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81. North America, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Maps And Atlases From East View Cartogra Geophysics, Historical Geography, History Of Cartography, Human Geography, Hydrology,glaciology, Groundwater, Hydrochemistry, Hydrology / Hydrography, Oceanography, http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.36/RegionID.267/ClassID.2700/TypeID.27 | |
82. Thesaurus Term Glaciology glaciology, a) Study of all aspects of snow and ice; the science that treats quantitativelythe whole range of processes associated with all forms of solid http://geo-nsdi.er.usgs.gov/term?t482 |
83. ISAG 7 - Seventh International Symposium On Antarctic Glaciology Translate this page http://www.disat.unimib.it/isag7/ |
84. Glaciology Innovations And Patents glaciology Innovations and Patents © 2002, XQ23.COM Research (air.xq23.com) Moreinformation on glaciology and glaciology Research References. http://www.air.xq23.com/energy_science_resources/Glaciology.html | |
85. Antarctic Research: Glaciology glaciology. The glaciology program also produce Climate Data sets Climate Data Sets.Metadata for glaciology are held at the Australian Antarctic Data Centre. http://www-old.antdiv.gov.au/science/AntarcticResearch/Glaciology/default.asp | |
86. Glaciology Atmosphere Ice Sheet Coupled Model. I am currently working on my Ph.D in glaciologyat the University of Alberta . Journal of glaciology. Climate Dynamics. http://glacier.eas.ualberta.ca/trudy/ice.html | |
87. Research In Hornsund: Glaciology And Environmental Monitoring glaciology. The station monitors changes and dynamics of Hansbreenand Werenskioldbreen glaciers by measurements of ablation sticks http://hornsund.igf.edu.pl/srodowisko_en.html | |
88. Commission For Glaciology Kommission für Glaziologie (Commission for glaciology). The Commissionwas established in 1962 in order to investigate the link http://www.badw.de/englweb/eka34.htm | |
89. Boggy's Links To Glaciology Books about glaciology Modern and Past Glacial Environment; Ice Sheets and LateQuaternary Environment Change provides a detailed account of the temporal and http://geologylinks.freeyellow.com/sedgla.html | |
90. Midwest Glaciology Meeting 1998 Midwest glaciology Meeting 1998. This year's meeting was attended by37 glaciologists from the Midwest and beyond. Twenty five talks http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/GDG/mgm/mgm98.htm | |
91. 1998 Midwest Glaciology Meeting 1998 Midwest glaciology Meeting. Columbus, Ohio. May 1516, 1998. The GlacierDynamics Group is pleased to announce the 1998 Midwest glaciology Meeting. http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/GDG/mgm/mgm.htm | |
92. Related Topics: Glaciology And GIS Swisstopo; The World of Maps (Schweiz. Kartenwesen). glaciology InternationalGlaciological Society (IGS); National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC); http://www.geo.unizh.ch/~rfelder/linkis1.html | |
93. GPS And Glaciology Antarctica Geodetic Data provides Antarctic CORS station coordinatesand information. Realtime and Rapid Static GPS System used http://crevassezone.org/GPS/GPS_and_glaciology.htm | |
94. Mountain Climbing, Mountaineering And Outdoor Directory: Science/Glaciology Mountain climbing, mountaineering and outdoor directory Science glaciology. http://www.highalpex.com/resources/Science/Glaciology/ | |
95. UNAVCO Facility Science Applications of GPS Polar Studies and glaciology On this page http://www.unavco.ucar.edu/project_support/science/polarglac.html | |
96. Sensor Probes For Glaciology Sensor probes for glaciology. To make new autonomous subglacial probesfor glaciology research. This involves the design of small http://research.ecs.soton.ac.uk/projects/persephone.html | |
97. Johnpage John Moore glaciology and Paleoclimate. http://www.urova.fi/home/hkunta/jmoore/johnnordic.html | |
98. Glaciology Field Course At Tarfala Research Station, Northern Sweden.April 20-25 glaciology Field Course at Tarfala Research Station, Northern Sweden. Thecourse is Part 5 of an EU EuroLab (GlacioEuroLab5) in glaciology. http://www.urova.fi/home/hkunta/jmoore/glacioeurolab5/eu5announce.htm | |
99. Glaciology Section At ETH Zurich: Related Sites World Glacier Monitoring Service, glaciology AROUND THE WORLD. British branchof International Glaciological Society. World Data Center C (glaciology). http://www.vaw.ethz.ch/pub_eng/dpt/glaciology/others.html | |
100. Antarctic Ice And Glaciology Antarctic Ice and glaciology. Ice / glaciology Terminology. Accumulation Snow,of other material added to glacier or ice sheet through precipitation. http://www.70south.com/resources/environment/ice | |
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