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41. MothersMagic.net: Wicca, Witchcraft, Goddess Religion, Philosophy Dedicated to the spiritual advancement of the witch. Essays, prose, poetry, magick, music. Essays.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Publications and Media......wiccan theology, essays, and mythology from the author os Philosophyof wicca. wicca and Witchcraft Resources for Spiritual Growth. http://www.mothersmagic.net/witches/wicca/ | |
42. Heksenkring.net Algemene informatie rond wicca/hekserij in Nederland en Belgie. Daarnaast korte informatie over verschillende godsdiensten. http://www.heksenkring.net |
43. Some Christian Observations On Paganism And Wicca A Christian examination of some key issues relevant to Pagans and wiccans. http://www.spotlightministries.org.uk/christianobpaganwicca.htm | |
44. The Sabbats Of Wicca Learn wicca / wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition The Sabbats of wicca. Becausewitches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats http://www.feri.com/frand/Wicca4.html | |
45. Rising Moon Extensive store with metaphysical, spiritual and wicca items. http://risingmoon.50megs.com | |
46. WiccaUK :: Networking For Wiccans In The UK It is here, on folding metal chairs, that shipmates utter private secrets and confessions,gather in wicca circles for meditation, study Bible verses, offer up http://www.wiccauk.com/ | |
47. EMPÓRIO WICCA http://members.tripod.com.br/EmporioWicca/ | |
48. Wicca.start4all.com Directory of links to wicca sites.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan wicca Internet......wicca, Start4all, add more keywords http://wicca.start4all.com/ |
49. In Zuccagialla Trovi L'impossibile..... Un occhio ai celti e un occhio alla wicca e in pi¹ un grande store dove ogni pagano potr comprare tutto il materiale che gli serve. http://www.zuccagialla.com |
50. Kelta-Wicca Hagyományõrzõk Egyháza - Fõoldal Az Åsi Eur³pa m¡gikus hitvil¡g¡nak ©s a modern nyugati wicca vall¡s tant¡sainak ¶tv¶z©s©bÅl sz¼letett egyh¡z http://www.wicca.hu/ | |
51. New Age Web Works Link Index Directory of wicca pages. Personal and shopping sites.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan wicca Internet...... http://www.newageinfo.com/res/wicca.htm |
52. Gardnerian Wicca And American Folk Magic Article examining the connections between white witchcraft and Southern Appalachian and Pennsylvania Dutch practices. http://www.connectionsjournal.com/files/archives/rootsreligion/root.html | |
53. Wicca And Asatru The following article is based on the workshop "wicca and Ásatrú", which was presented Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan Asatru...... The following article is based on the workshop wicca and Ásatrú , whichwas presented by the writers during the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival. http://www.webcom.com/~lstead/wicatru.html | |
54. Site Has Moved Janet Farrar and Gavin Bones web site with much of the contents of Janet and Stewart Farrars Book Category Society Religion and Spirituality Publications and Media......The Home Pages of Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone. Have moved andcan now be found at HTTP//WWW.wicca.UTVINTERNET.COM. http://gofree.indigo.ie/~wicca/ | |
55. The Difference Between Wicca, Witchcraft, New Age, And American Indian Religions Article from a prominent wiccan organization explaining the differences between paganism, new age, and Native American spirituality. http://www.medeaschariot.com/wicca/white.htm |
56. Wicca Y Paganismo Translate this page El objetivo de esta página es tratar de llevar un poco de información a aquellosque estén interesados en la religión wicca y/o el Paganismo y Neopaganismo http://www.puertasdebabel.com/wicca/ | |
57. Wicca's Katteside Beskrivelse af racen, billeder af tidligere killinger og information om kommende kuld. http://www.sitecenter.dk/mainecoonkatte | |
58. Wicca Na HErin - The Janet And Stewart Farrar, And Gavin Bone Web Pages http://www.wicca.utvinternet.com/ |
59. Wicca Informa§µes sobre a wicca e seus smbolos pentagrama, punhal, c¡lice, caldeir£o, varinha, vassoura m¡gica, livro das sombras e os elementos terra, fogo, ar e ¡gua. http://www.renancampostt.kit.net |
60. About Pagan / Wiccan Religion Terri Paajanen, your Guide to wicca and Pagan Religions, If you are just learningabout wicca or witchcraft, make sure you understand the difference. http://paganwiccan.about.com/mbody.htm | |
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