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21. Al-Islam Site Calendar Qur'an Feedback Greeting Cards Prayer Multi-lingual free islamic services, including the Quranic recitation, Hadith and Feqh topics. islamic Category Society Religion and Spirituality islam Online Resources......Alislam site, Calendar, Qur'an, Feedback, Greeting cards, Cookies must beenabled. AL-islam site requires that you accept cookies to use our site. http://www.al-islam.com/ | |
22. Stichting Islam En Dialoog Artikelen over interreligieuze dialoog vanuit de islamitische grondbeginselen vrede, barmhartigheid, genade en tolerantie. http://www.xs4all.nl/~siend/ |
23. Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog And Apologetic Read on Does islam Promote Peace? Consider the following seven pieces ofdata. Read on © Answering islam, 1999 2003. All rights reserved. http://answering-islam.org/ | |
24. Www.islam-online.net/ http://www.islam-online.net/ |
25. Islam Online One step source for news, information and a host of interactive services which includeCyber Counsellor, Ask about islam, Matrimonial service, Discussion Forum http://www.islam-online.net/English/index.shtml | |
26. Associazione Islamica Ahl-al-Bait Sito dei Musulmani italiani seguaci della scuola sciita. Contiene descrizione, norme, principii dell'islam sciita. http://www.shia-islam.org | |
27. ISLAM AND HOMOSEXUALITY Cites references to homosexuality in the Qur'an and Hadith, discusses history of islamic legal treatment of sexuality, gives links to other sources. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_isla.htm | |
28. Islam - Informasi Islam Indonesia - Pusat Informasi Dan Komunikasi Islam Indones Pusat informasi dan komunikasi islam Indonesia. http://www.alislam.or.id | |
29. Islam And Islamic Studies Resources for the study of islam, Qur'an, hadith, Sunnah, Sufism, Sufi orders, islamin the modern world, Muslim women, islamic art, architecture, music, and http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/home.html | |
30. ISLAM - Religia, Któr± Warto Poznaæ Jeden z najwiÄkszych serwis³w o islame, zawiera peÅne wydanie Koranu, chat room, kurs modlitwy, serwis informacyjny, galeriÄ, zbi³r artykuųw i in. http://www.islam.pl/ | |
31. Islam And Islamic Studies islam and islamic Studies Resources for the study of islam as a religion and culture,Qur'an, hadith, the Sunnah, Shi'ism Sufism, Sufi orders, islam in the http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/ | |
32. KIVIK Oplysning, materiale og undervisning. Med sp¸rgebrevkasse, Bibelen p¥ arabisk, og udgivelser. http://www.kivik.dk/ | |
33. Christianity Vs. Islam In Africa: A 19th Century Debate - Suite101.com This article deals with a late 19th Century debate in London about whether Christianity had failed in Africa, whether islam was more appropriate for Africa than Christianity, and how racism within Great Britain caused Christian missions to fail in converting and civilizing Africa in the 19th Century. | |
34. Islam.com - Home islamic Information portalCategory Society Religion and Spirituality islam...... Welcome to islam.com Web Directory, http://www.islam.com/ | |
35. Islamski Informativni Portal islamski informativni portal namijenjen edukaciji i informisanju muslimana kao i njegovanju i afirmaciji tradicionalnih vrijednosti BoÄ njaka. http://www.islam.co.ba | |
36. Islam 101 A nice educational site on islam, its civilization and culture. It includes an introductory course Category Society Religion and Spirituality islam......islam101 is an educational site on islam, its civilization and culture. DownloadPowerpoint Presentation, Understanding islam (updated 1/12/03, 1.51 MB). http://www.islam101.com/ | |
37. Islam I Norge Av Oddbj¸rn Leirvik. Med statistikk, artikkel om forskjellige retninger og tendenser, litteraturoversikt og oversikt over muslimske organisasjonar og mosk©er i Norge. http://folk.uio.no/leirvik/tekster/IslamiNorge.html | |
38. ISLAM MENU islam. The second largest world religion and growing. Click Here toVisit our Sponsors. Quotation The messenger 1. About islam Estimates http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm | |
39. Verde Islam. Revista De Información Y Análisis Revista digital isl¡mica de informaci³n y an¡lisis, generada en Espa±a. http://www.verdeislam.com/ | |
40. Section 8.6 Polygamy In Islam Shows all of the verses on polygamy in the Qur'an. http://members.aol.com/MAmalek1/ch8s6.htm | |
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