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61. Christians Ask Muslims: Table Of Contents Download the complete book in .zip format. Christians Ask muslims.by Gerhard Nehls Introduction. Why do the Bible and the Quran not http://answering-islam.org/Nehls/Ask/ | |
62. BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED TO MUSLIMS Explains the most asked questions of muslims regarding Christianity. http://www.biblicalchristianity.freeserve.co.uk | |
63. Ramadan, The Fasting Month For The Muslims (Submitters)-Ramadan-Ramadhan-Hilal-c Ramadan, the Fasting Month for the muslims (Submitters)Ramadan-Ramadhan-Hilal-crescent-sighting-moon-lunar-calendar-Islamic-Saudi-Arabia-Zakat-Fitr-Eid-Night http://www.submission.org/ramadan.html | |
64. The True Path - Seven Muslims Make Their Greatest Discovery Seven muslims share their testimonies of salvation. http://www.answering-islam.org/Testimonies/TruePath/ | |
65. Islamic Network Islamic Network. http://admin.muslimsonline.com/ | |
66. Basic Beliefs Of Christians And Muslims Table Basic beliefs of Christians and muslims side by side. Belief in, What ChristiansBelieve, What muslims Believe. God, God is three gods merged into one God. http://www.islam101.com/religions/christ_islam.html | |
67. Midwest Association Of Shia Organized Muslims (MASOM) Organizes and promotes religious and educational activities pursuant to Shia faith of Islam. Includes details on religious services and education, local Namaz timetable, social ceremonies, promotion of Shia Islamic fundamentals and codes, and mutual understanding. http://www.masom.com/ | |
68. BBC News | AMERICAS | US Trials Of Muslims Delayed US judges delay trials of muslims for fear of jurors' bias amid a wave of anger over last week's suicide attacks. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1550000/1550037.stm | |
69. Muslims Against Extremism And Fundamentalism Collection of articles by theologically motivated Western converts to Islam who oppose Islamic extremism and fundamentalism. http://www.islamfortoday.com/fundamnetalism.htm | |
70. Muslims Against Terrorism More Information. muslims against Terrorism. Does not Islam, does not Allah requirethat muslims police their own religion and rid themselves of extremists? http://www.islamfortoday.com/terrorism.htm | |
71. Discover Islam Discover the basic beliefs of muslims through a series of posters. http://www.discoverislam.com/ | |
72. Muslims In The West And Around The World Today muslims in the West and around the world today. A Message to American muslims Americans who are embracing us now have shown great Muslim character. http://www.islamfortoday.com/muslimstoday.htm | |
73. Al-Fatiha Foundation International organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender muslims. News, events, chapters, and discussion groups. http://www.al-fatiha.net/ | |
74. Table Of Contents Ninety Nine Names of Allah. About the muslims. Muhammad Speaks News Radio Broadcast.Announcements. Why muslims Don't Eat Pork. Accomplishments of the muslims. Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam Sects http://www.muhammadspeaks.com/ | |
75. The Muslim News Nissam Hafiz is an ArabAmerican. Like thousands of American victims, he is buried under the rubble of the towers of the World Trade Center. UK. http://www.muslimnews.co.uk/news/news.php?article=1082 |
76. 2muslims.com - Muslims Internet Directory & Search Engine: Top Islamic Sites: 2muslims.com The muslims internet Directory And Search engine, the biggest islamicedited directory online. What do you think muslims in the USA need most? http://www.2muslims.com/directory/ | |
77. The Bahai Awareness Homepage Aims at making muslims as well as Bahais aware of little known facts about this Faith. http://www.geocities.com/thebahaitruth/bahai03.html | |
78. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Faith Communities: Muslim Webring connecting sites by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender muslims. http://members.aol.com/gendervariant/faith/muslim/webring.htm | |
79. The Muslim News Monthly newspaper providing news and views of muslims in the United Kingdom.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam News...... War on Iraq is illegal, say Indian muslims 1803-2003 The US has abandoned the UNOption, the Resolution Option, the Inspection Option and in defiance of the http://www.muslimnews.co.uk/ | |
80. Islamic Association Of Australia Charitable organisation dedicated to the promotion of the Islamic religion, culture and social welfare. Organizes activities for local muslims as well as information for the wider community. http://www.irca.org.au/iaahome.htm | |
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