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21. The History Of Old Catholicism old catholics A Historical Sketch. Who We Are. The old catholics area body What old catholics Believe. The faith of old catholics is http://www.oldcatholic.com/ochistory.html | |
22. Untitled For this reason the ordinations performed by the bishops of the old catholics areconsider valid. A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, revised and http://www.oldcatholic.com/validity.html | |
23. Old Catholics Today, old catholicism is a traditional force, with historical theology that includessuch ideals as sacraments and apostolic succession but foregoes Papal http://home.attbi.com/~gentle.sc/OldCaths.htm | |
24. A Breif Overview Part of the history and fabric of Catholicism is a Rite known as the old catholics. In this case old means original or primitive. The difference between http://home.attbi.com/~gentle.sc/BreifOver.htm | |
25. Patron Saints Index: Old Catholics old catholics. Christian denomination organized in Munich with the Churchof England. There are approximately 250,000 old catholics. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/define32.htm | |
26. The Place Of The Old Catholics In The Work Of Unity The Place of the old catholics in the Work of Unity By the Rev. Now the old catholicshave done what Bossuet would not do they have gone behind Trent. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/pc/cbmoss/work.html | |
27. Project Canterbury: Old Catholicism There are three groups of canonical old catholics 1) Those of the diocese ofUtrecht in the Netherlands, out of communion with the Roman see since the http://justus.anglican.org/resources/pc/oc/ | |
28. Old Catholics old catholics Christian denomination, established by German clergy and laymen whoseparated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church when they rejected (1870 http://www.slider.com/enc/39000/Old_Catholics.htm | |
29. The Old Catholics & Western Orthodoxy Discussion of the old catholics (Union of Utrecht), their relationswith and claims about Western Orthodoxy. THE old catholics. The http://members.truepath.com/Ben_Johnson/Old_Catholic.html | |
30. Old Catholics Seek Identity At The Margins old catholics seek identity at the margins It is an Old Catholic church. old catholicshave lurked at the edge of Christian life for more than a century. http://www.natcath.com/NCR_Online/archives/042399/042399f.htm | |
31. More About Old Catholics More about old catholics. Sorry, this page isn't readyyet. Please try again soon. Back to the Main Page. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgbmxd/oldcath.htm | |
32. Old Catholics Don't Accept Papal Infallibility July 18, 1870 The Pope's Infallibility Declared, old catholics Split. Theywithdrew from the Roman Church, and called themselves old catholics. http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/DAILYF/2002/07/daily-07-18-2002.shtml | |
33. Old Catholics? question. Can old catholics receive communion in the Catholic Church? answer. Allold catholics fall under the provision of Canon 844, paragraph 3 which reads http://www.blessedsacrament.com/theology/q154.html | |
34. ACU Page 2 -- Old Cath / ACU/Links old catholics. Who we are. old catholics are a body of Christianscommitted to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching. We http://www.am-cath.org/ACU2.HTM | |
35. Dutch Old Catholic Liturgy OLD CATHOLIC HISTORY. Who are the old catholics? The old catholics respondedto the Lambeth Appeal of 192O with regard to Christian Unity. http://www.am-cath.org/DTCHLIT.HTM | |
36. Old Catholics Similar pages Saint Matthew Church purpose. Of the various Christian movements in America, few are aslittle known and as much misunderstood as the old catholics. The http://home.earthlink.net/~grossklas/oldcatholics.htm | |
37. Photo Of Old Catholics At Holy Trinity Geneva Left to right The Ven Peter Hawker (Archdeacon of Switzerland); the Revd Samvan Leer (curate of St Ursula, Bern); Bishop FritzRenee Muller; Fr Klaus http://www.europe.anglican.org/news/oldcatholicphoto.html | |
38. Chaplaincies The Diocese Resources News Links Locations The St Willibrord Society exists to promote growing relations betweenAnglicans and old catholics. Each Church has a secretary. http://www.europe.anglican.org/partners/incommunion.html | |
39. Old Catholic History Who We, As old catholics, Are. The old catholics are a body of Christians committedto the Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching. What old catholics Believe. http://members.tripod.com/frnesmith/history.htm | |
40. Wfn.org | EAU CLAIRE AND THE OLD CATHOLICS From the Worldwide Faith News archives www.wfn.org. EAU CLAIRE ANDTHE old catholics. From a.whitefield@quest.org.uk Date 23 Mar 1997 http://www.wfn.org/1997/03/msg00205.html | |
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