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41. Honeyguide -- Animals - Cephalopods animals cephalopods. parent category animals. recommended date 2001/12/23.Calling this a newly discovered large squid just doesn't do it justice. http://www.chaparraltree.com/honeyguide/subject-animals-cephalopods.shtml | |
42. Cephalopods - Soft-bodied Marine Animals With Large Head And Tentacles Cuttlefish are softbodied marine cephalopods with natural camouflage,jet propulsion and sepia ink squirting abilities. Cuttlefish http://www.windspeed.net.au/~jenny/cuttlefish/cephalopods.html | |
43. "AMAZING CUTTLEFISH" - Cephalopods With Natural Camouflage And Sepia Ink Information about the anatomy and ecology of the cuttlefish.Category Science Biology Animalia Mollusca Cephalopoda......Cuttlefish are softbodied marine cephalopods with tentacles. They cuttlebones.Cuttlefish are soft-bodied marine cephalopods with tentacles. http://www.windspeed.net.au/~jenny/cuttlefish/ | |
44. Dan Ryder Fossils/PALEOGUY Online! Nautiloids are the only surviving shelled members of the cephalopods. NautiloidAge Devonian Location Erfoud, Morocco. Length 10 Price $200.00. http://www.paleoguy.com/cephalopod.htm | |
45. Cephalopods cephalopods. The nautiloid cephalopods (feet before head) are an ancientand spectacular success story. Small and rare during the http://www.chefjeff.org/species_pages/cephalopods.htm | |
46. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Cephalopods (Mollusks) Looking for the best facts and sites on cephalopods? GENERAL Brief notes; Comprehensiveinformation; Fossil Nautiloidea A Little Known Group of cephalopods; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
47. Cephalopods cephalopods. The museum has several large nautiloids and ammonoids on display. Bothmodern and ancient cephalopods are included for comparison in this display. http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/museum/ceph.htm | |
48. Cephalopods: Information. Tel Email Mail cephalopods The cephalopods Octopus, Squidand Cuttlefish by the National Aquarium in Baltimore cephalopods http://manandmollusc.net/links_cephalopod.html | |
49. Exciting Cephalopods Exciting cephalopods! cephalopods are part of the phylum mollusca, makingtheir closest relatives snails, slugs, clams, and chitons. http://www.earlham.edu/~merkeka/exciting_cephalopods.htm | |
50. Cephalopods cephalopods E.Widder/Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution * 1999,There has been some debate in the past about whether or not http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/anphys/1999/Cody/cephalopods.html | |
51. Geoahead: Earth Science On Your Desktop Phylum Mollusca Class - Cephalopoda. See examples of cephalopod fossils. Introduction.cephalopods are highly specialized free-swimming marine organisms. http://www.geoahead.com/palaeo/cephalopod.cfm | |
52. Nearctica - Paleontology - Invertebrates - Cephalopods Paleontology Invertebrates - cephalopods. Return to Invertebrate PaleontologyMain Page. LINKS TO WEB SITES ON FOSSIL cephalopods. Fossil Nautiloidea Page. http://www.nearctica.com/paleo/inverts/ammon.htm | |
53. Nearctica - Natural History - Mollusks - Cephalopods Mollusks. cephalopods. Click Here. Special Segments. It also has nice photographsof most of the major groups of cephalopods and some material on biology. http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/mollusks/cephalop.htm | |
54. Molluscan Pictures Books - Recommended Books (mollusks Mollusk Molluscs Mollusc Recommended Books cephalopods The Australasian region is home to the greatestdiversity of cephalopods squid, cuttlefish, octopuses in the world. http://www.molluscan.com/books/books/cephalopods.shtml | |
55. Cuttlefish: The Sentient Cephalopods This page includes a true story of humancuttlefish interaction, and several photographs.Category Science Biology Animalia Mollusca Cephalopoda...... Is there a way to decode their language, or teach them some code of ours? Cuttlefishare predacious carnivorous cephalopods related to squid and octopus. http://www.heptune.com/cutfish.html | |
56. Cephalopods know !!! Go to homepage cephalopods. cephalopods Active carnivorouspredacious molluscs. Homepage Themes Index Help About Us Contact Us. http://www.rudimentsofwisdom.com/pages/cephalopods.htm | |
57. Cephalopods Prev Term cephalochordata organs Next Term cephalothorax cephalopods.Used for squids and octopuses Broader Terms mollusks http://palmm.fcla.edu/lfnh/thesauri/feol2/00001489.htm | |
58. Cephalopods mail. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z cephalopods Intelligent http://www.angelfire.com/on2/daviddarling/cephalopod.htm | |
59. Cephalopods - Class Cephalopoda cephalopods. Image (C) Kevin Davidson. cephalopods are a small class of mollusksarguably containing the most intelligent of all the invertebrates. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/animals1/cephalopod/cephalopod.html | |
60. CEPHALOPODS - A WORLD GUIDE cephalopods A WORLD GUIDE, $49.50. cephalopods - A WORLD GUIDE byMark Norman 800+ extraordinary color photos, taken in their natural http://www.specimenshells.net/2052.htm | |
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