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141. Stewart, Charles Technische Universit¤t Berlin, Theory and Formal Specifications group Proof theoretic semantics, lambda calculus, linear logic, theoretical computer science, philosophy of language. http://www.linearity.org/cas/ |
142. Tarumingkeng, Rudy C Population dynamic models, science philosophy papers and teaching materials of various science and technology disciplines for Bogor Agricultural Institute Graduate Program as well as for the public. http://rudyct.tripod.com/index.htm |
143. Critical Thought And Religious Liberty Examines religious questions through philosophy and science. http://www.freethought-web.org/ctrl/ |
144. Concepts Of Person And Self Links to resources including bibliographies, journals, online texts, and institutions. Maintained by Professor Shaun Gallagher, philosophy and Cognitive science, Canisius College. http://www.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/pi.html |
145. What Is Transhumanism? Transhumanism is the philosophy or belief that it is good to improve oneself, physically and mentally, and that it is good to not accept the existing biological and social limits, and that these limits can be overcome through the use of rational methods like technology and science. http://www.educa.com/transcedo/etrans.htm |
146. Founder's Church Of Religious Science Metaphysical, nondenominational church in Los Angeles that teaches the philosophy of the science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. Services, ministerial staff, group ministries, classes, events. http://www.founderschurch.org/ |
147. Exploring Theosophy David Pratt explores the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy. Also information on theosophical history. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/ |
148. Noë, Alva Papers on the philosophy and Cognitive science of visual perception by this philosopher, based at the University of California, Santa Cruz. http://www2.ucsc.edu/people/anoe/index.html |
149. Rutgers Center For Cognitive Science Cognitivist philosophy (Fodor, Stich, McGinn), Psychophysics (Julesz, Kowler), cognitive psych. (Pylyshyn, Leslie). http://ruccs.rutgers.edu/ |
150. Institut Nicod Eprints Archive Online research papers in philosophy, sociology and cognitive science of the Jean Nicod Institute's members. http://jeannicod.ccsd.cnrs.fr |
151. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience Investigates brainbehavior interaction and promotes lively interchange among the mind sciences. Contributions address both descriptions of function and underlying brain events and also reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field covering developments in neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neurobiology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. http://mitpress.mit.edu/journal-home.tcl?issn=0898929X |
152. (Italy) LADSEB-CNR - Ontological Foundations Research group in ontological foundations of knowledge engineering and conceptual modeling. The group performs basic and applied research on the ontological foundations of knowledge engineering and conceptual modeling, exploring the role of ontology in different fields. The group is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach that combines Computer science, philosophy, and Linguistics, and relies on Logic as an unifying paradigm. On the application side, main emphasis is given on the use of ontologies for electronic commerce, enterprise integration, knowledge management, and information access to the Web. http://www.ladseb.pd.cnr.it/infor/ontology/ontology.html |
153. Rhetorical Hermeneutics This volume provides thoughtful answers to a surprisingly large number of significant questions in the rhetoric of science and in rhetorical theory generally. Unlike most anthologies, there is no issue of continuity in this one. It contains treatments of the fields most central issues and has a group of wellknown authors who, in fact, have helped to define the field. It should have a wide readership because of its topical interest, its attention to basic theoretical issues, and its presentation of high quality academic debate. http://www.wordtrade.com/philosophy/hermene.htm |
154. Yale University Press Publisher of trade and academic books in art, history, science, religion, philosophy, psychology, and languages. http://www.yale.edu/yup |
155. Pantheism Bulletin Board A Webbased board on pantheism, with many topics on religion, philosophy and science. http://pub3.ezboard.com/bpantheism |
156. French, Robert M. Connectionism and philosophy of cognitive science (Univ. de Li¨ge, Belgium) http://www.fapse.ulg.ac.be/Lab/Trav/rfrench.html |
157. Forum For Fundamentalist Reviews Of Science, Art, And Philosophy Invites readers to join in the task of reviewing, weeding, and renewing the culture and world we live in to foster peace, equality, and individual freedom. http://agricola2000.tripod.com/ |
158. City University Of New York Cognitive Science Graduate students from a number of disciplines such as computer science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, educational psychology, and speech and hearing sciences - may tailor their program with this concentration. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/cogit/ |
159. Science Timeline A chronology from the 7th millenium BC to the present day, with brief explanations of events in the history of Western natural philosophy and sciences. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/ |
160. Maine State Spiritualist Association Of Churches. The Spiritual nature of human kind brings forth the science, philosophy and Religion of Modern Spiritualism. http://members.tripod.com/mssac/spirit.htm |
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