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61. Nat'l Acad Press Catalog: Risk Assessment Of Radon In Drinking Water The National Academy of Sciences report (1999) compares the risks of radon in air and water. Full report can be read online, or purchased. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6287.html | |
62. Giardia And Cryptosporidium In Drinking Water GIARDIA AND CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN drinking water. What are Giardia and Cryptosporidium? Howcan drinking water become contaminated with these parasites? http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ehp/ehd/catalogue/general/iyh/giardia.htm | |
63. First NSF International Symposium On HPC This scientific conference, to be held April 2225 in Geneva, Switzerland, will examine the occurence and potential health effects of heterotrophic plate count bacteria in drinking water. A Call for Papers is cuurently in progress. This conference is being held by the NSF/WHO Collaborating Center for drinking water Safety Treatment, in conjunction with the WHO Expert panel meeting April 25-26, sponsored by U.S. EPA, CDC, Health Canada, and others. http://www.nsf.org/conference/hpc/ | |
64. Water For The Nations Drills wells and provides welldrilling equipment to provide clean drinking water for those without. Provides training for solving problems with water supplies. http://www.wftn.org | |
65. Magnesium-Deficiency Catastrophe: The Magnesium Web Site Describes the health benefits of magnesium.Category Science Environment Water Resources drinking water...... Magnesium in drinking water. Magnesium in Food and Dietary Recommendations. Naturallypure, mineralbalanced drinking water is difficult to find. http://www.mgwater.com/ | |
66. Improvement Of The Drinking Water Supply In The Paraguayan Chaco Article by The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources. http://www.bgr.de/b1hydro/fachbeitraege/d199901/e_chaco.htm | |
67. U.S. EPA Region 9: Cross-Program Activities: Charnock MTBE Cleanup Project Case study about problem with MTBE (oxygenate fuel additive) in the Charnock groundwater subbasin, which is an important source of drinking water for Santa Monica and Culver City, California. http://www.epa.gov/region09/cross_pr/mtbe/charnock | |
68. DrinkingH2O.com - Public Outreach And Educational Tools Slide show presentation that explains where drinking water comes from and how a conventional treatment plant provides water that is safe to drink. Available online or as a downloadable Powerpoint presentation. http://www.drinkingh2o.com/html/public.html | |
69. South Dakota Drinking Water Program drinking water Program, Darron Busch, Administrator Email Staff Phone (605)7733754 - Fax (605) 773-5286, What's New in the drinking water Program. http://www.state.sd.us/denr/des/drinking/dwprg.htm | |
70. Drinking Water Quality Water Testing Water Contamination And Groundwater Protect Information on common drinking water quality concerns, such as bacteria, lead, toxic metals, giardia, Category Science Environment Water Resources drinking water......Help guides covering topics related to groundwater, drinking water contamination,protection, treatment, and drinking water analysis and testing. http://wilkes.edu/~eqc/helpguide.htm | |
71. EPA Ground Water & Drinking Water > Sulfate In Drinking Water Sulfate is a naturally occurring constituent in water. Site presents information on research by the U.S. EPA Office of drinking water into health aspects of sulphate in water. http://www.epa.gov/safewater/sulfate.html | |
72. Massachusetts Drinking Water Education Partnership Home Page Massachusetts drinking water Education Partnership. Welcome to your singlebest source of information about drinking water in Massachusetts. http://www.madwep.org/ | |
73. Water Testing Drinking Water Testing Test Kits Analysis Free information on common water quality problems and treatment techniques.Category Home Emergency Preparation Food and Water......Water testing analysis for drinking water, water test kits groundwaters, springwater,and surface water certified laboratory part of homeowner outreach program http://wilkes.edu/~eqc/homeowner.htm | |
74. EWG Top Issues: Drinking Water What's in Your Water? The United States used to have the safest drinking water inthe world. drinking water reports from EWG . Perchlorate in drinking water. http://www.ewg.org/issues/home.php?i=5 |
75. Zalco Laboratories Inc. Specializing in the analyses of petroleum and gas, organics, inorganics, fish bioassay, hazardous waste and drinking water. EPA certified full service analytical testing laboratory in Bakersfield, CA. http://www.zalcolabs.com/ | |
76. Nat'l Academies Press, Arsenic In Drinking Water: (2001), Table Of Contents Arsenic in drinking water 2001 Update (2001) Board on Environmental Studiesand Toxicology (BEST) Related Books, Buy from Catalog or View Catalog Entry. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309076293/html/ | |
77. Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems drinking water conditioning devices. http://multipureco.com/ |
78. Nat'l Academies Press, Arsenic In Drinking Water (1999), Front Matter Open Book; from the Commission on Life Sciences (US). Includes sections on chemistry, health effects, Category Science Environment Groundwater Arsenic Contamination......Arsenic in drinking water (1999) Commission on Life Sciences (CLS) Related Books,Buy from Catalog or View Catalog Entry. About the Open Book its whys and hows. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309063337/html/R1.html | |
79. Living Water International Dedicated to providing clean drinking water to those in need. Provides description of services, reports, video clips and donation information. http://www.water.cc/ |
80. NSF International: Information For Consumers NSF International Consumers today are becoming increasingly concernedabout their drinking water. drinking water Quality and Treatment http://www.nsf.org/consumer/consumer_dwt.html |
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