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1. Evolution Entrance Outlines the contributions of major scientists between the fifteenth and twentieth centuries in developing the theory of evolution. Welcome to the evolution Wing. These exhibits trace evolutionary thought as it has developed over time, pausing to http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/evolution.html | |
2. The Evolution Journal Editorial details, tables of content, and submission and subscription info are provided for this journal which examines organic evolution. Editorial office email evolution@asu.edu http://lsvl.la.asu.edu/evolution | |
3. The Talk.Origins Archive: Evolution FAQs A very informative site about biology and evolutionary theory. http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-evolution.html | |
4. The Talk.Origins Archive: Exploring The Creation/Evolution Controversy Contains a newsgroup and a collection of essays on the evolution and creation debate, origin of life, and geology. View a fossil gallery. discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the http://www.talkorigins.org/ | |
5. AAAS Evolution Resources Resources on the scientific content of evolutionary theory and its place in education, and historical, philosophical, legal and religious perspectives and commentary on evolution. http://www.aaas.org/spp/dser/evolution/ | |
6. The Revolution Against Evolution Dozens of essays, as well as a FAQ, bookstore, videos, five online books, as well as an Internet Correspondence Course sponsored by Mount Hope Bible Training Institute. http://www.rae.org/ | |
7. Becoming Human: Paleoanthropology, Evolution And Human Origins Experience this journey through human revolution with a broadband documentary. Site includes a glossary, links, and a learning center. http://www.becominghuman.org/ | |
8. Astronomy HyperText Book: Stellar Evolution From the Electronic Universe Project. http://zebu.uoregon.edu/textbook/se.html | |
9. Evolution Presents Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection. Includes science Category Kids and Teens School Time Living Things Origins of Life...... evolution library, educators resources. evolution is a coproductionof the WGBH/NOVA Science Unit and Clear Blue Sky Productions. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/ | |
10. A Science Odyssey: You Try It: Human Evolution Explores when humans evolved, who their ancestors were, and why these species adapted. Includes Shockwave Category Kids and Teens School Time Living Things Origins of Life......Go directly to Human evolution activity (152K requires Shockwave).When did humans evolve? Who are our ancestors? Why did we evolve? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/evolution/ | |
11. Contents | Science And Creationism: A View From The National Academy Of Sciences Considers the science that supports the theory of evolution from the National Academy of Sciences. http://bob.nap.edu/readingroom/books/creationism/ | |
12. The Golgi BioPages Have Moved Companion site to the sevenpart series tackles such evolutionary topics as Darwin, extinction, and the role of religion. Includes a section on the theory of evolution. http://golgi.harvard.edu/biopages/evolution.html | |
13. Robots, Robot Kits, OEM Solutions: Evolution Robotics Robot kits and hardware accessories allows you to build robots for a variety of applications.Category Computers Artificial Intelligence Robotics Companies......Buy evolution Robotics robots, robot kits, OEM technologies. Build 2003 evolution Robotics, Inc. All rights reserved. evolution http://www.evolution.com/ |
14. Ximian : Products : Ximian Evolution : Download Home Products Ximian evolution Ximian evolution™ is the awardwinningpersonal and workgroup information management solution http://www.ximian.com/products/evolution/ | |
15. Evolution, The Evolutionary Mechanism, Psychology Model of an Internal evolutionary Mechanism linking Directed Mutation to the Baldwin Effect. How Psychology colours perception of natural realities. http://members.aol.com/jorolat/ | |
16. Ximian Maintainers of an updated version of the GNOME desktop environment for Unixlike systems, and also Category Computers Software Desktop Environments GNOME...... Mar 3, 2003). , Ximian evolution and Mono Project Awarded Top HonorsAt LinuxWorld Conference Expo (Jan 23, 2003). , Ximian to Present http://www.ximian.com/ | |
17. Can Evolution Produce The Human Eye? Text of 1994 essay by David N. Menton, Ph.D., originally published in St. Louis MetroVoice. http://www.redbay.com/org/creation/eye.txt |
18. Harvard Dept Of MCB - More Biology Links Biology Links evolution. General evolution Resources. Journals. Software. Academic Departments and Laboratories http://mcb.harvard.edu/BioLinks/Evolution.html | |
19. American Megafauna American Megafauna pits dinosaurs against mammals in ancient America. This is a game of ecology, evolution, and DNA. http://www.fatmessiahgames.com/smg/amf.html | |
20. Evolution MIDI Keyboards With PC And Mac Software evolution MIDI keyboards, PC and Mac Music and Audio Software. Great value music products for the PC The new evolution UC33 takes. control to a whole new level http://www.evolution-uk.com/ | |
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