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101. The American Society Of Mammalogists Promotes the study of mammals and involved in providing information for public policy, resources management, conservation, and education. http://www.mammalsociety.org/ |
102. Meeressäuger Homepage - Robben, Wale Und Delphine Translate this page Poster, click! Neu! Delphin- und Wal- Poster im Poster-Shop von Ozeane.de.Praktika, click! Wer wollte nicht schon immer mal Wissenschaftler http://www.marine-mammals.de/frontpag.htm |
103. Scottish Parliament - Protection Of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill Stage 1 Debate and vote on Amendments and Bill. Two Amendments failed. Bill passed (For 84, Against 34, Abstentions 1). http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/official_report/session-01/sor0919-01.htm |
104. Monterey Bay Aquarium Focus On - Marine Mammals to live on earth, to sea lions cavorting through the waves, to pods of dolphinsriding the bow wave of a fishing boat, the parade of marine mammals along our http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/efc_fo/fo_mammal.asp |
105. Alliance Of Marine Mammal Parks And Aquariums Provides an educational resource for marine mammals and their environment. http://ammpa.org |
106. NOAA Fisheries - Marine Mammals Marine mammals Marine Mammal Commercial Fisheries Interactions. How to reportstranded Marine mammals. Viewing Protected Marine Species in the Wild. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/mar_mammals.htm |
107. Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill [HL] Text of the Bill as introduced in the House of Lords on 27th November 2002. Html and pdf versions. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200203/ldbills/011/2003011.htm |
108. Mammals Ocean Sunfish Suicidal Crabs? Zooplankton 1, 2 Sting and Stun Rays mammals Rock dwellers Sand dwellers Fossils. mammals. Guadalupe fur seal. http://www.earthwindow.com/mammals.html |
109. Wildlife Rehabilitation Center And Otter Habitat York Haven, Pennsylvania based facility that is licensed by the state and federal governments to rehabilitate mammals and passerines (perching birds). This is the only facility in Pennsylvania which provides care for injured otters. http://www.riverotters.org/ |
110. About - Mammals Find links about mammals such as insectivores, primates, hoofed mammals, manatees,elephants, carnivores, marsupials, bats, whales, and rodents. http://animals.about.com/cs/mammals/ |
111. Anemone, R. L. Evolution of Paleocene and Eocene mammals (especially primates) from southwestern Wyoming (Western Michigan University). http://vms.cc.wmich.edu/~anemone/index.htm |
112. BBC NEWS Science/Nature Quarter Of Mammals 'face Extinction' Almost a quarter of the world's mammals face extinction within30 years, according to a United Nations report. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_2000000/2000325.stm |
113. Brisky Pet Products Specializing in products for hedgehogs, sugar gliders, ferrets, chinchillas, as well as other small mammals. http://www.brisky.com/ |
114. BBC NEWS World Africa Mammals 'sailed To Madagascar' Thursday, 13 February, 2003, 1511 GMT mammals 'sailed to Madagascar' The ayeayeis one of the island's unique species All mammals on the island of Madagascar http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2757643.stm |
115. International Marine Mammal Association Dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and their habitats worldwide, through research and education. http://www.imma.org/ |
116. Gulf Of Maine Aquarium Marine Mammals Start Page Marine mammals K12 appropriate material for teachers on marine mammals' NaturalHistory, behavior, communication, social structure, unique adaptations, and http://octopus.gma.org/marinemammals/ |
117. Shuster, Keith And Lisa Wildlife and nature images including mammals, birds, reptiles/insects, waterfalls, sunsets, flora/fauna. Available as prints or greeting cards. http://www.shusterimages.com |
118. ANIMALS WALLPAPER - WITTS END 100's of free full size animals desktop wallpapers. Includesanimals, wildlife,birds, fish, butterflys, mammals, reptiles, snakes, coral sealife. http://www.terrywitt.com/Animals/indexmammals.html |
119. Scott's Awesome Animals Learn about and see photos of mammals, reptiles, and pets. Site created by an 8year-old. http://awesomeanimals.tripod.com/ |
120. All About Mammals mammals are one of the 6 main classes of animals. Animal class! Here aresome of the ways that mammals are alike! mammals are warm blooded. http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/mammals.htm |
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