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81. PAG-X: GENETICS OF MITOCHONDRIAL-NUCLEAR INTERACTIONS IN ARABIDOPSIS Workshop Organellar genetics. genetics OF mitochondrialNUCLEAR INTERACTIONSIN ARABIDOPSIS. Lee Mcintosh 1 , Jianping Yu 1 , Roxy Nickels 1 http://www.intl-pag.org/10/abstracts/PAGX_W232.html | |
82. Ronald A. Butow, Ph.D., Genetics And Development We are studying the molecular genetics of mitochondrial biogenesis and theinteractions of mitochondria with other cellular components in the yeast http://swnt240.swmed.edu/gradschool/webrib/butow.htm | |
83. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 21, Ch. 286, General Principles Of Medical Genetics Nontraditional Inheritance. Chromosomal Disorders. mitochondrial DNA Abnormalities.Cancer genetics. Immunogenetics. Forensic genetics. Genetic Therapy. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section21/chapter286/286a.htm | |
84. Christiane M.-R. Fauron, Research Assistant Professor Of Human Genetics Kluwer Academic press. pp159. 4. Fauron CM-R, Casper M (1994) A second typeof maize mitochondrial genome an evolutionary link. genetics 137875-882. http://www.bioscience.utah.edu/mb/mbFaculty/fauron/fauron.html | |
85. Medical Genetics - Mitochondrial Inheritance: Leber's Optic Atrophy mitochondrial Inheritance Leber's Optic Atrophy. http://www.mccg.org/childrenshealth/genetics/mitochon.asp | |
86. Medical Genetics - Mitochondrial Inheritance: Leber's Optic Atrophy mitochondrial Inheritance Leber's Optic Atrophy. What is mitochondrialinheritance? The normal 46 chromosomes in our body are contained http://www.uuhsc.utah.edu/healthinfo/pediatric/genetics/mitochon.htm | |
87. Medline Record 93173296 mutations may assume a pathogenetic role with aging. Major IndexesDNA, mitochondrial genetics; mitochondrial Myopathies genetics; http://avsunxsvr.aeiveos.com/agethry/dnadmgrp/93173296.html | |
88. Mitomap MITOMAP. A human mitochondrial genome database. A compendium of polymorphisms and mutations of the human mitochondrial DNA the mitochondria. mitochondrial References (AZ) (1 MB) http://www.gen.emory.edu/ | |
89. Scientists Of The Dept. Molecular Genetics inherited diseases, monogenic mutations, maternal inheritance, mitochondrialgenetics, transgenic animals, ceruloplasmin, copper metabolism. http://www.iemrams.spb.ru:8100/english/molgen/genpers.htm | |
90. Publications Presented at the 1998 American genetics Association Symposium Plant Mitochondrialgenetics and Molecular Biology for the Journal of Heredity 90380385. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~imagefpc/Subpages/publications.html | |
91. Eccles Institute Of Human Genetics - Christiane M.-R. Fauron 1995 Jun;11(6)22835. Review. Fauron CM, Casper M. A second type of normal maizemitochondrial genome an evolutionary link. genetics. 1994 Jul;137(3)875-82. http://www.genetics.utah.edu/faculty/cfauron.html | |
92. Molecular Biology & Genetics At Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. plants. She also has a significant research involvement in the mitochondrialgenetics of higher plants, notably Petunia. Charles http://www.mbg.cornell.edu/grad/gradhistG.html | |
93. Intraspecific Phylogeography: The Mitochondrial DNA Bridge Between Population Ge Intraspecific phylogeography the mitochondrial DNA bridge between population geneticsand systematics. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 18489522. http://www.uga.edu/srel/Reprint/1175.htm | |
94. MITOMAP Has Moved! MITOMAP Has Moved! MITOMAP is no longer operated at this URL. It has beenrelocated to http//www.mitomap.org. Please update your bookmarks. http://www.gen.emory.edu/mitomap.html | |
95. The Mitochondria Research Society: Contact Us Center, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He is an expert on mitochondrialgenetics and has more than 20 years of research experience. http://www.mitoresearch.org/contact1.htm | |
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