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81. S 1993. Nova interpretaçao sistemática de Urumacotherium garciai BocquentinVillanueva,1984, um edentata-Tardigrada do Huayueriense da Venezuela. http://www.sloth-world.org/S.html | |
82. Temp The Orderedentata Anteaters, sloths and armadillos These rather primitiveNew World mammals have on the forelimbs two or three fingers http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi708/classify/animalia/chordata/mammalia/edentata/edent | |
83. MEGAFAUNA, LA FAUNA DEL URUGUAY EN EL PASADO Translate this page Perezoso (scelidoterio) Nombre común Perezoso (scelidoterio) ClasificaciónOrden edentata Familia Mylodontidae Subfamilia Scelidotheriinae Género http://www.rau.edu.uy/uruguay/historia/megafauna.htm | |
84. BioLinks.org - Your Biology Resource! Find This Home Biology Zoology Chordates Mammals edentata.Anteaters (2) Armadillos (17), Multimedia (3) Sloths (2). Links. http://www.biolinks.org/Biology/Zoology/Chordates/Mammals/Edentata/ | |
85. Sub-Unit Orders Edentata Pholidota SubUnit Orders edentata Pholidota. Orders edentata Pholidota.The edentates, or toothless mammals, are exclusively American http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/courses/Tatner/biomedia/subunits/order80.htm | |
86. SubUnit SUBUNIT. Orders edentata Pholidota. The edentates, or toothless mammals, areexclusively American and contain the anteaters, tree-sloths and armadillos. http://www-biol.paisley.ac.uk/biomedia/text/subunits/order80.htm | |
87. Introduction To The Xenarthra They were once placed in the order edentata and are still often referred to as edentates,a word that means toothless. Although xenarthrans such as anteaters http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mammal/xenarthra.html | |
88. Phytoplankton Guide To The Rhode River And The Chesapeake Bay Helicostomella edentata A common tintinnid in the Chesapeake Bay, thisclear lorica species usually has 5 to 12 spiral turns at the top. http://www.serc.si.edu/algae/helico.htm | |
89. Www-users.york.ac.uk/~cd9/assdat97.txt Pipistrelle_bat Pipistrellus Vespertillionidae Chiroptera .01 .22 17.64 1.88 19.5222 55 1 1 1 1 Ninebanded_armadillo Dasypus Dasypodidae edentata 3.50 10.80 http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~cd9/assdat97.txt | |
90. Bichos edentata);Família Dasypodidae. Ordem Xenarthra (= edentata); Família Dasypodidae. http://www.policiaflorestal1.mg.gov.br/body_bichos.html | |
91. Order Edentata HELP INDEX NEXT UP PREVIOUS FEEDBACK ATG Order edentata Order edentata(2 suborders, 2 infraorders, 12+ families, 17+ genera, 36 http://www.alientravelguide.com/science/biology/life/animals/chordata/vertebra/m | |
92. U.S. IABIN Node -- European Collections Of New World Vertebrates Bradypodidae (incl. Dasypodidae) edentata Mammalia. Bradypodidae edentata Mammalia.Bucconidae Piciformes Aves. Chiroptera Mammalia. Choloepidae edentata Mammalia. http://vcfw.er.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/iabin/listall.pl?which=taxon |
93. ANIMAL PLANET - VERTEBRATES Slabozubce (edentata). Slabozubce (edentata) majú redukovaný chrup, niektorésú bezzubé. Zuby majú degenerované bez korenov a bez skloviny. http://www.zone.sk/animals/slabozubce.html | |
94. Common Two-toed Sloth Order edentata. General In the order edentata there are 3 families ArmadillosDasypodidae , Sloths Bradypodidae and Anteaters Myrmecophagidae . http://www.torontozoo.com/Meet_the_animals/fact_sheets/sloth.html | |
95. The Xenarthra Order And Other Sloth Relatives. Xenarthra versus edentata Two and ThreeToed Sloths are merely twogenera in an order that includes twenty-nine species in all. http://www.slothwerks.com/SlothFamily.html |
96. Nathis Fauna Pantserdieren Luiaards Gorderldieren En Miereneters Miereneters, luiaards en gordeldieren zijn de huidige vertegenwoordigers vande tandarmen of edentata waaronder ook uitgestorven soorten behoren. http://www.nathis.nl/fauna/pantser.htm | |
97. The Dumble Survey: FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF TEXAS http://www.lib.utexas.edu/books/dumble/publications/10/10c078a.html | |
98. Zahnarme http://www.das-tierlexikon.de/zahnarme.htm | |
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