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141. Welcome To The FRACTALES Group fractals, Complex Models and Artificial Evolution The tools developped in the FRACTALESteam are concerned with mathematical, algorithmic and computational http://fractales.inria.fr/ |
142. Fractal Explorer A fractal tutorial for beginners. Covers Mandelbrot and Julia sets, as well as 4D fractals. Also features an interactive fractal generator. http://www.geocities.com/fabioc |
143. Fractals_by_Nous Several galleries generated using Ultra Fractal, Tierazon, Grafzvizion, and Fractint.Category Science Math Chaos and fractals Fractal Art......Æ. A Member of the Infinite Fractal Loop. Fractint. Gallerys. Smoke Dragon (gallery4), Visit my 3D Gallery. I II III IV V VI. . Technical and Acknowledgments. http://www.sightsea.com/nous/fractals/ |
144. Gromada.com Automatically replaces your Windows 95/98 startup and shut down logos each time you restart your system. Includes a collection of pictures, including fractals and 3D images or you can add your own images. http://www.gromada.com/1stImpression_dl.html |
145. Fractals fractals The ULTIMATE resource for FRESH links to desktop publishing, fonts,web authoring, and much more. Save 5075%! All major brands! fractals. http://www.desktoppublishing.com/fractals.html |
146. Among The Stars A project which has united the art of ballet with the science of fractals. http://parkenet.org/jp/amongstars.html |
147. Fractal Dimensions An easy to comprehend mathematical approach to understanding the significance of the applied study of fractals. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/fractals/dim.html |
148. MathsNet Fractals Mathematics possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty a beauty cold and austere,like that of sculpture. Betrand Russell. fractals. What are fractals? http://www.mathsnet.net/fractals.html |
149. Fractals Draws fullscreen fractals, with virtually unlimited variety in its colors and images. Win32 shareware.Category Science Math Chaos and fractals Software......Seractal fractals Screensaver. fractals are created as you watch, witha new fractal starting shortly after the last is finished. http://www.seraline.com/seractal.htm |
150. Shineout Graphics 3D rendered images and fractals for use as free desktop wallpapers. All graphics are in JPG format. http://www.shineout.com/display/desktop_wallpapers.htm |
151. Makin' Magic Fractals' Gallery Pages Galleries by David Makin, mostly created using Ultrafractal, also MMFrac. Limited edition Durst Lambda Category Science Math Chaos and fractals Fractal Art......Programs, fractals, utilities, freeware, shareware, source code, algorithms,MMFrac from Makin' Magic. Makin' Magic fractals http://www.crosswinds.net/~makinmagic/ |
152. The Real World 3D-designs Erik de Jong's gallery, with images created in Bryce, Poser, and Terragen, and some fractals. http://www.angelfire.com/in/maassluis/ |
153. Sci.fractals FAQ sci.fractals FAQ. All Rights Reserved. Introduction This FAQ is posted monthly tosci.fractals, a Usenet newsgroup about fractals; mathematics and software. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci/fractals-faq/ |
154. Railz Creative 3D desktop wallpaper in three categories of landscapes, 3D art and fractals, also a user gallery. Wallpaper available in five popular sizes. http://www.railz.net/ |
155. What Are Fractals? What are fractals? To know more about how these images are created Fractal Questionsand Answers FractalArt Links, 100.Fractint iFAQ. What are fractals? http://www.ba.infn.it/~zito/fractals.html |
156. Horiati, Vicky Collection of oil paintings, virtual reality, video and 3D computer art, and fractals. http://www.innerzed.com/ |
157. Postcript Fractals A collection of programs, such as Sierpinski gasket and Peano curve. Written by the author and other Category Science Math Chaos and fractals Software......Postscript fractals. This is my collection of postscript fractals. Most I foundon the 'net; a few I wrote myself. By me bifur.ps A bifurcation plot. http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~jfouhy/postscript/ |
158. The Chaos Game This site outlines Barnsley's Chaos Game, in which a random number generator is used to produce various fractals. http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/System/8956/Fractal/intro.htm |
159. Fractals Translate this page introduction, bibliographie, Retour accueil, courbes 2D, courbes3D, surfaces, polyèdres. fractals ABC, DEFGHIJ, KLMNO, PQRS, TUVWXYZ.AFC http://www.mathcurve.com/fractals/fractals.shtml |
160. Desert Dolphin Abstracts, textures, fractals, nature, and scenic America photos available as CD collections, or single image downloads. http://www.desertdolphin.com/ |
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