNICH SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY Study and background information (in part Germanlanguage only) on the state-accredited institution which offers offers baccalaureate, master, and doctorate programs in philosophy. http://www.hfph.mwn.de/index_txt_e.html | |
51. JSTOR: Philosophy And Phenomenological Research philosophy and Phenomenological Research. JSTOR coverage Vols. 157, 1940-1997. JournalInformation for philosophy and Phenomenological Research. http://www.jstor.org/journals/00318205.html | |
52. International Association For Greek Philosophy A nonprofit academic, research and cultural Institution formed in 1987 and established by law in 1990. The ICGPC has its seat in Samos (Pythagorion), land of Ionia, which is also the birthplace of philosophy. http://www.hri.org/iagp/ | |
53. Environmental Ethics Graduate program in environmental ethics at the University of North Texas.Category Society philosophy Ethics Environmental...... environmental ethics and environmental philosophy. CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTALphilosophy About Environmental Ethics as an Academic Field; http://www.cep.unt.edu/ | |
54. 20th WCP: Philosophy In Asia Archive of contributed papers in the subject area of philosophy in Asia. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/MainAsia.htm | |
55. Meta-Encyclopedia Of Philosophy A list of philophical terms and names linked to the major encyclopedias and dictionaries of philosophy Category Society philosophy Reference......a list of philophical terms and names linked to the major encyclopediasand dictionaries of philosophy on the internet. http://www.ditext.com/encyc/frame.html |
56. Metapsychology Online Book Reviews Thoughtful and informed book reviews on mental health, psychology, ethics, and philosophy. Updated every month. http://mentalhelp.net/books | |
57. Richard C. Jeffrey (1926-2002) Opportunities For Graduate Study Publishes philosophy of Science, hosts biennial meetings.Category Society philosophy philosophy of Science Organizations......Richard C. Jeffrey (19262002). Opportunities for Graduate Study inphilosophy of Science. About the philosophy of Science Association http://scistud.umkc.edu/psa/ | |
58. Misery The famous essay by Proudhon. http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/proudhon/misery.htm | |
59. University Of Chicago Philosophy Project Seeks to provide a forum for electronically mediated scholarly discussion of philosophical worksCategory Society philosophy Chats and Forums...... The University of Chicago philosophy Project. The moderator for each group is chosenby the administrators of the University of Chicago philosophy Project. http://csmaclab-www.cs.uchicago.edu/philosophyProject/philos.html | |
60. U. Iowa Communication Studies: Rhetorical Studies Resources Resources in philosophy, metaphor, and other topics of interest to rhetorical studies scholars, from the University of Iowa. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/rhetorical.html | |
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