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61. Sep 23. Xenartherans or edentata {anteaters, sloths, and armadillos} 25With one exception, all of the edentata are found in the Neotropics http://www.govst.edu/science/faculty/yunger/MamNotes/mammwek6.html | |
62. RS 0.453 Edentata (Convenzione Sul Commercio Internazionale Delle Specie Di Faun Translate this page edentata. Myrmecophagidae. Tamandua tetradactyla = 483. Guatemala. Choloepidae.Choloepus hoffmanni. Costa Rica. Dasypodidae. Cabassous centralis. Costa Rica. http://www.admin.ch/ch/i/rs/0_453/ani165.html | |
63. RS 0.453 Edentata (Convenzione Sul Commercio Internazionale Delle Specie Di Faun Translate this page edentata. Myrmecophagidae. Myrmecophaga tridactyla. Bradypodidae. Bradypus variegatus= 317. Dasypodidae. Priodontes maximus = 318. Chaetophractus nationi °601. http://www.admin.ch/ch/i/rs/0_453/ani8.html | |
64. BDT [international Leishmania Network, Iln] Bassaricyon, BAS, CARNIVORA. Bradypus, BRA, edentata. Brachiones, BRN, RODENTIA. Bassariscus,BSS, CARNIVORA. Burmeisteria, BUR, edentata. Cabossous, CAB, edentata. http://www.bdt.fat.org.br/leishnet/mammals | |
65. Order Edentata HELP INDEX NEXT UP PREVIOUS FEEDBACK TEST ATG Order edentata Order edentata Anteaters,Armadillos Family Bradypodidae Sloth; Family Dasypodidae Armadillo; http://www.zeuter.com/~tburden/atg/science/biology/life/animals/chordata/vertebr | |
66. Netscape Search Category - Edentata edentata, Become an Editor Suggest a Site Get the latest Communicator. Search theWeb or Ask a Question. Search the entire directory Search only in edentata. | |
67. Edentata Thesaurus Web Directory. Web Directory. Top / Science / Biology/ Zoology / Chordates / Mammals / edentata Armadillos. Ant Eaters http://www.reference.com/Dir/Science/Biology/Zoology/Chordates/Mammals/Edentata/ | |
68. Edentata - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Similar pages Pheromones of Telorta Telorta divergens Butler Z1116Ac A Ando AgBiC 391163 1975. Telorta edentataLeech E11-16Ac A Ando AgBiC 391163 1975 Pherolist © 1995-2000 Heinrich Arn. http://define.ansme.com/words/e/edentata.html | |
69. Nearctica - Natural History - Mammals - Edentates Commercial Organizations. The edentata are represent in the UnitedStates by a single species, the Ninebanded Armadillo. The Nine http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/mammal/dillo.htm | |
70. Bomis: The Zoology/Chordates/Mammals/Edentata/Armadillos/Nine-banded Ring Bomis The Zoology/Chordates/Mammals/edentata/Armadillos/Ninebanded ring. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Marmadillos-nine-banded-science/ | |
71. Edentates: Anteaters, Armadillos & Sloths (GeoZoo) 0Many! Anteaters, armadillos, and sloths were once placed in the order edentataand are still often referred to as edentates, a word that means toothless http://www.geobop.com/Mammals/Xenarthra/ | |
72. 4. Xenarthra (Edentata) 4. Xenarthra (edentata). No teeth. Anteaters and armadillos. http://www.csus.edu/indiv/a/averyw/bio11/lectures/birdmamm/tsld035.htm | |
73. 4. Xenarthra (Edentata) First Previous Next Last Index Home Text, Slide 35 of 45. http://www.csus.edu/indiv/a/averyw/bio11/lectures/birdmamm/sld035.htm |
74. Probert Encyclopaedia: Nature (Ea-El) It grows wild in the Swiss Alps. edentata. The edentata is a primitiveorder of mammals with no teeth, or very simple teeth without enamel. http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/B3B.HTM | |
75. Edentata more about edentata browse words by letter a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q rs t u v w x y z or search thesauri dictionary search words. edentata. http://www.beetfoundation.com/words/e/edentata.html | |
76. Order: Xenarthra Order Xenarthra or edentata Armadillos, Anteaters, Sloths Order Xenarthra(aka edentata). .. Order XENARTHRA Order XENARTHRA (formerly edentata). http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofnaturalhistory/halloftaxonomy/kingdom | |
77. Bootlegbooks Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913, Page R. Davies (Wit's Pilgr. ). Edental ( E*den tal ) a. See Edentate, a. n. (Zoöl.)One of the edentata. edentata ( E`den*ta ta ) n. pl. NL., neut. pl. http://www.bootlegbooks.com/Reference/Webster/data/503.html |
78. Edentata edentata. edentata n order of mammals having few or no teeth including NewWorld anteaters; sloths; armadillos syn edentata, order edentata. http://edentata.word.sytes.net/ | |
79. MAMMALS TROUGHOUT TIME Insectivora, Chiroptera, Primates, Creodonta, Carnivora, Proboscidea, Sirenia,Hyracoidea, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla, edentata, Pholidota, Tubulidentata http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/mammals/mami001y.html | |
80. Eremotherium edentata, Megatheriidae). http://www.sloth-world.org/Eremo.html | |
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