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61. Geol 284 Mineralogy-Lang Department Logo, Geology 284 mineralogy - Fall 2002. Dr. Helen M. Lang.Professor edu. Text mineralogy, 2nd Edition, Dexter Perkins, 2002. http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~lang/Geol284/geol284.htm | |
62. Mars Pathfinder - Science Results - Mineralogy And Geochemistry Summarizes the geochemical results obtained by NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission. Includes plots of Category Science Earth Sciences Geochemistry...... per picture element). Goal Determine variability of reflectancespectra (mineralogy) across the face of the rock. If all spectra http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/MPF/science/mineralogy.html | |
63. ICAM2000 Göttingen, Germany, 1321 July 2000. Interdisciplinary forum for specialists in the fields of mineralogy Category Science Earth Sciences Conferences...... http://www.bgr.de/icam2000/ | |
64. Geology 221a - Mineralogy Smith College. Geology 221a mineralogy. TTh 9-1020, Tu orTh 110-4 Sabin Reed 101A, Burton 109 Instructor John Brady http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Geology/Min_jb/Geology221a.html | |
65. Geology 211 (Mineralogy) Home Page GEOLOGY 211. mineralogy. Prof. Stephen A. Nelson. Fall 2002. Professor Returnto Topics List. Links to mineralogy Web Sites of Interest. http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/geol211/ | |
66. Geos 306, Mineralogy - Syllabus Geosciences 306 mineralogy Fall 2002 Professor Dr Bob Downs. 526/528/530Gould-Simpson. 626-8092. downs@geo.arizona.edu. Office hours anytime. http://www.geo.arizona.edu/xtal/geos306/Syllabus.htm | |
67. MINERALOGY - GEOL 2301, UNIV OF MINNESOTA GEOL 2301 mineralogy Fall 2002 Diamond, Garnets, Malachite. Donna L. Whitney116 Pillsbury, 6267582, dwhitney@umn.edu Metamorphic Research Group webpages. | |
68. Home Page mineralogy Home Page. Supplementary text, recommended for mineralogy but requiredif you plan to take Petrology Minerals in Thin Section, by Perkins and Henke. http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/GEODEPT/COURSES/mineralogy/ | |
69. Minerals Engineering Conferences - Applied Mineralogy 03 Search Site MEI Online MEI Conferences Applied mineralogy 03. Applied mineralogy03. Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Helsinki, Finland March 1718, 2003. http://www.min-eng.com/appliedmineralogy03/ | |
70. Mineralogy mineralogy, Lithology and Crystallography (with a database for crystal structures) The mineralogical collections, originating from the first half of the XVI http://www.academiaexchange.net/1.Science_Exchange/Nature_Expos/Collection/Miner | |
71. Mineralogy Petrology mineralogy Petrology. TOC; Clay Science Abs, TOC; Contributions tomineralogy and Petrology Abs, AS, EB, IA, SUB, TOC; Crystallography http://pinti.geol.u-psud.fr/Homepage/Mineral.htm |
72. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Mineralogy (Related Fields) Looking for the best facts and sites on mineralogy? HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Science Earth Sciences Geology Related Fields mineralogy. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
73. Mineralogy Of Quartz; Rockhounding Arkansas If you're a real glutton for punishment, read our ninepart illustrated seriesof crystallography articles! next page is mineralogy meets Metaphysics. http://rockhoundingar.com/quartz/mineralogy.html | |
74. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Mineralogy Journals Ranked by Impact mineralogy Rank, Impact 19812000. 1, Reviews in mineralogy(3.31), Reviews in mineralogy (10.92), Reviews in mineralogy (28.48). 2, Contr. http://www.in-cites.com/research/2002/march_18_2002-2.html | |
75. ISGS Mineralogy & Crystallography mineralogy, Crystallography and Rocks. Iowa Geological Survey Minerals of Iowa;Institut of mineralogy, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany. http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/earthsci/mineral.htm | |
76. Geology 311: Mineralogy And Crystallography Geology 311 mineralogy and Crystallography. Welcome to Geology 311, the coursein mineralogy and Crystallography taught at Iowa State University. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~geology_311/homepage.html | |
77. LINKS OF INTEREST IN MINERALOGY LINKS OF INTEREST IN mineralogy. Crystallography links, Earth Science Links,mineralogy Journals. mineralogy Societies and Associations, Other Links. http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/mineral.html | |
78. UNB GEOLOGY 2142 Lecture/Lab Summaries GEOL 2142 Optical mineralogy - Lecture and Lab Summaries. Jan. 24 Lecture-9Introduction to silicate mineralogy (read 165-168) Jan. http://www.unb.ca/courses/geol2142/2142SYL.html | |
79. Chapter 14. Descriptive Mineralogy 14. Descriptive mineralogy. Order of presentation. Link to homepage. Thispage created January 13, 2001. CHAPTER 14. DESCRIPTIVE mineralogy http://simplethinking.com/dunn/ch14/descriptive.stm | |
80. Colgate Mineralogy This page has moved to http//classes.colgate.edu/rapril/geol201/. http://departments.colgate.edu/geology/courses/mineralogy/ | |
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