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21. LCSHJ Information about the philosophy and beliefs of Secular and humanistic judaism, and a list of clergy capable of performing weddings (including interfaith weddings and commitment ceremonies) and other lifecycle ceremonies. http://www.lcshj.org | |
22. Welcome To The City Congregation For Humanistic Judaism, New York City The City Congregation for humanistic judaism New York City NewYork home The City Congregation for humanistic judaism. Join http://www.humanistjew.org/CityCongregationHome.htm | |
23. Congregation For Humanistic Judaism Of Fairfield County, Connecticut. Links Welcome to Congregation for humanistic judaism of Fairfield County,Connecticut. National Society for humanistic judaism. www.shj.org. http://www.humanisticjews.org/links.htm | |
24. Triangle Congregation For Humanistic Judaism humanistic judaism embraces a humancentered philosophy that combines rationalthinking with a celebration of Jewish culture and identity. http://www.hjnc.org/ | |
25. Triangle Congregation For Humanistic Judaism humanistic judaism embraces a humancentered philosophy that combines rational thinkingwith a celebration of Jewish culture and identity. humanistic judaism. http://www.hjnc.org/humanistic_judaism/ | |
26. NMCHJ Main Page New Mexico humanistic judaism. humanistic judaism is a voice for Jews who valuetheir Jewish identity and who seek an alternative to conventional Judaism. http://www.flash.net/~kcraw/ | |
27. New Mexico Community For Humanistic Judaism PO Box 92512 New Mexico Community for humanistic judaism. PO Box 92512. Albuquerque, NM 87109. AnAffiliate of the National Society for humanistic judaism. APRIL 1999. http://www.flash.net/~kcraw/news.htm | |
28. About Adat Chaverim, Valley Congregation For Humanistic Judaism, San Fernando Va . Secular humanistic judaism is not Judaism lite, or a less demandingversion of Reform Judaism. - It is a bold statement by those http://www.vchj.net/about.htm | |
29. Congregation Of Humanistic Judaism In Sarasota Florida humanistic judaism is a notheistic alternative in contemporary Jewish life. TheSociety for humanistic judaism was organized in 1969 by Rabbi Sherwin Wine. http://www.jewish-sarasota.org/humanistic/ | |
30. Affiliates Northern California Society for humanistic judaism,. Society for humanistic judaism,San Diego, Alex Levin Chapter,. New Mexico Community for humanistic judaism. http://www.jewish-sarasota.org/humanistic/affiliates.htm | |
31. Cdinfo Community for humanistic judaism. home. New CD! Songs of HumanisticJudaism. by the Music Makers. Here is a collection of Jewish music http://www.kolshalom.org/cdinfo.html | |
32. What Is Humanistic Judaism What is humanistic judaism? humanistic judaism is a nontheistic alternative in contemporaryJewish life. There's a lot more to humanistic judaism, of course. http://www.bethchai.org/humanistic.html | |
33. BBC Religion & Ethics - Atheism - Types Of Atheism - Humanistic Judaism Atheism Types of Atheism humanistic judaism humanistic judaism doesn'tproclaim that there is no God, but it does do without God http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/atheism/isms/judaism.shtml | |
34. Types|Judaism|BBC World Service searches.. Reform Jews and humanistic judaism. Reform Reconstructionistand humanistic judaism are modern American movements. They are http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/people/features/world_religions/judaism_types. | |
35. Judaism Reading List: Humanistic Judaism (Pt. VII) MultiPage. Judaism Reading List humanistic judaism (Pt. VII). HumanisticJudaism is less well known than Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/humanistic/ | |
36. Judaism Reading List: Humanistic Judaism (Pt. VII) Single Page Judaism Reading List humanistic judaism (Pt. VII). HumanisticJudaism is less well known than Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/humanistic/preamble.html | |
37. Soc Culture Jewish Humanistic Judaism Reading List: Index Soc.Culture.Jewish Newsgroups Reading Lists. www.scjfaq.org/rl. HumanisticJudaism Reading List. Search this site powered by FreeFind. http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/jsh-index.html | |
38. Soc Culture Jewish Humanistic Judaism Reading List: Introduction humanistic judaism Reading List Introduction. Humanistic humanistic judaismis less well known than Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform. But http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/jsh-intro.html | |
39. Whatishj What is humanistic judaism? The Society for humanistic judaism. The AmericanHumanist Association. Personal Views of humanistic judaism. http://home.teleport.com/~hellman/whatishj.html | |
40. The Humanistic Judaism Mailing List The humanistic judaism Mailing List. A mailing list is available forall those with an interest in exploring and/or furthering the http://home.teleport.com/~hellman/mailing.html | |
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