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41. Archaeology: Native Peoples Of Tennessee This exhibition at McClung Museum traces 15,000 years of Native American occupation of Tennessee through archaeological discovery of past cultures. http://mcclungmuseum.utk.edu/permex/archaeol/archaeol.htm | |
42. Current Archaeology Welcome to the Wonderful World of archaeology! This is your gateway to the Worldof archaeology. Current archaeology deals with archaeology in Britain. http://www.compulink.co.uk/~archaeology/ | |
43. Florida Archaeology Month 2003 Annual March event in tribute to archaeology events, history, studies, sites and research in the state. Includes events by county, poster PDF, archive of past events, and links. http://dhr.dos.state.fl.us/archmonth/2003/index.cfm | |
44. Journal Of Field Archaeology An international, refereed quarterly published by Boston University. Abstracts of contents of all Category Science Social Sciences archaeology Publications......Welcome to the Journal of Field archaeology home page at Boston University.Click Subscribe! to the Journal of Field archaeology. Volume http://jfa-www.bu.edu/ | |
45. FAQ-Career In Archaeology In The U.S. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT A CAREER IN archaeology IN THE US. 4. What are somegeneral introductory books on archaeology? Popular Books on archaeology http://www.museum.state.il.us/ismdepts/anthro/dlcfaq.html | |
46. Ontario Archaeological Society Includes information on membership, our history, publications and abstracts from our journal. Presents a summary of the archaeology of Ontario online. http://www.ontarioarchaeology.on.ca/ | |
47. The Prehistoric Archaeology Of The Aegean Dartmouth College provides searchable text, galleries of expandable thumbnail photographs and bibliograph Category Science Social Sciences Regional Mediterranean......The Prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean. Chronology, Chronology andTerminology. Environment, Environment. History, History of the Discipline. http://devlab.dartmouth.edu/history/bronze_age/ | |
48. Zone-Tour : Database Of Urban Exploration Resources, database, pictures, movies and information for Urban Exploration and Industrial archaeology (primarily in France). http://www.zone-tour.com | |
49. Alabama Association Of Professional Archaeologists A nonprofit organization with the goal of maintaining and promoting the aims of professional archaeology in the State of Alabama. Aims, members, news, links. http://www.aapaweb.org/ |
50. Nordic Underwater Archaeology Nordic Underwater archaeology. If you like history and scuba diving, this is foryou. What is underwater archaeology? Museums, Societies, Authorities Contacts. http://www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa/ | |
51. Biblical Archaeology Society The Biblical archaeology Society (BAS) educates the public about archaeology and the Bible through Category Society Religion and Spirituality archaeology......The Biblical archaeology Society publishes Biblical archaeology Review, Bible Review,and archaeology Odyssey, and educates the public about archaeology and http://www.bib-arch.org/ | |
52. Archaeopress Opening Page Publishers of British Archaeological Reports. Titles covering all areas of archaeology, all periods and most of the world. Works in all major European languages. Catalogue online. http://www.archaeopress.com/ | |
53. AHA Has Moved - Redirecting http://artsweb.bham.ac.uk/aha/ | |
54. UPM Home: University Of Pennsylvania Museum Of Archaeology And Anthropology 21st Annual MAYA WEEKEND, focusing on Tikal! All Content © 2002 Universityof Pennsylvania Museum of archaeology and Anthropology. http://www.upenn.edu/museum/ |
55. The History Journals Guide A web directory for history and archaeology journals, discussion lists, and periodicals organized by time period, institution, geography, language, and topic. http://www.history-journals.de/ | |
56. Landscape Archaeology MA MA program in landscape archaeology. The course offers training in the practical and theoretical approaches to landscape archaeology, including prehistoric and historical landscapes, surveying, earthwork surveys, GIS and geophysics. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Archaeology/graduate/landscape.html | |
57. Tennessee Archaeology Net Includes information on exhibits, digs, volunteer opportunities, societies, laws. http://www.mtsu.edu/~kesmith/TNARCHNET/archpage.html | |
58. Archaeology In Arctic North America Indepth discussion of arctic archaeology. Introduction, fieldwork, reconstruction, artifact and faunal Category Science Social Sciences Regional North America...... region, archaeological and ethnoarchaeological research here has resulted in importanttheoretical and methodological contributions to archaeology generally. http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ANTHRO/rwpark/ArcticArchStuff/ArcticIntro.html | |
59. Peabody Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology The Peabody Museum of archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University, founded in 1866 by George Peabody, is one of the oldest museums in the world devoted to anthropology. http://www.peabody.harvard.edu/ | |
60. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle A large index of links to various classical history, art, archaeology, language and literature journals, texts, syllabi, forums, and other resources. From the University of California at Santa Barbara. http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2708 |
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