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61. JARE DATA REPORTS:Glaciology JARE DATA REPORTS glaciology. NO.17 (glaciology 1) Glaciological research programin Mizuho PlateauWest Enderby Land, Part 1, 1969-1971, ed. by T. Ishida. http://www.nipr.ac.jp/library/DRglac.html | |
62. IGY Photo Gallery - Glaciology Sastrugi formations near the IGY Little America Station. Sastrugi is producedwhen soft snow is moved across hard snow by Antarctic winds. http://www.nas.edu/history/igy/glaciology.html | |
63. Glaciology glaciology Back toHydrology Research Earth Sciences Universityof Aarhus Contents Background Objectives Activities People http://www.geo.aau.dk/english/research/hydro/glacio/ | |
64. INSTAAR Glaciology Group http://tintin.colorado.edu/group/ |
65. Glaciology glaciology. Faculty Appointments. Office Phone. Email. Fahnestock, Mark, 301-405-5384,mark@atmos.umd.edu. Shuman, Christopher, 301-405-8291, shuman@buggam.umd.edu. http://www.atmos.umd.edu/research/glaciology.html | |
66. Glaciology glaciology. see also Snow. 680 p. $195. © 19952002 2002-10-21 http//www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/books/glaciology.html. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/Glaciology.html | |
67. Climatology And Glaciology Programme Engine to find a contribution. Back to Programme Overview. Climatologyand glaciology, ERE1. Modelling the scientific and socioeconomic http://www.cosis.net/members/meetings/programme/view.php?prg=10 |
68. Glaciology-Related Sites URL's and Links to other glaciologyrelated WWW sites. University of Wales,Aberystwith, UK Centre for glaciology http//www.aber.ac.uk/~glawww.html. http://web.pdx.edu/~chulbe/glaciolinks.html | |
69. Siden Er Flyttet - Page Moved glaciology GROUP, OVERVIEW. Back, What we do! Introduction. The glaciologygroup mostly carries out research at the greenland ice sheet margin. http://www.geus.dk/departments/environ-hist-climate/resaerch-themes/env-cli-glac | |
70. Glaciology glaciology GROUP, OVERVIEW. BACK, What we do! Introduction. The glaciologygroup mostly carries out research at the greenland ice sheet margin. http://www.geus.dk/departments/quaternary-marine-geol/research-themes/env-cli-re | |
71. Fox Glacier Franz Josef Glacier New Zealand Glaciology The Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers cut through dramatic glacial valleysto flow into temperate rainforest. While many glaciers world http://www.glaciercountry.co.nz/glaciers.asp | |
72. Glaciology glaciology in Iceland. By Patrick M. Colgan, Northeastern University. Icelandhas always been a place where glaciology is more than an academic subject. http://www.casdn.neu.edu/~geology/department/staff/colgan/class_notes/1715/glaci | |
73. Glaciology In Geology Products, Software and Data. Images. Areas of Interest. glaciology. URLhttp//wwwflag.wr.usgs.gov/USGSFlag/Contacts/topics/glaciology.html. http://wwwflag.wr.usgs.gov/USGSFlag/Contacts/topics/glaciology.html | |
74. GEOMORPHOLOGY, GLACIOLOGY & QUATERNARY WEB LINKS (T. A. Brennand) Drift Prospecting. glaciology and Ice Sheet Modelling. BC Weather News. Backto INDEX Geomorphology, glaciology Quaternary Organizations. Canadian. http://www.sfu.ca/~tabrenna/links.htm | |
75. Glaciology Home Page Welcome to Glacier and Ice Sheet Research Group Japanese version is HERE http://glacier.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/index-e.htm | |
76. Glaciology Home Page Welcome to Glacier and Ice Sheet Research Group. English version is HERE. http://glacier.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/ | |
77. TROPICAL GLACIOLOGY GROUP (Innsbruck) TROPICAL. glaciology GROUP. INNSBRUCK UNIVERSITY. HOME. In the lowlatitudes, seasonal thermal conditions are highly homogeneous but http://geowww.uibk.ac.at/glacio/ | |
78. Publications Tropical Glaciology Group TROPICAL. glaciology GROUP. INNSBRUCK UNIVERSITY. 2001, Kaser, G. (2001) Glacierclimateinteraction at low latitudes. Journal of glaciology, 47(157), 195-204. http://geowww.uibk.ac.at/glacio/LITERATUR/ | |
79. Glaciology Glaciological research. Glacier flow. Possibly the most interestingdynamical phenomenon is the glacier surge, a relaxation oscillation http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/~fowler/research/glaciology.html | |
80. Document Sans Titre They permit to study transfer functions between air and snow. IFRTP programmesin glaciology. Internal Geophysics. glaciology. Oceanography. Earth Biology. http://www.ifremer.fr/ifrtp/wwwenglish/pages/glacio.html | |
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