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81. The Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival - Home Page A national youth music festival, held each summer on a different lutheran college campus. Includes Category Society Religion and Spirituality Liturgy and Music......The lutheran Summer Music Academy Festival is committed to strengthening and extendingthe Church's heritage of excellence in music and the arts. http://www.lutheranmusicprogram.org/ |
82. Lutheran Church Extension Fund The lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod church extension fund is a vehicle for investment that also provides Category Society Religion and Spirituality Financial Services...... http://www.lcef.org/ |
83. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT ELCA Church, in Florissant, Missouri. Service schedules, staff information, and information on fellowship programs are included. http://www.elca.org/syn/cong/MO/63031/church.html | |
84. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Official page of Evangelical lutheran Church in Canada seminary at Waterloo, OntarioCategory Society Religion and Spirituality......Waterloo lutheran Seminary provides for the scholarly study of the Christianfaith in an interdenominational setting leading to degrees in divinity and http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwsem/index.shtml | |
85. Bethany Lutheran Church Presents history, newsletter, service schedule, event calendar, and sermon archive. http://www.bethany-lutheran.org/ |
86. Association Of Free Lutheran Congregations Official Website of the AFLC.Category Society Religion and Spirituality...... This page was last updated 20 Feb 2003 1426. Copyright © 2003 by TheAssociation of Free lutheran Congregations. All rights reserved. http://www.aflc.org/ | |
87. Calvary Lutheran Church Member of the ELCA, provides mission statement and service information. http://www.calvaryoh.com/ |
88. Lutheran Office For Governmental Affairs ELCA group which advocates for just US domestic and international policies. Action alerts, information Category Society Religion and Spirituality Social Activism......The lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs (LOGA) advocates for socialjustice on behalf of the Evangelical lutheran Church in America. http://www.loga.org/ | |
89. Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Worship schedule, history, news and photographs. http://www.magma.ca/~faith/ | |
90. Lutheran Social Service Of Minnesota Largest statewide private nonprofit social service agency in Minnesota.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Social Services......lutheran Social Service Mission Statement lutheran Social Service of Minnesotaexpresses the love of Christ for all people through acts of service. . http://www.lssmn.org/ | |
91. Spirit Of Life Lutheran Church Of Jacksonville Florida - A Mission Of The Evange Gathering Community, Building Faith, and Serving Our Lord in Jacksonville Florida. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 1010) http://www.spiritoflifejaxfl.org | |
92. Lutheran Theological Seminary At Philadelphia Homepage A seminary of the Evangelical lutheran Church in America, includes academic information, location Category Society Religion and Spirituality......Homepage for The lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, member of theEastern Cluster of Seminaries of the Evangelical lutheran Church in America. http://www.ltsp.edu/ | |
93. Incarnation Lutheran Church - Columbia SC Contact information, mission statement, description of ministries, and driving instructions for this Devine Street church. http://www.luther95.net/ELCI-CSC/index2.html | |
94. Gundersen Lutheran Online Located in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Information on this complete healthcare network providing primary Category Health Medicine Hospitals Health Systems......From family care to cancer, and broken bones to broken hearts, the professionalsat Gundersen lutheran can help. Gundersen lutheran Online Nursery. http://www.gundluth.org/ | |
95. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Congregation Information ELCA congregation, with Sunday school and vacation Bible school. http://www.elca.org/cgi-bin/fa/fi.dll/congr.search?page=0&congrno=11912 |
96. LEA - Lutheran Education Association A resource for professional lutheran educators.Category Society Religion and Spirituality lutheran Education...... lutheran Education Association, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, IL 60305 Phone 708209-3343 Fax 708-209-3458 E-mail lea@crf.cuis.edu. http://www.lea.org/ | |
97. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Congregation Information Large ELCA parish, with an active Sunday school program. Also offers vacation Bible school. http://www.elca.org/cgi-bin/fa/fi.dll/congr.search?page=0&congrno=11706 |
98. -- International Ministries -- A worldwide international movement of Christians dedicated to bringing Christ to the Nations and the Category Society Religion and Spirituality Media Ministry......lutheran Hour Ministries is a worldwide international movement of Christiansdedicated to bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church. http://www.lhmint.org/ | |
99. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Congregation Information ELCA congregation, with Sunday school and vacation Bible school. Also sponsors Christ Memorial Tender Learning Center, which is a parochial preschool. http://www.elca.org/cgi-bin/fa/fi.dll/congr.search?page=0&congrno=20142 |
100. The Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Finland Official page of Suomen evankelis-luterilainen kirkkoCategory Society Religion and Spirituality Synods Europe......Finnish Swedish The Evangelical lutheran Church of Finland Welcome to ourchurch! The Evangelicallutheran Church of Finland. Mail to Webmaster. http://www.evl.fi/english/ | |
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