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101. National Environmental Trust Learn more about global warming, air pollution, children's environmental health and heritage forests and what you can do to help solve them. http://www.environet.policy.net/ |
102. Mortality Increase/Global Warm CIESIN Thematic Guides Potential Increases in Mortality due to global warming. Hence,an important consideration in examining mortality due to global warming is. http://www.ciesin.org/TG/HH/morthmpg.html |
103. Global Warming Understanding Greenhouse Gases For Education And Learning Software and related curriculum materials for sale. http://seeds2lrn.com/greenIndex.html |
104. Global Warming Cool It! - A Home Guide To Reducing Energy Costs computer. The Adobe Acrobat reader is available free of charge fromAdobe's website. global warming Cool it! (pdf 1681Kb). The http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/pubs/gwci/ |
105. Tuvalu (Japanese) Japan based sight Tuvalu with plenty of beautiful photos taking during 200003. Information calling attention to global warming. Written mainly in Japanese. By Shuuichi Endou. http://tuvalu.site.ne.jp/index.html |
106. Global Change /Climate Change NASA Facts. global warming. Global Change/Climate Change. The predictionof climate change due to human activities began with a prediction http://www.maui.net/~jstark/nasa.html |
107. Geological Society Of New Zealand A Statement On Global Warming A statement by Professor Peter Barrett (Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand) on the reality of global warming from the viewpoint of an earth scientist. http://www.gsnz.org.nz/gsprpb.htm |
108. US PIRG global warming FAQ sheet, email petition to the US President, various reports and information to Category Society Issues Environment Climate Change...... global warming Fact sheet 10 things you can do Links . How GlobalWarming Works. Gases in the Earth's atmosphere act like glass http://www.pirg.org/enviro/global_w/ |
109. EPA's Global Warming Site Comprehensive information from the USA's Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/index.html |
110. Chemical Engineering News Climate Observations Substantiate global warming Models. Many people believethat a great deal of controversy surrounds the science of global warming. http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/951127/pg1.html |
111. Heat Watch Interactive learning center designed to help students understand the problem of global warming. A Thinkquest site. http://library.thinkquest.org/17471/ |
112. HotEarth.Net Information About Global Warming, The Greenhouse Explanation of the forces producing climate change, links, the effects caused by the change, global Category Society Issues Environment Climate Change......Learn more about global warming, the greenhouse effect and the depletionof the ozone layer. The Science Is In global warming Is Happening. http://www.hotearth.net/ |
113. Competitive Enterprise Institute Global Warming Index of CEI research papers, opinion articles, speeches, and other publications on climate change, the Kyoto Treaty, and related topics. http://cei.org/sections/section17.cfm |
114. Breaking The Global-Warming Gridlock - 00.07 Atlantic MonthlyCategory Society Issues Environment Climate Change News......A new way to look at the problem of global warming thattranscends the traditional sciencebased approaches. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2000/07/sarewitz.htm |
115. Global Warming Project http://www.letus.nwu.edu/projects/gw/ |
116. Facing The Future Presents Creative Action We are often overwhelmed by global problems hungry childgren, rainforest destruction, over population and global warming. Creative Action helps you get involved in solving critical global issues. http://www.creativeaction.org |
117. Www.mri-jma.go.jp/Proj/goin/GOIN.html Site from Dr Singer expressing skepticism regarding many aspects of global warming.Category Science Environment Global Change Activists and NGOs...... global warming IPCC Controversy Ozone Depletion Environmental Health Risks NaturalResources Regulatory Excess Misuse and Politicization of Science Space http://www.mri-jma.go.jp/Proj/goin/GOIN.html |
118. Environmental Defense The EDF find the ways that work by creating economically viable solutions. Issues include climate Category Society Issues Environment Organizations...... Emergency Campaign. One Million Citizens, One Goal Stop global warming. Signour Petition and support our Emergency Campaign on global warming. Toolbox. http://www.edf.org/ |
119. Plant Trees To Reduce Global Warming Calculations of carbon dioxide emissions are offered for various modes of travel and energy use (1 tree per 1000 kilowatthours, for example). http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/globalcooling/ |
120. Ozone Depletion And Global Warming Demo SRC Home, Compilation of Ozone Depletion Potentials(ODP) and global warming Potentials (GWP). http://esc.syrres.com/ozone.asp |
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