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41. BCRA: Cave And Karst Science 1995 Vol 22, No 2 32pp. Smart, P, Waltham, AC, Yang, M and Zhang, Y, 1986. karst geomorphologyof western Guizhou, China. Cave Science, Vol.13, No. 3, 89103. http://homepage.mac.com/brianjudd/cavedive/china/china94/maps/94credit/94credit. | |
42. Resperm karst geomorphology RESEARCH IN SOUTH GEORGIA my page. Since 1993, Ihave conducted collaborative studies that examine the geomorphology http://www.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/personal/faculty/hyattj/resskold.htm | |
43. I Am Searching For These Books: James, NP Choquette, PW. Paleokarst. 1988. SpringerVerlag. Jennings,JN. karst geomorphology. 1985. Basil-Blackwell. Johnson, AM. Physical http://home.earthlink.net/~msbooks/search.htm | |
44. :: Environment And Heritage Service - Natural Heritage :: Research. karst geomorphology Of Northern Ireland. Compiled By Dr.J. Kelly/Mr. T. Fogg. Status Complete. This research documented http://www.ehsni.gov.uk/natural/research/listview.asp?RID=33 |
45. PROPOSED NEW IGU COMMISSION, 1996-2000 The Commission will also host a session on karst geomorphology Theory and Applicationat the Fifth International Conference on Geomorphology in Japan . http://www.uis-karst.kiev.ua/Info_Board/Var_igu3.html | |
46. Geology Of Florida 4. Rectangular drainage in the Suwannee River Basin 5. Internal drainage in karstareas E. karst geomorphology The Pattern of Sinkholes Florida Karst http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/guerry/GLY4155/geomorphology.html | |
47. PROSES TERJADINYA GUA Collapse runtuhan. karst geomorphology and Hydrology (DC Ford PW Williams,1989).The Science Of Speleology (GT Warwick. Geomorphology and cave). http://www.geocities.com/sunuasc026/speleologi/speleogenesis.htm | |
48. Mainpage karst geomorphology is the study of the landforms associated with karstterrains and the processes that form them. karst geomorphology. http://www.unomaha.edu/geomorf/Jessica/intro.html | |
49. Northern Vaca Plateau Geoarchaeological Project: Publications And Presentations 75p. Reeder, Philip and Ed Alt (1994). Aspects of the karst geomorphologyof the Vaca Plateau, Cayo District, Belize, Central America. http://www.ggy.uga.edu/~jwebster/publication.htm | |
50. Geography And Environmental Science- Research Interests. karst geomorphology (projects ongoing in Australia and China);Hydrochemistry of karst groundwaters (projects ongoing in Australia and Italy); http://www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/geography/staff_students/staff/drysdale_r | |
51. School Of Environmental And Life Sciences - University Of Newcastle karst geomorphology (projects ongoing in Australia and China). Hydrochemistryof karst groundwaters (projects ongoing in Australia and Italy). http://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/environ-life-sci/staff/geog_env_sci/drysdale_ | |
52. Records For Karst. (in MARION) Ford, Derek (Derek C.) karst geomorphology and hydrology / DC Ford PW Williams. Jennings,JN (Joseph Newell) karst geomorphology / JN Jennings. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/@KARST/39bc10008000/0 | |
53. Ha Long Bay - Carved Picture Of Geological Processes mature in the whole world. After researching on Ha Long Bayskarst geomorphology, Prof. Tony Waltham, of Nottinghams Trent http://halongbay.halong.net.vn/english/e_stone_history.htm | |
54. Opis Wycieczki Jura 1. Field trip No. 1 karst geomorphology and its Cenozoic evolution of the KrakówWieluñUpland. 2. Field trip No. 2 karst geomorphology and Sedimentology. http://www.ing.pan.pl/kras2000/jura.htm | |
55. 51-320, Geomorphology - Syllabus John Wiley and Sons, 456 p. Jennings, JN, 1985, karst geomorphologyBlackwell, Oxford, 296 p. Keller, WD, 1957, The principles of http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/mode/320_syll.htm | |
56. Helictite - Tables Of Contents Of Issues In Volumes 30 - 38 karst geomorphology and Hydrology of Gunung Tempurung, Perak, Malaysia GILLESON,David ; HOLLAND, Ernst ; DAVIES, Gareth, 35. Cover. Volume 33, Number 1, 1995. http://home.mira.net/~gnb/helictite/contents3.html | |
57. CAVE SEDIMENTS AS INDICATORS OF GEOMORPHIC DEVELOPMENT, MATIENZO FORD, DC WILLIAMS, P. (1989) 'karst geomorphology And Hydrology.' Unwin HymanLtd. JENNINGS, JJ (1985) 'karst geomorphology.' Basil Blackwell Ltd. http://www.geography.lancs.ac.uk/Matienzo/science/suscept.htm | |
58. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Quaternary Geology/Geomorphology Introduction to Theoretical Geomorphology Colin E. Thorn July 1988, ISBN 00-4551117-9,Hardbound Out of Print karst geomorphology and Hydrogeology D. Ford, P http://mlis.www.wkap.nl/home/topics/I/7/6/?sort=A&results=20 |
59. KARST`2000 Symposium SESSION G, karst geomorphology and Speleology. SESSION T, Geothermal Karst. SESSIONG karst geomorphology AND SPELEOLOGY. DATE September 21, 2000 HALL A http://www.karst.hacettepe.edu.tr/main3.html | |
60. More About Geomorphology In Environmental Science Jennings, JN 1985. karst geomorphology. Blackwell, Oxford, 2nd ed.,293 pp. Lectures 14+15 Lakes. McManus, J. and Duck, RW 1993. http://www.usyd.edu.au/envsci/courses/geomorph.htm | |
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